Issue details
Social Worker (Degree) Apprenticeships
Herefordshire Council is seeking to train up
to 15 Social Worker (degree) apprentices starting in 2023.
Recruiting Social Workers to work in Herefordshire, as across the
country, continues to be challenging Herefordshire Council is
committed to developing the workforce by providing quality
education and development opportunities, including a Social Work
Apprenticeship Programme.
A tender was issued, which did not attract any bids, follow up
contact was made with a number of potential Training Providers and
it was identified that Coventry University would be able to provide
the service required. Herefordshire Council has an existing
relationship with Coventry University as part of the West Midlands
Social Work Teaching Partnership education and training for social
work students and practitioners.
As a large employer, Herefordshire council is required to make a
mandatory contribution to the Government Apprenticeship Levy. This
contract for £360,000 will be funded in full by levy funding
and Coventry University will be required to draw down the funding
directly from the Government Apprenticeship Levy. The maximum that
can be claimed for each Apprentice is £24,000 for the three
year Social Work (degree) Apprenticeship programme.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/05/2023
Decision due: 28 April 2023 by Director of HR & OD
Contact: Tracey Sampson, Director of HR and OD Email: Tel: 01432 383715.
- 18/05/2023 - Social Worker (Degree) Apprenticeships