Meeting attendance

Tuesday 26 July 2022 2.30 pm, Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE

Contact:    Steve Tucker, Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Graham Andrews RoleMember AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeLisa Arthey RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeePhil Bullingham RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeJenny Dalloway RolePublic AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeWiktor Daron Representative of the Archdiocese of Cardiff RoleCo-Optee AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Toni Fagan RoleMember AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeDarryl Freeman RoleOfficer AttendanceApologies Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Jennie Hewitt RoleVice-Chairperson AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Phillip Howells RoleChairperson AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Helen I'Anson RoleMember AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeAndy James Parent governor representative for the special school sector RoleCo-Optee AttendanceApologies Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Mike Jones RoleMember AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeHilary Jones RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeLes Knight RoleOfficer AttendanceApologies Attendance comment
AttendeeCeri Morgan RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeSam Pratley Representative of the Diocese of Hereford RoleCo-Optee AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeFiona Reid Representative of Families RoleCo-Optee AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor John Stone RoleMember AttendancePresent Attendance comment