Issue - decisions
Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to £100,185.03 for the Roof works at Marlbrook Primary School, Herefordshire.
13/06/2024 - Decision to award contract and approve the expenditure of up to £100,185.03 for the Roof works at Marlbrook Primary School, Herefordshire.
Award a contract to Central Roofing for the
Roof works at Marlbrook Primary School, Herefordshire, following a
successful tender on the Council’s procurement portal.
Approve the expenditure of up to £83,172.47 for the works,
which includes a contingency of up to £7,561.14.
Approve the expenditure of up to £9,451.42 for internal and
external professional fees.
Responsibility for monitoring the programme to be carried out by
the Capital Senior Project Manager within the spend budget.