Decision details
River Restoration
Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To draw down funding from the Cabinet
Commission for the delivery of river restoration
a) The remaining £230,000 allocated to the Phosphate Commission is drawn down from the Capital Programme, alongside the grant funding for the continued work on river restoration of the River Wye Special Area of Conservation (SAC) of £100,000 from MHCLG, totalling £330,000.
b) Authority is delegated to the Nutrient Mitigation Lead, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Environment and Planning, to take all operational decisions necessary to enable the Phosphate Commission to address Nutrient Pollution within the River Wye SAC and its tributaries.
Alternative options considered:
Alternative options
1. None - At its meeting on 28 July 2022 Cabinet resolved to establish a Cabinet Commission to consider how the Council and its partners can progress the wider systemic and strategic issues needed to address water quality including Phosphate Pollution in the Wye, the need to support partners in ensuring river restoration still applies.
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Contact: Elizabeth Duberley, Phosphate Mitigation Lead Email:
Publication date: 07/03/2025
Date of decision: 07/03/2025
Effective from: 14/03/2025
Accompanying Documents: