Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Strategy

To approve the corporate parenting strategy 2025-2027.



The Leader of the Council introduced the report. It was highlighted that the strategy is raising awareness of an important responsibility that all members of the council hold.  It was noted that this is a multi-agency document and strategy, and all partners will play their role in contributing to the delivery of this strategy. Whilst the legal requirement to be a corporate parent remains with the council (within the Children and Social Work Act 2017), it was confirmed that the Government have plans to widen responsibilities to all government departments and relevant bodies. 


The corporate parenting strategy sets out the seven corporate parenting principles which local authorities must have regard to when considering looking after looked after children and care experienced young people. The open letter from Herefordshire’s children and young people requested that the council consider how it will care and support them to achieve their aspirations.  The open letter also highlighted that they want the council to keep to their promises as corporate parents, and the council can do this by doing all that it can to ensure the children have the best chances in life and by treating them as their own children. 


It was noted that the Corporate Parenting Board worked hard to create the strategy, and the council is fully supportive of the strategy and of its role as a corporate parent. 


Cabinet members discussed the report and it was noted that the plan was clear and well thought out.  Particularly, the open letter from the care experienced young people highlighted that their voices had been heard and it was important to continue listening and responding to them. It was also highlighted that Herefordshire’s care experienced young people had achieved attainment 8 scores, which was above the national average and 92% of care leaves were in suitable accommodation.  It was noted that having the strategy helps supports the positive direction of reunification as 30 children had already been reunited with their families, with the care order being discharged in 2023/24, and this can only be taken as positive. 


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The report was welcomed and it was noted how important it was for all parties and partners to fully engage with it.  Also, the inclusion of children’s experiences in the strategy was positive. The commitment in the strategy to follow the recommendations of the ‘The Cass Report’ was also positive.


A query was raised regarding how the council will ensure it continues to deliver against the content of the strategy and continue to gather the voice of the children.  It was also raised if the response to the young people could have been drafted in a more natural less formal style.  Also, for appendices to have titles on their documents itself. 


In response to the points and questions raised it was confirmed that the council will ensure that there is monitoring against all the achievable outcomes, and these will be built into the work plan.  The process will involve children’s participation to ensure the council is keeping to the strategy.  Therefore, through participation, monitoring and ensuring the board is cited on all the objectives this will ensure the strategy is implemented and it will be an active document that is continually referenced.  It was confirmed that this strategy will be placed on the agenda for full council, so it can be endorsed by all 53 members. 


Councillor Lester proposed the recommendations, and it was unanimously resolved that the following be recommended to Council


a)    Endorse the corporate parenting strategy 2025-2027 as approved by the Corporate Parenting Board (appendix 1)


b)    Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Children and Young People to take all operational decisions, as set out within this report and appendices, that fall within the responsibility of Herefordshire Council.




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