Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


·         To brief Cabinet on the progress made against the Council’s Comprehensive Equality Policy (2007-2010);

·         To seek Cabinet’s approval in the development of a Single Equality Policy that will cover the Council, NHS Herefordshire and Hereford Hospitals Trust; and,

·         To advise Cabinet on the progress made in developing the first joint Disability Equality Scheme (DES) (2009-2012) across the Council, NHS Herefordshire, and Hereford Hospitals Trust.





(a)        the progress and work that has been achieved through the Comprehensive Equality Policy be acknowledged;


(b)               the development of a single equality policy across Herefordshire’s Public Services be agreed; and

(c)               the progress to date in developing the Disability Equality Scheme and the timescale for publication be acknowledged.


Reasons for the decision:

1                    The Comprehensive Equality Policy (CEP) has outlined much of the work Herefordshire Council has undertaken in regards to Equality and Diversity, and there have been a number of significant successes which include:

a.      Achieving level 3 of the Equality Standard for Local Government and the “Achieving Level” of the Equality Framework for Local Government following a successful peer challenge by the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA).

b.      Successfully completing a three-year programme of Equality Impact Assessments which have enabled the organisation to mainstream the equality agenda throughout the organisation.

c.      Developed and implemented a community consultation group “Herefordshire 100” specifically targeted at getting views from minority groups.

d.      The introduction of Equality and Diversity training for Members and employees, including bespoke training sessions on Disability, Race and LGBT[1] issues.

e.      A programme of events to encourage social cohesion including LGBT History Month, Holocaust Memorial Day, Safe Sound & Sorted (safeguarding event), and the “No Prejudice in Herefordshire” campaign.

2                    Organisationally the Council has changed since the last CEP and there is now a Joint Management Team that covers the Council and NHS Herefordshire.  We are also working in closer partnership with Hereford Hospitals Trust.

3                    The draft Disability Equality Scheme (DES) (2009-2012) is the first joint policy designed to span the Council, NHS Herefordshire, and Hereford Hospitals Trust.


[1] LGBT – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Alternative options considered:

That each of the three organisations takes responsibility for producing their own individual policies and action plans to ensure their compliance with legislation. This would not be cost effective.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Publication date: 30/10/2009

Date of decision: 29/10/2009