

18/08/2017 - Education and Skills Funding Agency Grant for Adult and Community Learning ref: 4735    Recommendations Approved

To approve the acceptance of grant funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for the delivery of the council’s adult and community learning plan. To ensure effective spend of the ESFA grant against relevant government and Herefordshire Council priorities, the report proposes delegating authority to the Director for Children’s Wellbeing to complete the contractual arrangements needed to accept the funding and to do so in future years that this grant funding remains available. All funds received will be directed to meet the priorities in the council’s adopted Adult and Community Learning Plan, utilising providers on the council’s established framework and in accordance with any grant conditions which may be set nationally. See Annex 1 ESFA funding allocation letter.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member young people and children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 12/11/2019

Effective from: 26/08/2017



(a)        the ESFA grant of £509,945 for the delivery of adult and community learning for the academic year 2017/2018 be accepted; and

(b)        the Director for Children’s Wellbeing be authorised to complete the necessary contractual arrangements in order to access the ESFA adult and community learning grant in 2017/18 and in future years.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Alexia Heath

06/03/2018 - Allocation of 2 year Nursery Education Fund spend ref: 5038    Recommendations Approved


To agree that a two year underspend in the dedicated school grant (early years pot) of £890k funding will be used to fund Solihull training, speech and language and training for early years professionals and parents.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member young people and children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 06/03/2018

Effective from: 13/03/2018




(a) the £890,000 underspend in dedicated schools grant funding for nursery education for two year olds be applied, as recommended by Schools Forum, to support the following:


i. an early years speech and language service for children aged 2 to 5 be commissioned for a period of up to three years at a total cost of £590,000 with effect from April 1st 2018

ii. a one-off fund of £200,000 be established to support early years training and conferences for parents and practitioners;

iii. the Solihull approach be delivered across multi-disciplinary teams and online Solihull training for parents be offered at a cost of £70k birth resolution trauma training for professionals be delivered at a cost of£30k; and


(b) the director for children’s wellbeing be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendations, including procurement and award of contract, within the approved budget allocations.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julia Stephens

20/11/2017 - Introduction of local controls regarding the release of sky lanterns and helium balloons ref: 4881    Recommendations Approved

To consider the executive response to the motion to Council seeking restriction on the use of sky lanterns and to introduce local controls regarding the use of sky lanterns at Council run events, private events that are undertaken on Council owned or leased land. To seek to use a model licensing condition, for applicants to offer on their application or members to apply when applications come before them, as a way to curtail the use of sky lanterns on private sites i.e licensed wedding venues and licensed premises.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member economy and corporate services

Decision published: 21/11/2017

Effective from: 28/11/2017




(a)  a standard licence condition to allow the council, as the licensing authority, to encourage restricting the use of sky lanterns at licensed premises under the public safety licensing objective, be implemented with immediate effect which applicants may choose to offer within their application or which may be imposed, as appropriate, by the council when considering applications which come before it;


(b)  a condition be included in the terms of use for council owned land (highways, parks, new lease or license agreements) to restrict the release of sky lanterns and helium balloons when land is hired or used for events;


(c)  a local policy be implemented with immediate effect prohibiting the use of sky lanterns and helium balloons at all council organised events and premises; and


(d)  the assistant director of environment and place be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendations including undertaking a publicity campaign to raise awareness of the environmental consequences of balloon and Chinese/sky lantern releases.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Marc Willimont

09/11/2017 - Continued resourcing for legal disputes ref: 4824    Recommendations Approved

To approve the additional allocation of resources required to effectively respond to a legal dispute, over and above that already agreed in February 2017, January 2016 and February 2015. 



Decision Maker: Cabinet member economy and corporate services

Decision published: 09/11/2017

Effective from: 16/11/2017




(a) authority be delegated to the director for economy, communities and corporate to draw down and deploy additional  funds from the agreed litigation reserve to resource the ongoing legal dispute as detailed in exempt appendix 1.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Erica Hermon

01/11/2017 - Extension of regional residential childrens home framework agreement ref: 4842    Recommendations Approved

To approve the renewal of the contract for the West Midlands residential framework for a period of one year up to December 2018.

Decision Maker: Director for children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 31/10/2017

Effective from: 08/11/2017





Approval is given for Herefordshire to implement the contractual option to renew the West Midlands Residential Children’s Home Framework agreement for 12 months to December 2018.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sandra Griffiths

26/10/2017 - Nursery education funding agreement 2017 ref: 4821    Recommendations Approved

To approve a model Herefordshire Nursery Education Funding (NEF) Agreement to support implementation of the 30 hours free entitlement to nursery education for two, three and four year olds, which commenced on 1 September 2017.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 26/10/2017

Effective from: 02/11/2017




(a)  the draft Herefordshire Nursery Education Funding Agreement 2017 (at appendix 1) be approved; and


(b)  the director for children’s wellbeing be authorised to take all necessary operational decisions to complete agreements with relevant providers, within approved funding allocations.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julia Stephens

26/10/2017 - Commissioning intentions for universal and early help services for children, young people and families ref: 4820    Recommendations Approved

To approve the commissioning intentions for public health nursing and early help services.

These will be part of Herefordshire’s approach to supporting families and providing early help for children and young people aged 0 to 19 and up to 25 for young people with a disability and/or additional health needs. This includes public health nursing (encompassing health visiting and school nursing) and an approach which supports greater integration with children’s centre services, early years and early help services together with wider family befriending, mentoring and third sector services from April 2018.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 26/10/2017

Effective from: 02/11/2017




(a)  the responses to the recommendations of the children and young people scrutiny committee at paragraph 40 be approved;

(b)  a new 0 to 25 integrated public health nursing service for a period of up to five years, to commence on 1 April 2018 at a maximum cost of £13,070,700 over this term, be procured;

(c)  the director for adults and wellbeing, following consultation with the directors for children’s wellbeing and public health, be authorised to take all necessary operational decisions, including award of contract, to implement the above recommendation within the budget set;

(d)  family mentoring services be procured for a period of up to two years at a maximum cost of £166k for 2018/19, with an option to extend for a further year, subject to continued funding being available;

(e)  pending the procurement referenced at recommendation (d) above; existing service delivery arrangements, across the county, for family befriending services provided by Homestart and Vennture be extended to the end of March 2018 at a cost of £167k in 2017/18; and

(f)   the director for children’s wellbeing be authorised to take all necessary operational decisions including award of contract to implement recommendations (d) and (e) above.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Lindsay MacHardy

29/09/2017 - Community Commissioning Model for Public Realm Services ref: 4778    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval of the community commissioning model, an approach that enables communities to procure various public realm services through the council’s service provider(s).

Decision Maker: Cabinet member transport and roads

Decision published: 29/09/2017

Effective from: 06/10/2017




(a)     The community commissioning model is approved and implemented with effect from the 1st October 2017.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Laura Lloyd

28/09/2017 - Youth Justice Plan 2017-2018 ref: 4782    Recommendations Approved

To recommend the Youth Justice Plan 2017/18 for approval by full Council (appendix a).

The Youth Justice Plan (the plan) forms part of the council’s budget and policy framework and is

therefore reserved to full Council to approve.

The plan is prepared on an annual basis on behalf of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford and

Wrekin and Worcestershire councils. The basic plan preparation is undertaken by the West

Mercia Youth Justice Service according to the deadlines and content requirements set by the

Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB).

The plan sets out how youth justice services across West Mercia are structured and resourced

and identifies key actions to address identified risks to service delivery and improvement.

Under section 40 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, each council has a duty to produce a plan



Further information on the subject of this report is available from

Keith Barham, head of service West Mercia Youth Justice Service (YJS) 01905 732200 or

Chris Baird, interim director for children’s wellbeing Tel: 01432 260264or

setting out how youth justice services in their area are provided and funded and how the youth

offending service for the area is funded and composed, the plan is submitted to the YJB.

The plan for 2017/18 was prepared in May 2017 in line with the guidance issued by the YJB. A

copy is appended.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision published: 28/09/2017

Effective from: 28/09/2017




(a) the Youth Justice Plan (at appendix A) is recommended to full Council for approval.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Baird

28/09/2017 - The rescheduling of debt repayment costs ref: 4786    Recommendations Approved

To approve an amendment to the minimum revenue provision policy in the treasury management strategy.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/09/2017

Effective from: 28/09/2017


(a)  It be recommended to full Council that an amendment be approved to the current MRP policy within the Treasury Management Strategy to be based on the estimated life of the assets, in accordance with regulations, and the method of repayment to be through an annuity calculation (providing a consistent overall annual borrowing charge).

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove

21/09/2017 - SENDIASS Service Review Project ref: 4777    Recommendations Approved

To approve arrangements for the interim support and supervision of the Herefordshire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) staff team and to arrange for an external review of the SENDIASS service with an options appraisal and recommendations for service structure and delivery from 2018.


While the service is operated within the council, with its staff being council employees, it is operated at arm’s length in order to maintain a degree of independence, particularly to be seen as independent from the council’s additional needs service for children with special educational needs. This means that the service has been self-managed for several years, while national arrangements have changed and are expected to continue to change. Following the retirement of the previous service manager, there is an opportunity to engage external technical advice and support to review the service and future expected demands, in order to plan for a sustainable and effective service in the long term.

Worcestershire County Council also operates a SENDIASS service, which has undergone some change and improvement in recent years that allows opportunity for peer support and challenge and potential to apply learning in Herefordshire.

Decision Maker: Director for children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 21/09/2017

Effective from: 28/09/2017




(a)     Herefordshire Council to enter into an agreement with Worcestershire County Council for a period of six months from 1 September 2017 to 31 March 2018, at a cost of £20K, for the latter to share staff (under the provisions of Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972) to provide  technical management oversight and a review of the Herefordshire SENDIASS;


(b)     By virtue of this decision report an exemption to paragraphs 4.6.11 of the council’s contract procedure rules shall be granted to enable the direct award for the reasons as set out in paragraph 16 below and referred to throughout this report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Frankie Green

20/09/2017 - Discretionary Business Rates Revaluation Relief Policy ref: 4758    Recommendations Approved

Following the national business rates revaluation central government announced the availability of new reliefs, this report is to agree the newDiscretionary Business Rates Revaluation Policy for Herefordshire to be adopted with immediate effect.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member corporate strategy and budget

Decision published: 20/09/2017

Effective from: 27/09/2017




theDiscretionary Business Rates Revaluation Relief  Policy at appendix 1 be approved and implemented with immediate effect.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove

06/09/2017 - Regional Joint Commissioning, Supported Accommodation Framework for 16/17 year olds ref: 4745    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to enter into a partnership with other West Midlands Councils but in particular Staffordshire County Council (acting as lead procurement council) and deliver a Framework for Supported Accommodation Provider Agencies to provide a list of providers and rates for Supported Accommodation Services to be used when 16/17 year olds who are accepted as homeless and treated as in care under section 20 of the Children Act. It also so seeks approval to delegate the decision to enter into contractual arrangements with successful providers in line with the framework terms should it be deemed appropriate to do so.

The framework will not commit the council to any expenditure unless a young person is placed with an agency. The council will utilise the framework on a tiered basis with the most effective providers (in terms of cost and quality) being approached first. However it allows the council certainty in terms of clearly identified fees obtained through a competitive tender process.

Whilst this seeks to reduce the overall cost of supported accommodation care to the council from independent agencies the council will reserve the right not to accept or enter into contractual arrangements with any individual or all providers.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member young people and children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 06/09/2017

Effective from: 13/09/2017



(a)         Herefordshire Council join the West Midlands Councils Framework for supported accommodation provider agencies, terminating no later than 8 January 2021; and



the director for children’s wellbeing be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to maintain Herefordshire Council’s participation in the framework having regard to the favourability of the fees, terms and conditions established by the framework and provider performance.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sandra Griffiths

04/09/2017 - Library service review of charges ref: 4748    Recommendations Approved


To approve proposed changes to charges for services offered by the library service.

A full review of library charges is required to ensure charges are appropriate and easy for customers to understand; that they cover costs and generate additional income where possible; and that they encourage library use, not discourage it.

The proposed changes are in response to a cabinet report of 13 October 2016 in which a staffing and efficiency target of £80k was set for the financial year 2017/18 which includes charging. The proposed increases will contribute towards the savings target for the service. They are designed to balance the need to recover costs, against the possibility of discouraging and inhibiting use by some members of the public. They are further designed to encourage library use by key groups, particularly children and young people; and optimise charges to enable easier use of the self-service library kiosks.

It is proposed that the changes in charges are introduced during national libraries week along with a week long amnesty on overdue books. An amnesty provides opportunity for promotion along with recalling books people have not returned.


Decision Maker: Assistant director communities (Historic)

Decision published: 04/09/2017

Effective from: 12/09/2017



a) the proposed list of charges (at appendix 1) for services offered by the library service be approved and implemented from 9th October 2017;

b) an amnesty on overdue charges across Herefordshire Libraries runs during National Libraries Week (week of 9th October 2017);

c) charges be reviewed annually and where appropriate increased in line with inflation with delegated authority to the Library Services Manager.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Natalia Silver

30/08/2017 - Feasibility work to provide options for Marlbrook Primary School ref: 4744    Recommendations Approved

To enable approval to be given for the completion of feasibility work to establish options and costs to make Marlbrook primary school a three form entry school and to prepare the necessary application documents and reports to support a planning application and any decisions regarding capital expenditure.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member corporate strategy and budget

Decision published: 30/08/2017

Effective from: 06/09/2017



the interim director of children’s wellbeing be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to complete feasibility work, including information that is necessary to support a planning application, to a total cost of £210k.

Wards affected: Red Hill;

Lead officer: Chris Baird

11/08/2017 - Members' induction programme ref: 4699    Recommendations Approved

To approve the members’ induction programme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member health and wellbeing

Decision published: 11/08/2017

Effective from: 19/08/2017



(a)         that the outline members’ induction programme at appendix 1 is approved.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Caroline Marshall

04/08/2017 - Challenge Fund ref: 4724    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 07/08/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017


To allocate a total of £3 million (for the avoidance of doubt, including the £1.675 million as the decision ‘Advance works – Challenge Fund’ taken on 21 July 2017) from the council’s capital programme, along with the £5m received from the Department for Transport, in works as described in the Council’s successful bid to the Local Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund in 2017/18 through the 2017/18 Public Realm Annual Plan.

Lead officer: Sonya Morris

26/07/2017 - Advance Works - Challenge Fund ref: 4725    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 07/08/2017

Effective from: 26/07/2017


To reallocate £1.675 million from the Council existing capital programme in advance works related to the Local Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund in 2017/18 through the 2017/18 Public Realm Annual Plan

Lead officer: Sonya Morris

04/08/2017 - Potential data breach - record of officer decision

To advise the committee on the circumstances behind a wrongly published decision notice

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 29/11/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Erica Hermon

Notice of decision: 04/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

03/08/2017 - Renewal of family befriending and mentoring service provision to 31st March 2018    Abandoned

To approve the renewal of Herefordshire’s family mentoring services to 31st March 2018.

Decision Maker: Director for children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision due date: 25/08/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Frankie Green

Notice of decision: 03/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

03/08/2017 - Signing of 2016/17 statement of accounts    Recommendations Approved

To seek the audit and governance committee’s approval of the 2016/17 statement of accounts

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 20/09/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove

Notice of decision: 03/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

03/08/2017 - Feasibility Works for Mordiford and Peterchurch Primary Schools    Abandoned

The report seeks to gain approval for the completion of a feasibility exercise linked to two priority areas of the school capital investment strategy (SCIS), in order to determine the best option for improvement to the following schools
• Mordiford Primary School access and road safety are issues that need addressing.
• Peterchurch Primary School needs to be rebuilt.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision due date: 04/09/2017

Wards affected: Backbury; Golden Valley North;

Lead officer: Susan Woodrow

Notice of decision: 03/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

02/08/2017 - 162809 - TOM'S PATCH, STANFORD BISHOP, BRINGSTY ref: 4715    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 02/08/2017 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 02/08/2017


The application was refused contrary to the Case Officer’s recommendation.

Wards affected: Bishops Frome and Cradley;

02/08/2017 - 170984 - LAND AT FOUR WINDS, PHOCLE GREEN, ROSS-ON-WYE. ref: 4716    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 02/08/2017 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 02/08/2017


The application was refused in accordance with the Case Officer’s recommendation.

Wards affected: Old Gore;

02/08/2017 - 162261 - LAND OFF ASHFIELD WAY, BROMYARD, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR7 4BF ref: 4714    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 02/08/2017 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 02/08/2017


Consideration of the application was deferred pending a site visit.

Wards affected: Bromyard West;

02/08/2017 - 170465 - LAND ADJACENT TO HOLLY BROOK COTTAGE, LYDE, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR4 8AD ref: 4717    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Regulatory Committee

Made at meeting: 02/08/2017 - Planning and Regulatory Committee

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 02/08/2017


The application was approved in accordance with the Case Officer’s recommendation with an additional condition.

Wards affected: Queenswood;

01/08/2017 - Unit 3 Pontrilas Business Park ref: 4720    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 01/08/2017


To grant an Occupational Licence to the proposed tenant whilst lease in preparation

Lead officer: Suzanne Garlick

28/07/2017 - Herefordshire Country Fair 2017 ref: 4719    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 28/07/2017


To grant an Occupational Licence to Herefordshire Country Fair to allow the event to be held on the King George V Playing Field, City of Hereford on 6th August 2017

Lead officer: Suzanne Garlick

01/08/2017 - Contract extension for Ryefields day opportunities service ref: 4718    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for adults and wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 03/08/2017

Effective from: 01/08/2017


To extend a contract to Brandon Trust for the provision of the Ryefields day opportunities services through a variation notice.

Lead officer: Laura Ferguson

24/07/2017 - Court Orchard, Fownhope: Proposed Introduction of Parking Restrictions ref: 4713    For Determination

To consider the introduction of parking restrictions in Court Orchard, Fownhope near to St. Mary's C of E Primary School access to alleviate the parking congestion prevalent on the bend where the forward visibility and passing room is being severely compromised by parked vehicles.


Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 24/07/2017



(a)    having carefully considered all comments received, a Traffic Regulation Order   be implemented the effect of which will introduce waiting restrictions on the road as detailed below:


Prohibition of waiting at any time:

U72216 Court Orchard:

i)      On the north side from a point 200 metres in a northerly then westerly direction from its junction with the B4224 for a distance of 51 metres in a westerly direction.


Any previous TRO, or part TRO, relating to the above, shall be revoked on implementation of the above said provisions.


Wards affected: Backbury;

24/07/2017 - A466 & C1264 Tump Lane, Wormelow Tump: Proposed Reduction of Speed Limit and Introduction of Weight Limit ref: 4712    Recommendations Approved

To consider a reduction of the existing speed limits on the A466 and C1264 Tump Lane through Wormelow Tump. In addition this report also considers the introduction of a 7.5t weight limit on the C1264 Tump Lane along its full length from its junctions with the A49 and A466


Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 24/07/2017



(a)   having carefully considered all comments received, a Traffic Regulation Order be implemented the effect of which will introduce restrictions on the roads as detailed below:


30 mph Speed Limit:


      i)         From a point 30 metres north of its junction with the C1264 Tump Lane to a point 50 metres south of its southern junction with the B4348.


      i)         From its northern junction with the A466 for a distance of 171.2 metres in a north westerly direction.

     ii)         From its southern junction with the A466 for a distance of 75 metres in a south easterly direction.

C1264 Tump Lane

      i)         For its full length from its junction with the A49 to its junction with the A466.

U71620 Tump Lane Side Road

      i)         For its full length from its junction with the C1264 Tump Lane.


7.5 tonnes Weight Limit (except for access):

C1264 Tump Lane, Wormelow

        i)         For its full length from its junction with the A49 to its junction with the A466.


Any previous TRO, or part TRO, relating to the above, shall be revoked on implementation of the above said provisions.

Previous Traffic Orders to be revoked in their entirety:

(40 M.P.H. SPEED LIMIT) (NO. 6) ORDER 1988



Wards affected: Birch;

24/07/2017 - B4214 Bishops Frome: Proposed Introduction of Parking Restrictions ref: 4711    Recommendations Approved

A request was received from the Bishops Frome Parish Council to investigate the parking in Bishop’s Frome around the shop that was located on the corner of the B4214 and the C1133 adjacent to The Chase Inn. On visiting the site investigations showed that the shop is now closed, converted to residential and the shop in the village now appears to be located as part of the Village Hall as the Bishops Frome Community Shop. The initial observations did not reveal any parking issues along the B4214 and the C1133 through the village and this was relayed back to Bishops Frome Parish Council and the Local Member Councillor Patricia Morgan for comment.


The Parish Council accepted that the original request was no longer relevant but wished to highlight a parking issue in Bishops Frome on the bends by the church. It is alleged that cars have been parking on both sides of the road here causing difficulty particularly for lorries and farm vehicles coming through the village. The Parish Council therefore hoped that this issue could be investigated in place of the original request as the location is very close to the original and asked that the introduction of parking restrictions could be considered between the church and the Chase Inn. The proposals are depicted on the enclosed plan HD/T/BFR/161505/1a (Appendix B this report).


Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 24/07/2017


THAT having carefully considered all comments received, a Traffic Regulation Order be made the effect of which will introduce waiting restrictions on the road as detailed below:


Prohibition of waiting at any time:


i)      On the north east side from a point 26 metres north of the centreline of its junction with the C1133 for a distance of 57 metres in a southerly then easterly direction.

ii)     On the south west side from its junction with the C1133 for a distance of 80 metres in an easterly then southerly direction.


i)      On the south side from its junction with the B4214 for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction.


Any previous TRO, or part TRO, relating to the above, shall be revoked on implementation of the above said provisions.


Wards affected: Bishops Frome and Cradley;

24/07/2017 - Etnam Street & Pinsley Road, Leominster: Proposed Introduction of Parking Restrictions and extension of Residents' Parking ref: 4710    Recommendations Approved

After receiving a formal request from the Local Member, who had received representations from local residents, proposals were drawn up for the introduction of parking restrictions. After discussions and resident consultations the final proposals look to introduce a prohibition of waiting, loading and unloading at any time in order to combat the regular habitual parking of vehicles on the footways adjacent to the two pedestrian crossings and alongside the built out footway to the west of the junction with Falconer Street that is hampering visibility and passage to through traffic in each of these areas. The proposals are depicted on the enclosed plans HD/T/LEO/1652/2a and HD/T/LEO/1652/3a (Appendix B and C to this report).


In addition, a request has also been received from the residents of the Coach House, located on the spur road off Pinsley Road, asking that consideration be given to the introduction of additional parking restrictions and an extra residents’ permit parking bay to be included into Zone LF as shown on the enclosed plan HD/T/LEO/1652/1a (Appendix D to this report).


Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 24/07/2017


THAT having carefully considered all comments received, a Traffic Regulation Order be made the effect of which will introduce waiting restrictions on the roads as detailed below:


Prohibition of waiting at any time:

C1105 Etnam Street:

      i)         On the north side from a point 5 metres east of its junction with the centre line of U93632 School Lane to a point 35 metres east of that junction;

     ii)         On the north side from the centre line of entrance to Etnam Street Car Park to a point 25 metres west of that junction;

    iii)         On the north side from a point 24.5 metres west of its junction with the centre line of U93619 Falconer Place to a point 13 metres east of that junction;

   iv)         On the south side from a point 2 metres west of its junction with the centre line of U93632 School Lane to a point 10.5 metres east of that junction;

    v)         On the north side from its junction with the centre line of U93620 Pinsley Road to a point 95 metres west of that junction;

   vi)         On the south side from its junction with the centre line of U93620 Pinsley Road to a point 19 metres west of that junction.

C1105 Worcester Road

      i)         On both sides from its junction with the centre line of U93620 Pinsley Road to a point 30 metres south of that junction.

U93620 Pinsley Road

i)      On both sides from the junction with the C1105 Etnam Street for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction.

ii)     On the north east side of the spur road from a point 69 metres south east of its junction with the U93621 Church Street for its entire length in a south easterly direction.


Prohibition of waiting, loading and unloading at any time:

C1105 Etnam Street:

      i)         On the north side from a point 12 metres west of its junction with the centre line of U93632 School Lane to a point 5 metres east of that junction;

     ii)         On the north side from the centre line of entrance to Etnam Street Car Park to a point 20 metres east of that junction;

    iii)         On the south side from a point 2 metres west of its junction with the centre line of U93632 School Lane to a point 26 metres west of that junction;

   iv)         On the south side from a point 3 metres west of its junction with the centre line of entrance to Etnam Street Car Park to a point 34 metres west of that junction.


Prohibition of waiting between 8.00 am to 6.00 pm on Monday to Saturday:

C1105 Etnam Street:

      i)         On the north side from its junction with the eastern kerb line of U93624 South Street to a point 47 metres west of that junction;

     ii)         On the south side from its junction with the eastern kerb line of U93624 South Street to a point 37 metres west of that junction.


Waiting restricted to 2 hours with no return permitted within 4 hours between 8.00 am to 6.00 pm on Monday to Saturday, except for Resident Parking Permit or Visitors Parking Permit holders:

U93620 Pinsley Road:

i)          On the south west side of the spur road from a point 69 metres south east of its junction with the U93621 Church Street for its entire length in a south easterly direction.


Any previous TRO, or part TRO, relating to the above, shall be revoked on implementation of the above said provisions.


Wards affected: Leominster East;

31/07/2017 - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Modification Order to add a Byway Open To All Traffic in the Parish of Peterstow, a Restricted Byway in the Parishes of Peterstow and Hentland and a Restricted Byway in the Parish of Peterstow ref: 4709    Recommendations Approved

To seek a decision to make a Definitive Map Modification Order to add a section of Byway Open To All Traffic (BOAT) in the Parish of Peterstow, and two sections of Restricted Byway in the Parishes of Peterstow and Hentland in consequence of the duty set out in section 53(2)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to keep the council’s Definitive Map and Statement under continuous review.

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 31/07/2017





            An order be made under the provisions of section 53(2)(b) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, in consequence of events under sections 53(3)(c)(i) of that Act to add to the Definitive Map and Statement: -


·       a Byway Open to all Traffic with a width of four metres in the Parish of Peterstow, as shown between points A and B on drawing number M274/275 at Appendix 1 to this report;


·       a Restricted Byway with a width of four metres in the Parishes of Peterstow and Hentland, as shown between points B and G on drawing number M274/275 at Appendix 1 to this report and


·       a Restricted Byway with a width of four metres in the Parish of Peterstow as shown between points H and I on drawing number M274/275 at Appendix 1 to this report


and THAT:


That part of the original application for a Byway Open to all Traffic in the Parish of Peterstow between the unclassified road U71015 and Point A on the plan at Appendix 1 to this report be rejected.


Wards affected: Golden Valley South; Llangarron;

28/07/2017 - Highways Act 1980, Section 119 Proposed Public Path Diversion Order Footpath LO6 (Part) in the Parish of Llanrothal and GW27A (Part) in the Parish of Garway and concurrent Highways Act 1980, Section 118 Proposed Public Path Extinguishment Order Footp ref: 4707    Recommendations Approved

To consider an application under the Highways Act 1980, section 119, to make a public path diversion order to divert part of footpath LO6 in the parish of Llanrothal and part of footpath GW27A in the parish of Garway and a concurrent application under the Highways Act 1980 section 118 to make a public path extinguishment order to extinguish part of footpath LO3 in the parish of Llanrothal.

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 28/07/2017



(a)    A public path diversion order, for definitive footpath LO6 in the parish of Llanrothal and GW27A in the parish of Garway, is made in accordance with section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 and concurrent public path extinguishment order, for definitive footpath LO3 in the parish of Llanrothal is made in accordance with section 118 of the Highways Act 1980 as shown in the draft order and plan D475iii/243-6 in the Appendix to this report.

(b)     In the event that there are no unwithdrawn objections to the formal advertising of the orders, they are then  confirmed as satisfying the criteria in sub section (6) of the above section, for such confirmation


Wards affected: Birch; Llangarron;

02/08/2017 - Servelec HSC Synergy Annual Software Renewal ref: 4708    Recommendations Approved

To secure approval for the continued provision of license and support for the Servelec – Synergy software application suite which supports the 3 statutory services of Admissions, Family Information Service and Special Education Needs and Disabilities.


Decision Maker: Officer decision - children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 10/08/2017



(a)           Servelec Synergy software application suite support and maintenance is extended until the 31 March 2018 at a cost of £74k;

(b)           asoftmarket review and internal business review is started to ensure best value is being received.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Baird

28/07/2017 - Highways Act 1980, Section 119 Proposed Public Path Diversion Order Footpath LO4 (Part) and LO5 (Part) in the Parish of Llanrothal ref: 4706    Recommendations Approved

To consider an application under the Highways Act 1980, section 119, to make a public path diversion order to divert part of footpaths LO4 and LO5 in the parish of Llanrothal.

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 28/07/2017



(a)    A public path diversion order, for definitive footpaths LO4 and LO5 in the parish of Llanrothal, is made in accordance with section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 as shown in the draft order and plan D475i/243-4 (Plan 1) and D475ii243-5 (Plan 2) in the Appendix to this report.

In the event that there are no unwithdrawn objections to the formal advertising of the order, it  is then  confirmed as satisfying the criteria in sub section (6) of the above section, for such confirmation

Wards affected: Birch; Llangarron;

27/07/2017 - Landlord's written consent to sub-let Unit 9 Maylord Shopping Centre ref: 4700    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for economy, communities and corporate (Historic)

Decision published: 01/08/2017

Effective from: 27/07/2017


Provide Head Landlord's written consent for the Tenant of Maylords Shopping Centre to sub-let unit 9

Lead officer: Matthew Williams

01/08/2017 - Grant of long lease of land adjacent to the enterprise zone at Holme Lacy Road to an existing council tenant at Netherwood Road, Rotherwas ref: 4704    Recommendations Approved


(a)          a lease of approximately 0.09ha/0.24 acre at Holme Lacy Road, Rotherwas (as outlined at appendix 1) be granted to TRP Polymer Solutions Ltd for a period of approximately 116 years to 6 April 2133 in consideration of a payment of £45,000; and

(b)          the freehold ground lease of the plot referenced above be included in the planned sale of the council’s freehold ground leases authorised in decision reference: 2016-17.4553.


Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 01/08/2017

Effective from: 08/08/2017

Lead officer: Gillian Stratford

31/07/2017 - License to allow Ross Town Council to undertake works at Wilton Road Car Park ref: 4703    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 01/08/2017

Effective from: 31/07/2017


Permission granted by way of a license agreement for Ross Town Council to undertake works at Wilton Road Car Park including the installation of bollards

Lead officer: Matthew Williams

31/07/2017 - New Colwall Primary School Early Years Nursery Provider    Abandoned

To approve following a formal competitive tendering process Wells and Wyche Pre School to be the Early Years Provider to deliver Early Education on the new Colwall Primary School Site

Decision Maker: Director for children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision due date: 04/09/2017

Wards affected: Hope End;

Lead officer: Julia Stephens

Notice of decision: 31/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/07/2017 - End of May corporate budget and performance report 2017/18 ref: 4698    Recommendations Approved

To review projected revenue outturn for 2017/18 and invite cabinet members to consider performance for the first two months of the year.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017



(a) performance for the first two months of 2017/18 and projected financial outturn are reviewed and cabinet determines any additional actions required to achieve improvement; and

(b) £200k be vired from the waste management budget to the community

services budget.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

27/07/2017 - Approval of Young people's Accommodation Strategy ref: 4696    Recommendations Approved

To approve a new accommodation strategy for vulnerable young people in Herefordshire.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017



(a) the accommodation strategy for vulnerable young people in Herefordshire at

appendix 1 be approved.

Lead officer: Ewen Archibald

27/07/2017 - JOINT CUSTOMER SERVICES HUB - BUDGET UPDATE ref: 4694    Recommendations Approved

To approve an increase in capital expenditure to deliver a joint customer services hub at Blueschool House.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017



(a) £50k be allocated from the ICT revenue reserve to provide sufficient ICT

equipment at Blueschool House;

(b) £200k be allocated from the earmarked economy, communities and corporate

revenue reserve to support the increased costs;

(c) having regard to the continued revenue benefits identified in the revised

business case, a further £720k be approved to deliver a joint customer

services hub at Blueschool House, bringing the total estimated cost to £1.92m;

(d) the audit and governance committee be asked to identify and recommend

improvement actions to strengthen property capital project management and


Lead officer: Andrew Lovegrove

27/07/2017 - Awarding the contract for the development and regeneration programme ref: 4693    Recommendations Approved

To approve the appointment of a developer to work in partnership with the council in

delivering the development and regeneration programme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017



(a)                the highest scoring tender, Keepmoat, be appointed as the preferred bidder to work in partnership to deliver the council’s development and regeneration programme;

(b)          the director for economy, communities and corporate having consulted with the chief financial officer and cabinet member contracts and assets, and having received satisfactory confirmation of tender commitments, be authorised to complete contractual arrangements with Keepmoat for a period of 10 years;

(c)          in the event that satisfactory confirmation of tender commitments is not received from the preferred bidder, the director for economy, communities and corporate, following consultation with the chief financial officer and cabinet member for contracts and assets and having received satisfactory confirmation of tender commitments, be authorised to enter into the contract for the development and regeneration programme with the second highest bidder (‘the reserve bidder’);

(d)          following completion of contractual arrangements options appraisal and business cases for development of the former Bromyard depot and the Hereford station approach sites be brought forward for consideration as the first phase sites; and

(e)          thanks are extended to all bidders for the courteous, prompt and productive way in which they have all participated in the procurement.




Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Gabb

27/07/2017 - Review of appointments to outside bodies ref: 4695    Recommendations Approved

To agree a policy for appointments to outside bodies.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017



(a) the draft policy for appointments to outside bodies at appendix 1 be approved; and

(b) having regard to that policy and the outcome of the recent consultation the

council no longer make appointments to the following outside bodies:

·         The Courtyard Board Ltd

·         Jarvis Educational Charity

·         Kington Tourist Group

·         Leominster Area Regeneration Company (LARC) Development Trust

·         Leominster Museum Committee

·         Leominster Undenominational Educational Charity

·         Ross Charity Trustees

·         Shopmobility Hereford

·         Shopmobility Leominster

·         Three Choirs Festival

·         Coppett Hill Trust

·         Encore

·         Herefordshire vision links

·         Welcome to our future, and

·         West Midlands Reserve Forces and Cadets Association

Lead officer: John Coleman

27/07/2017 - Central Hereford: One Public Estate ref: 4697    Recommendations Approved

To approve, in principle, the allocation of land and resources to enable the development of proposals to maximise the benefits of public sector land assets in Central Hereford.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/07/2017

Effective from: 04/08/2017




(a)             Detailed consideration is given to the allocation of land under the One Public Estate (OPE) programme for development each of which will require business case assessments. The identified sites are as follows:

·                  Land at Merton Meadow car park (identified at A in appendix 1) for use as a joint public service hub

·                  Land adjacent to Hereford rail station (identified at B in appendix 1) for use as a GP facility

·                  Land adjacent to Hereford rail station (identified at  C in appendix 1) for use as a transport hub

·                  Land at  either Station Approach or the Bus Station (identified at  D  in appendix 1) for use as key worker/student accommodation or a multi storey car park

(b)             the director economy, communities and corporate be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary, utilising the £285k One Public Estate grant funding and other approved budgets, negotiating with partners to progress option appraisal and feasibility work necessary to inform the development of detailed business cases on these sites.


27/07/2017 - Lease of council premises to Wye Valley NHS Trust    Abandoned

Proposed lease of former archive store, Harold Street, Hereford to Wye Valley NHS Trust (WVT) and co-location of WVT back office functions to Plough Lane

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/10/2017

Wards affected: Central; Widemarsh;

Lead officer: Andrew Husband

Notice of decision: 27/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

26/07/2017 - Annual report on code of conduct complaints

To update the committee on code of conduct complaints during 2016/17

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 20/09/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Caroline Marshall, Claire Ward

Notice of decision: 26/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

25/07/2017 - Leader's report to council    Recommendations Approved

To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council in July 2017.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 13/10/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Annie Brookes

Notice of decision: 25/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open

25/07/2017 - Technical data to support the supplementary planning document for planning obligations (April 2008) ref: 4690    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for adults and wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 25/07/2017

Effective from: 01/08/2017



(a)       the technical information contained in appendix 1 to this report be approved for publication.


Lead officer: Tina Wood

24/07/2017 - Trade Union Facilities    Recommendations Approved

To review the new arrangements for trade union facilities and to agree to consult schools on a revised amount per pupil for de-delegation from April 2018.

Decision Maker: Herefordshire Schools Forum

Decision due date: 20/10/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Davies

Notice of decision: 24/07/2017

Anticipated restriction: Open