Decision details

Servelec HSC Synergy Annual Software Renewal

Decision Maker: Officer decision - children's wellbeing (Historic)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To secure approval for the continued provision of license and support for the Servelec – Synergy software application suite which supports the 3 statutory services of Admissions, Family Information Service and Special Education Needs and Disabilities.




(a)           Servelec Synergy software application suite support and maintenance is extended until the 31 March 2018 at a cost of £74k;

(b)           asoftmarket review and internal business review is started to ensure best value is being received.

Reasons for the decision:

To ensure continuation of existing service with least cost and reduce the significant risk associated with implementing new systems and practices.


Alternative options considered:

To retender. A preliminary soft market test was undertaken in order to compare the viability of similar systems in the market place. The result of this indicated that there are only really 3 options. Servelec – synergy being one of these options is without doubt leading the way in some key areas such as the statutory admissions management therefore reassuringly Herefordshire Council is well equipped. The other two would introduce significant cost of change not only in data migration, retraining, de-coupling existing integrations, project management, infrastructure design, staff user acceptance testing but also solution re-procurement and higher running annual costs. Strategically the Council already has Mosaic which is from Servelec HSC and there is likely to be closer links in this business area and potential further integrations and data sharing. This option is therefore not recommended. 

Non-renewal of Servelec Synergy licences: This is not recommended as the council would have to cease using the software applications to remain compliant with the licence agreement.  The application suite is used extensively through the Childrens Wellbeing directorate to deliver statutory functions which carry penalties if not delivered correctly such as school admissions.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Chris Baird, Director for children and families Email: Tel: 01432 260264.

Publication date: 02/08/2017

Date of decision: 02/08/2017

Effective from: 10/08/2017

Accompanying Documents: