Issue - meetings
Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Annual Report
Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 68)
68 Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Annual Report PDF 796 KB
This report is to provide a summary overview on all counter fraud activity across the Council’s services throughout the previous calendar year and to outline any progress and outcomes aligned with our anti-fraud strategy.
Additional documents:
The Head of Strategic Finance introduced the report, with attention drawn to: the counter fraud activity during the previous calendar year, including an increase in new referrals and enhancements in terms of agile and partnership working; the counter fraud team had been shortlisted for the Local Excellence Award in the Public Sector Counter Fraud Awards 2023; work had been undertaken to raise awareness internally and externally, including a refresh of content on the website (link to 'Our counter fraud service'), the provision of additional training, and promotion of the International Fraud Awareness Week; and the ‘Baseline Assessment of Maturity in relation to Fraud – December 2022’ (Appendix A, agenda page 81) reflected improvements in culture and awareness, and reporting, investigating and monitoring.
In response to questions from committee members, the Counter Fraud Manager provided an overview of the ‘Summary of Corporate Fraud case outcomes in 2022’ (paragraph 15.1, agenda page 75), noting the need to consider proportionality in any investigation and the importance of collaborative working; said that further details could be provided about the treatment of fines arising from Blue Badge fraud cases; provided an overview of the national picture and limited law enforcement resources; reported that the counter fraud function at the council had commenced in 2020 and, with increased awareness and detection, referrals were being made from a range of services; and commented that cost of living pressures may be a further factor in incidents of fraud.
It was noted that the Baseline Assessment included one key finding which was ‘assessed not to be in place / operating ineffectively – requires significant improvement’; namely, ‘The fraud risk self-assessment issued in June 2022 has not been embedded in the corporate risk management process yet. Until this is implemented, the assessment results are not being maintained and may become obsolete.’
On behalf of the committee, the Chairperson complimented the team on the quality of the report, for publishing information about counter fraud activity, and for being shortlisted for a national award.
Resolved: That the annual fraud report has been reviewed by the committee.
187 Further details be provided about the treatment of fines arising from Blue Badge fraud cases.