Agenda item

Update from TAG and steps to producing a future River Wye Nutrient Management Plan performance report

        To receive an update from the new chair of TAG

        To provide the Board with an opportunity to monitor progress in delivering the NMP Link to plan

        To provide partners with an opportunity to update on progress of items specifically referenced in the plan

Link to River Wye SAC Nutrient Management Plan, Phosphate Action Plan

Led by: Hayley Fleming, Chair of TAG, and partners


The board received the reports and Hayley Fleming (Chair of TAG) presented a series of slides, which covered off the purpose of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG).

HF then talked through the new Wye Actions Spreadsheet, which would provide a ‘two way street’ of information exchange between the Board and TAG. The framework would record actions and named leads for actions and would be visible and accessible to the public, so that people could see how actions were being progressed.


The Wye Work Plan 2022 identified six key areas of focus that would require working groups made up primarily of TAG members and other stakeholders, these were: Poultry, Farm advice, Land use innovation, Regulation, Evidence and Wetlands. Currently the Poultry group had made the most progress. HF then discussed the other areas and suggested subjects they should be addressing. It was noted that the Wetlands subject may be better suited to a Task and Finish Group arrangement.

TAG would advise and bring recommendations to the board for decisions, and the new management framework would facilitate that and show progress on actions. However TAG wouldn’t be responsible for delivering all the work and would need assistance from partners and stakeholders.


ES praised the work TAG had done and felt the plan and action spreadsheet was an excellent piece of work. ES was especially pleased that it would be visible to the public as it would allow people to monitor the board’s progress and activity


Cllr Jackie Charlton (Powys Council) introduced herself to the group and enquired how Natural England was working with the Welsh equivalent and whether Powys was involved?


Ann Weedy (AW) explained that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) had provided some feedback and information, which was provided within the agenda pack. AW pointed out that it was important to note that the Welsh and English laws were different and AW said she would be happy to meet with Cllr Charlton to discuss things further and provide some background.


AW IPUs could not be visited due to Avian Flu restrictions, but these had now been lifted.  Some targeted regulated units are being worked with over the summer.  Those under 40000 were not regulated and therefore the work was more reactive in relation to the smaller units.


ES advised that all members of the board would be happy to work with Cllr Charlton to support her.


Grace Wight (GW) supported the approach made by TAG and enquired whether there were specific areas where support / resource was required. HF advised that the top priority was agreeing a named person to chair each working group. GW suggested that the Environment Agency would nominate someone to chair the Evidence Working Group. 



On a general note regarding the working groups HF suggested it would desirable if somebody from TAG chaired each group and that they could report up to the board, but ultimately the selection would come down to whichever individual was best suited to do the job.


HF explained that the working groups would look at what they could bring to each of the work areas, what needed to change and what needs to happen to start driving down on phosphates.


Cllr Catrin Maby from Monmouthshire (newly appointed cabinet lead for Climate Change and Environment for Monmouthshire Council) explained that the new administration was really highlighting river pollution and the natural environment in general, so would welcome a collaboration with all other stakeholders (especially AW and Cllr Charlton).


Martin Williams (MW) pointed out that Farm Herefordshire were responsible for some areas which have been mentioned in relation to the Farm advice working group and that this was essentially Farm Herefordshire’s remit. MW thought it was odd that this was included and that perhaps Farm Herefordshire could perform the functions of the Farm advice working group.


ES proposed that HF and MW should have a discussion about the matter outside of the meeting.


ES pointed out that the board needs to be mindful of crossover activity between the TAG and work that was already underway and being carried out by other stakeholders and partners.


ES also noted that the board often does good work that has a positive impact, but doesn’t capture it. One of the points of the TAG Action Spreadsheet should be that it captures that information and feeds it into a progress report.


Claire Minett (CM) note that a lot of activity was happening, but that it was vital that it was all being captured.


ES Proposed that a date be set by which chairs of the working groups would be named, 29 July 2022


ES also noted Andrew McRobb’s comment in chat that TAG needed to work across the border so they needed Powys to provide details of an equivalent to Farm Herefordshire.


Recommendation: Chairs of TAG Working Groups to be brought forward by 29 July 2022

[Action by: all of group]


Action: Powys Cllr to provided details of the equivalent to Farm Herefordshire in Powys.

[Action by: Cllr Jackie Charlton

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