Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement Progress Update

Meeting: 28/01/2025 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 35)

35 Annual Governance Statement Progress Update pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To provide an update on progress in respect of actions identified to deliver continuous improvement in governance arrangements.


Note: Paper to follow;

Appendix 1      Update on actions to improve governance arrangements


Additional documents:


The Director of Finance (DOF) introduced the report the purpose of which was to provide the committee with an update to areas that could be strengthened to the governance arrangements and provide assurance that work was ongoing and not just a year end exercise.  Appendix 1 provided an update against each of the areas of improvement linked back to the core principles that they related to.


In response to committee questions the DOF highlighted that she and her team were not solely responsible for contributing to the Annual Governance Statement, that it was a council document informed by a variety of different sources including the Corporate Leadership Team, Heads of Service and Internal Audit Opinion.


The committee noted the activity completed to deliver improvements in governance arrangements in 2024/25.