Issue details

Market Town Investment Plans (MTIP's) - to approve the Investment Plans

To approve the Market Town Investment Plan (MTIP) for each of Herefordshire’s market towns. Through local engagement each MTIP identifies the vision for the future economic development of the town together with a programme of potential projects that support the delivery of the vision. To approve next steps in the development of business projects that have been identified and prioritised by stakeholders as part of the MTIP review process in order to seek the funding from the most appropriate source.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Strategic nature / impact on communities;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Bromyard Bringsty; Bromyard West; Kington; Ledbury North; Ledbury South; Ledbury West; Leominster East; Leominster North and Rural; Leominster South; Leominster West; Ross East; Ross North; Ross West;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/11/2021

Decision due: 31 March 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet member environment and economy

Lead director: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Contact: Tara Roche Schiavon, Senior Project Manager Email:


Agenda items


  • Market Town Investment Plans