Issue - decisions

Herefordshire’s Better Care Fund (BCF) and Integration plan 2019-20 and section 75 agreement

27/11/2019 - Herefordshire’s Better Care Fund (BCF) and Integration plan 2019-20 and section 75 agreement


(a)       the council’s contribution to the better care fund of £31.5m revenue and £2m capital for 2019/20 be approved;

(b)       approval be given for the council to enter into a section 75 agreement with Herefordshire clinical commissioning group (CCG) for up to 5 years, (1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025); and

(c)       the director for adults and communities and the director for childrens and families  be authorised, following consultation with the solicitor to the council and s151 officer, to take all operational decisions necessary to approve the scheme level detail within the budget approved by Cabinet in the s75 agreement on an annual basis to 31 March 2025.