Meeting attendance
Monday 28 March 2022 2.30 pm, Health and Wellbeing Board
Venue: Herefordshire Council Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE
Contact: Simon Cann, Democratic Services
Attendee |
Role |
Attendance |
Attendance comment |
AttendeeMandy Appleby | RoleOfficer | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeEwen Archibald | RoleOfficer | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCouncillor Pauline Crockett Cabinet Member - Health and Adult Wellbeing | RoleChairperson | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeAnna Davidson Assistant Director (Prevention), Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeDarryl Freeman Corporate Director for Children and Families | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeMarie Gallagher | RoleOfficer | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeHayley Allison / Julie Grant Assistant Director of Strategic Transformation / Head of Delivery and Improvement at NHS Improvement, NHS England | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeSusan Harris Director of Strategy and Partnerships, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (Rep Chair of the Trust) | RoleOfficer | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeDr Mike Hearne Managing Director, Taurus Healthcare | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCouncillor David Hitchiner Leader of the Council, Herefordshire Council | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeRebecca Howell-Jones Acting Director of Public Health, Herefordshire Council | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCouncillor Phillip Howells | RoleScrutiny | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeDr Frances Howie | RoleOfficer | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeJane Ives Managing Director, Wye Valley NHS Trust | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeMatt Pearce | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeIvan Powell Chair of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Adults Board | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeChristine Price Chief Officer, Healthwatch Herefordshire | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeKristan Pritchard | RoleOfficer | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeePaul Smith Acting Director for Adults and Communities, Herefordshire Council | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCouncillor Elissa Swinglehurst | RoleScrutiny | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeDr Ian Tait Chair of NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group | RoleVice-Chairperson | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeNeil Taylor Interim Director for Economy and Place, Herefordshire Council | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCouncillor Diana Toynbee Cabinet Member - Children and Families, Herefordshire Council | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeSimon Trickett Chief Executive/STP ICS Lead, NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire CCG | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCouncillor Ange Tyler Herefordshire Community Safety Partnership / Cabinet member - Housing, Regulatory Services, and Community Safety | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeePaul Walker | RoleOfficer | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |
AttendeeCrishni Waring | RolePublic | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeSuperintendent Edd Williams Superintendent for Herefordshire, West Mercia Police | RoleMember | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
Attendeenuala woodman | RolePublic | AttendancePresent | Attendance comment |
AttendeeMark Yates Chair of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust | RoleMember | AttendanceExpected | Attendance comment |