Decision details

Award a contract for improvement works up to a value of £301,533.24 at The Old Museum (Black and White House), Hereford.

Decision Maker: Strategic Assets Delivery Director

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To award the contract to Splitlath Ltd to carry out repair works to The Old House Museum (Black and White House), Hereford who carried out the initial works but soon became clear that further funding would be needed to carry out the improvements to the Grade I Listed Building. Therefore, temporary works were carried out to secure the building and make it water tight through the winter whilst capital funding was sought.

The specialist contractor has extensive knowledge of the building following investigations and findings carried out on site last year with a conservation architect. The contractor is aware of the repair methods and numerous conditions that have been found.

Works include repairs to all defective infill panels on external elevations together with associated repairs to timber including frame, windows, bargeboards and finials.

Access to the site is via bollard entrance to High Town off St Peter’s Square, there will be limited parking adjacent to the site, additional parking can be arranged.

The Contractor shall ensure that the PM is consulted on access routes to the individual working areas in order to avoid possible damage and accidents. There is continuous use of the remainder of the site during the works.

To approve the works expenditure of up to £301,533.24. which includes
£26,220.28 contingency and £13,110.01 for professional fees.

The remainder will be funded from the underspend on phase 1 of the works if required.

Responsibility for delivering works to be carried out by the Capital Senior
Project Manager within the spend budget.

Contact: Annie Ahearne, Programme Coordinator Email:

Publication date: 06/06/2024

Date of decision: 02/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: