Decision details

The Youth Service Review

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of this follow up report is for Cabinet to be advised on the outcome of the public consultation regarding the review, and a further review of equality impacts as agreed in December 2011; to affirm decisions made on a preferred model for the future delivery of youth service functions in Herefordshire, and to explain what will happen next with regard to implementation.





(a)          In light of the consultation and further equality impact assessment, and taking into consideration the outcome of that further consultation and assessment, Cabinet affirmed the decisions taken on 15 December 2011, namely:

·                    Targeted Youth Support Services for the most vulnerable young people in the county are prioritised for funding and are likely to be delivered in the future both directly by the Council and third sector partners:

·                    Positive activities for young people, which can be accessed by all, will be delivered through a community engagement route, with local areas having access to Council funding on a formula basis according to numbers of young people and the level of deprivation in the locality. This funding to be used in connection with other partnership resources which may be available in the locality;

·                    Outdoor Education Services as set out in paragraphs 39-37 of the report [i.e. sailing centre and canoe centre] to be subject to market testing to determine whether they are commercially viable with no public subsidy

(b)          options for future delivery of targeted youth services be explored through the phase 2 root and branch review;

(c)          should no suitable provider be found, the Director for People’s Services, be authorised to make arrangements to close the provision taking into consideration Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation that a report be submitted prior to any decision being taken;

(d)          In undertaking market testing the views of local Members, local community groups and other local authorities with experience of market testing be sought; and

(e)       As a service to the community the Council facilitate the use of its website to provide a source of integrated local knowledge about youth service provision and a forum for providers and community groups to share ideas and innovation.

Reasons for the decision:

Targeting the future Council’s expenditure primarily but not exclusively on positive activities for vulnerable groups of young people; investing in supporting the voluntary and community sector to develop and sustain positive activities; and allocating the council’s resources to each local area and making arrangements with local partnerships to commission local delivery will enable the council to meet its statutory duties within the budget available.  These recommendations give us a year to consider options for future delivery of outdoor education and will allow sufficient time to test commercial viability of the service.

Alternative options considered:

1.            Maintaining the status quo - continuing to deliver all elements of the Youth Service as it is. The necessary budget reduction of 20% (£105,874) would result in the structure of the service being unsustainable causing overstretch and reducing quality in current provision.  The service would not be able to offer extra help to those vulnerable young people who need it most and universal youth services delivered through youth centres would be reduced.  Continuing to subsidise outdoor education to the extent it currently is subsidised will put pressure on other youth work.  Increasing income generation from outdoor education will be difficult without investment of time and funding in developing the infrastructure for marketing, promotion and bookings. This option would mean that we cannot deliver the Positive for Youth vision.


2.            Immediately ceasing council delivery of outdoor education services - this would entail the closure of the sailing and canoe centre.  This decision would affect approximately 600 current users of the facilities including vulnerable groups such as young people with disabilities.  This would save the council approximately £92,000 per year and will release assets.  This option carries a reputational risk - 76% of respondents in the consultation report said that they did not want outdoor education to stop. 


Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Details of any declarations of interest: 20 April 2012

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Full public consultation taking place for 12 weeks between 30th January and 20th April 2012.


Contact: Kathy O'Mahony Assistant Director Children & Young People's Provider Services - 01432 260802 Email:

Publication date: 15/06/2012

Date of decision: 14/06/2012

Effective from: 28/06/2012