Issue details

The Youth Service Review

The purpose of this follow up report is for Cabinet to be advised on the outcome of the public consultation regarding the review, and a further review of equality impacts as agreed in December 2011; to affirm decisions made on a preferred model for the future delivery of youth service functions in Herefordshire, and to explain what will happen next with regard to implementation.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 14 June 2012 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor PM Morgan

Contact: Kathy O'Mahony Assistant Director Children & Young People's Provider Services - 01432 260802 Email:

Consultation process

Full public consultation taking place for 12 weeks between 30th January and 20th April 2012.


Details of any declarations of interest: 20 April 2012


Agenda items