Issue - meetings

Appointments to Council Committees and Outside Bodies

Meeting: 24/05/2024 - Council (Item 8)


To make appointments to the committees of the Council and outside bodies in line with the rules of political proportionality.

Additional documents:


Council considered a report by the solicitor to the Council relating to appointments to committees of the Council and outside bodies in line with the rules of political proportionality. The Chairman outlined the supplement published on 23 May to include a change to the recommended allocation of seats under paragraph 11 of the report.  Council also noted the publication of a supplement on 24 May 2024 containing an updated appendix 2 with details of the number of these seats on the scrutiny management board and the allocation of seats to political groups.


Recommendation (a)


Councillor Roger Phillips proposed and Councillor Dan Hurcomb seconded recommendation (a) which was carried.


RESOLVED: That the list of ordinary committees listed at paragraph 10 are confirmed with their terms of reference as set out in the council’s constitution.


Recommendation (b)


Councillor Roger Phillips proposed and Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst seconded recommendation (b) – as updated by the supplement published on 23 May 2024 –which was carried.


RESOLVED: That the number of seats on each committee as set out in the supplement of 23 May 2024 is approved.


Recommendation (c)


Councillor Roger Phillips proposed and Councillor Barry Durkin seconded recommendation (c) which was carried.


RESOLVED: That the allocation of seats on outside bodies to political groups as set out in paragraph 13 is approved.


Recommendation (d)


Councillor Roger Phillips proposed and Councillor Toni Fagan seconded recommendation (d) which was carried.


RESOLVED: That the appointment of five co-opted members of children and young people scrutiny committee is approved as follows:

                                 i.     one representative as nominated by the diocese of Hereford

                               ii.     one representative as nominated by the archdiocese of Cardiff

                              iii.     three parent governors as elected from the school sector


Recommendation (e)


Councillor Roger Phillips proposed and Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst seconded recommendation (e), the recommendation was carried with no votes against.


RESOLVED: That the suspension of the rules of proportionality in respect of the standards panel, the River Lugg Drainage Board and the Wye Valley National Landscape Joint Advisory Committee is approved.

Recommendation (f)


Council noted the table of committee membership (in appendix 1 to the report) which outlined the current chairpersons and vice chairpersons of Council committees. The Chairman invited any alternative nominations to the chairpersons and vice chairpersons of Council committees as listed in appendix 1.


Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee


Councillor Terry James proposed and Councillor Ben Proctor seconded the nomination of Councillor Ed O’Driscoll as Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Liz Harvey proposed and Councillor Diana Toynbee seconded the nomination of Councillor Ellie Chowns as Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee.


A vote was taken and Councillor O’Driscoll was elected Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED: That Councillor O’Driscoll is elected Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee for the forthcoming municipal year.


Vice-Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee


Councillor Kevin Tillett proposed and Councillor Rob Owens seconded the nomination of Councillor David Hitchiner as Vice-Chairperson of Connected Communities Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Jim Kenyon proposed and Councillor Richard Thomas  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8