

12/01/2021 - Workforce and OD Strategy ref: 7473    Recommendations Approved

To seek agreement to the workforce and organisation development strategy covering the period 2021-2024.


The strategy being presented is designed to capture at a high level the context and priorities for developing our workforce so that is it is engaged, agile and resilient in pursuit of the organisation's agenda

Decision Maker: Cabinet member finance and corporate services

Decision published: 12/01/2021

Effective from: 19/01/2021



The workforce and organisation strategy is approved as presented.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracey Sampson

21/09/2018 - Adoption of the Bodenham neighbourhood development plan and consequential updates to the countywide policies map ref: 5352    Recommendations Approved

To make the Bodenham neighbourhood development plan as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire and approve the consequential updates to the countywide policies maps.

To fulfil the legal duty to make /adopt the Bodenham neighbourhood development plan and update the countywide policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire. Council delegated authority for the making of the neighbourhood development plans, and consequential amendments to the countywide policies map, to the cabinet member infrastructure.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member infrastructure

Decision published: 21/09/2018

Effective from: 28/09/2018



(a)        The Bodenham neighbourhood development plan is made as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire; and

(b)        The required consequential changes are made to the countywide policies map

Wards affected: Hampton;

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

21/09/2018 - Adoption of the Hope under Dinmore Group neighbourhood development plan and consequential updates to the countywide policies map ref: 5350    Recommendations Approved

To make the Hope under Dinmore Group neighbourhood development plan as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire and approve the consequential updates to the countywide policies maps.

To fulfil the legal duty to make /adopt the Hope under Dinmore Group neighbourhood development plan and update the countywide policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire. Council delegated authority for the making of the neighbourhood development plans, and consequential amendments to the countywide policies map, to the cabinet member infrastructure.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member infrastructure

Decision published: 21/09/2018

Effective from: 28/09/2018



(a)        The Hope under Dinmore Group neighbourhood development plan is made as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire; and

(b)        The required consequential changes are made to the countywide policies map

Wards affected: Queenswood;

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

21/09/2018 - Adoption of the Much Marcle neighbourhood development plan and consequential updates to the countywide policies map ref: 5351    Recommendations Approved

To make the Much Marcle neighbourhood development plan as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire and approve the consequential updates to the countywide policies maps.

To fulfil the legal duty to make /adopt the Much Marcle neighbourhood development plan and update the countywide policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire. Council delegated authority for the making of the neighbourhood development plans, and consequential amendments to the countywide policies map, to the cabinet member infrastructure.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member infrastructure

Decision published: 21/09/2018

Effective from: 28/09/2018



(a)        The Much Marcle neighbourhood development plan is made as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire; and

(b)        The required consequential changes are made to the countywide policies map


Wards affected: Old Gore;

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

26/07/2018 - Procurement and Commissioning Strategy ref: 5248    Recommendations Approved

To consider and approve the council's Procurement and Commissioning Strategy which focuses on meeting local needs and delivering value for money. It sets out how the council will provide and arrange innovative and flexible, quality goods and services that are responsive to the needs of our community and deliver optimum value for money.  This updated strategy: places a greater focus on what we will do, with defined objectives that reflect the requirements of the council's corporate plan; incorporates the requirements of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012; and, puts emphasis on compliance with the Equality Act.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision published: 26/07/2018

Effective from: 02/08/2018



the Procurement and Commissioning Strategy 2018 at appendix 1 is approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Erica Hermon

24/07/2018 - Marches Enterprise Joint Committee Annual Report ref: 5263    Recommendations Approved

To provide a summary report for the third year of activity of the Marches Enterprise Joint Committee for consideration of Committee members.

Decision Maker: Marches Enterprise Joint Committee

Decision published: 25/07/2018

Effective from: 01/08/2018


(a)          agree the content of the report which can be used in updating their respective Council’s on the work of the committee.

Lead officer: Sarah Buffrey

24/07/2018 - The Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Energy Strategy ref: 5258    Recommendations Approved

To advise members on the production of the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Energy Strategy and seek Marches Enterprise Joint Committee approval of the Strategy.

Decision Maker: Marches Enterprise Joint Committee

Decision published: 25/07/2018

Effective from: 01/08/2018


Resolved that:


(a)          the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Energy Strategy at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

Lead officer: Sarah Buffrey

23/07/2018 - Fastershire Procurement Outcome for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ref: 5245    Recommendations Approved

The report makes recommendations regarding the award of contracts in relation to the funding award from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the Marches and Gloucestershire Viable Clusters Broadband Project.  This project is part of the delivery of the Fastershire Broadband Strategy to provide superfast broadband in Herefordshire (and for this project working with neighbouring counties).  The proposals also relate to adaptations to the procurement process to ensure that as much of the European funding as possible is invested in expanding broadband coverage.


The recommendations would allow for:

·         Additional coverage in areas not covered in previous broadband deployments;

·         Increase the percentage of coverage of superfast broadband in the county to become one of the most fibre connected counties in the country;

·         An innovative solution to deploy broadband to hard-to-reach areas;

·         Works with new suppliers for deployment of fibre broadband;

·         Uses external funding to support the financial investment already made by Herefordshire Council and national government in broadband deployment.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member economy and communication

Decision published: 23/07/2018

Effective from: 28/07/2018



(a)       In consultation with Gloucestershire County Council, Shropshire Council and Telford and Wrekin Council and as the accountable body for the Marches and Gloucestershire Viable Clusters Broadband Project, contracts for Lots S15, S16, T1, H12, H8, H9, H1, H22, and H2 be awarded to Airband and Lots G10, C1 and C5 be awarded to Voneus for the values of £5,027,000 and £460,000 respectively;

(b)       The Assistant director communities has delegated authority to award contracts to Airband and Voneus for additional lots within the remaining clusters of up to £5m residual funding from the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development);

(c)       Funding of up to £1.5m from Herefordshire’s broadband programme is allocated to lots H21 and H18 and awarded to Airband under the contract awarded in recommendation (a).


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Natalia Silver

10/07/2018 - Courtyard Theatre Expansion Project ref: 5211    Recommendations Approved


To seek in principle approval for the following:


That the council act as the lead organisation for the improvement programme including bids for external funding.


The allocation of capital expenditure funded by prudential borrowing for a capital investment and improvement programme at the Courtyard Centre for the Arts.


The council is looking to support the Courtyard in seeking external funding to develop the site.  This will enable the Courtyard to be more economically stable in the long term and support the economic development of the county through tourism and culture along with contributing to the social value of the county in attracting people to work and live in Herefordshire.


The council is being asked to underwrite this support in the context of a bid being made by the Courtyard for funding to the Arts Council of England.  The recommendations will show the commitment the council has to the development scheme with a further decision on the council’s financial support to be taken in the event that Arts Council funding is approved.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision published: 10/07/2018

Effective from: 17/07/2018



(a)   approval in principle be given to The Courtyard Centre for the Arts plans to expand the Courtyard building subject to the preparation of a satisfactory full business case and planning permission being secured;

(b)   the application to be made by The Courtyard Centre for the Arts to the Arts Council of England for financial support for the capital expansion project be supported and in principle agreement be given to Herefordshire Council underwriting the match funding required for the expansion project up to a maximum sum of £800,000);

(c)   it be recommended to Council that suitable provision be made within the council’s capital programme to support implementation of the above recommendation; and

(d)    the council acts as lead body on the planning application, and, subject to satisfactory business case, grant approval and planning consent as lead body for  commissioning and project management of the works.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Hannah McSherry

20/06/2018 - On Street Parking – Hereford City Centre Order ref: 5181    Recommendations Approved

To consider and decide upon objections to Council proposals to amend the operation of On-Street Parking (OSP) in Hereford City Centre to allow a maximum stay period of 2 hours (with a £3.00 tariff), together with an extension of the scheme to include St Ethelbert Street and a number of parking places in Castle Street, with a standardised operating period. Also to consider and decide upon objections to a new Zone 2 identifier for the Castle Street, St Ethelbert Street and Cantilupe Street permit parking scheme.


To authorise the making and implementation of the On Street Parking – Hereford City Centre Order 2018, as decided upon.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member transport and regulatory services

Decision published: 20/06/2018

Effective from: 27/06/2018



(a)        the making and implementation of The County of Herefordshire District Council (Hereford City Centre) (Amendment 2) Order 2018, as advertised be authorised introducing the following changes to the operation of on-street parking in Hereford City Centre:


·     to extend the maximum stay period for the pay and display parking bays to 2 hours, with an extended tariff structure (up to 30 mins - 50p, up to 1 hour - £1 and up to 2 hours - £3)

·     to extend Pay & Display parking to include St Ethelbert Street and selected parking places in Castle Street, with a standardised operating period of 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday, with a continued exemption for permit holders (see plan at Appendix 2)

·     to introduce a Zone 2 identifier for the Castle Street, Cantilupe Street, St Ethelbert

·     to include a provision for the council at its discretion to suspend on-street charging for special events

(b)        A variation of the current contract with Metric Group Ltd in respect of providing an additional 4 pay and display machines for Castle Street and St Ethelbert Street be approved at a cost of no more than £14.1k.


Wards affected: Central;

Lead officer: Mairead Lane

07/06/2018 - Learning Disability Strategy ref: 5164    Recommendations Approved

To approve the Learning Disability Strategy 2018-2028.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 07/06/2018

Effective from: 14/06/2018



(a)  the executive’s response to the recommendations of the children and young peoples’ scrutiny committee at paragraph 40 be approved; and


(b)  the Learning Disability Strategy 2018-2028 (Appendix 1) be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Adam Russell

06/06/2018 - Pay Policy Statement    Recommendations Approved

To provide transparency in the council’s approach to setting the pay of its employees and to meet the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, employment panel are asked to recommend this statement to full council.

Decision Maker: Employment Panel

Decision due date: 14/01/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tracey Sampson

Notice of decision: 06/06/2018

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/06/2018 - Direct award of contract for Technology Enabled Care service (TECS)    Abandoned

The direct award of a contract for one year by way of a waiver of contract procedure rules for the provision of a Technology Enabled Care monitoring service

Decision Maker: Director of adults and communities (Historic)

Decision due date: 14/01/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ewen Archibald

Notice of decision: 06/06/2018

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/05/2018 - Urgent Repairs Notice for a Cottage in Bircher Ward ref: 5169    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer decision - economy, communities and corporate (Historic)

Decision published: 06/06/2018

Effective from: 09/05/2018


To serve an urgent repairs notice under planning legislation on the owner of a roadside listed cottage because of its dilapidated condition and the danger that it presents to public safety.

Lead officer: Marc Willimont

30/05/2018 - LGPS risks on day opportunities contract ref: 5165    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director for adults and wellbeing (Historic)

Decision published: 04/06/2018

Effective from: 30/05/2018


  1. The Council to retain certain of the LGPS risks and liabilities relating to this re-procured contract, in accordance with the following apportionment of risk as between authority and contractor, namely:

(a)   Contractor enters the Fund on the basis of a fully funded scheme;

(b)   Contractor is responsible for paying the Employer’s Contribution Rate at 21.2% during the term of the contract;

(c)   Contractor is responsible for paying any actuarial strains within their control and directly arising from the workforce for example, ill health and redundancy costs, pay increases;

(d)   Council is responsible for paying any increase to the Employer’s Contribution rate required by the Fund during the term of this contract;

(e)   Council is responsible for meeting any deficit arising at the end of the contract which is caused by market related conditions or otherwise is not caused by the Contractor’s failure to meet its obligations to the Fund;

(f)    Council provides the Fund with any underwriting required to protect against the contractor’s insolvency risk and consequently the contractor does not have to provide a bond or other third party guarantee.


In the event that there are any costs arising from the decision (1) above, due to a direct demand from the Fund for payment by the Council, the service budget for this contract shall be required to fund those costs.

Lead officer: Laura Ferguson

01/06/2018 - Capital Programme Update    Recommendations Approved

To recommend to Council proposed in year adjustments to the capital programme including proposed investment additions for 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21. These items are in addition to the £92.418m for 2018/19, £48.078m 2019/20 and £8,484m 2020/21 capital funding approved by Council in January 2018

The report proposes some adjustments to reflect increased or unanticipated grant allocations and s106 funding secured and proposes some changes to reflect the way in which some individual projects are now anticipated to be funded. Additional provision is sought to enable development of the Shell Store; the additional provision arises as a result of construction costs inflation and an error in the programme approved by Council. In addition, two new schemes are proposed to be added:

·        the Cyber Security Centre to support the development of  specialist facilities including business space for small and medium enterprises (SME’s), research and product testing lab space, and educational and training space at Rotherwas; and

·       the redevelopment of the Hillside Rehabilitation Centre to provide additional residential nursing care provision in the county.

If approved the proposals will have an increase in the capital programme of £3.5m and £1.5m respectively and funded by £1.5m use of capital receipts, £2m borrowing for Cyber Security Centre and £1.5m borrowing for Hillside.

A delegation is sought to enable the Chief Finance Officer (as s151 officer) to approve in year amendments to the capital budget where the amendment arises as a result of securing external funding.


Decision Maker: Council, Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/07/2018

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Karen Morris

Notice of decision: 01/06/2018

Anticipated restriction: Open

01/06/2018 - Treasury Management - 2017/18 Outturn    Recommendations Approved

To approve the 2017/18 treasury management outturn as reported within the outturn performance report presented to Cabinet on 28th June.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 13/07/2018

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove

Notice of decision: 01/06/2018

Anticipated restriction: Open

29/05/2018 - Variation to public realm annual plan 2018/19 – A44 Programme of Works ref: 5163    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant director environment and place (Historic)

Decision published: 30/05/2018

Effective from: 29/05/2018


To programme surfacing works for the A44 of £3,392,251
from the councils allocated capital programme within the public realm annual plan 2018/19

Lead officer: Laura Lloyd

30/05/2018 - Pomona Place public art and footpath improvements project ref: 5161    For Determination

Decision Maker: Director for economy, communities and corporate (Historic)

Decision published: 30/05/2018

Effective from: 06/06/2018


That: Approval be given for the spend of section 106 monies at Pomona Place, Hereford, HR2 0LW for the provision of public art (£30,450) and physical improvements to the pathway (£55,415) between Ryelands Street and Pomona Place which will be delivered through Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP).


Wards affected: Greyfriars;

Lead officer: Hannah McSherry

09/04/2018 - Planning Notice to Tidy Up Land in Ross on Wye ref: 5162    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer decision - economy, communities and corporate (Historic)

Decision published: 25/05/2018

Effective from: 09/04/2018


To serve a section 215 notice under the Town & Country Planning Act in respect of untidy land in Ross on Wye

Lead officer: Marc Willimont

24/05/2018 - To approve the contractual arrangements for the development and regeneration programme ref: 5147    Recommendations Approved

To approve the final contractual arrangements for implementing the development and regeneration programme (DRP). While the finally agreed arrangements have been tailored to reflect organisational changes made by the preferred bidder, they are not materially different from those discussed during the procurement.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision published: 24/05/2018

Effective from: 01/06/2018



(a)            the council enters into overarching agreements (2) with Keepmoat Homes Ltd and Engie Regeneration Ltd as part of the council’s development and regeneration programme.

(b)            that the council enters into parent company guarantees with Keepmoat Ltd and Engie Services Holding UK Ltd are in place to underpin these overarching agreements.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Gabb

21/05/2018 - Response to Progressive Slope failure at C1257 Symonds Yat (West) ref: 5158    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer decision - economy, communities and corporate (Historic)

Decision published: 24/05/2018

Effective from: 21/05/2018


1) The C1257 at Symonds Yat (West) remains open: This until such time as further failure of, or risk of failure of, the slope presents a significant risk to highway users that cannot be managed by warning signage alone; and/or further investigation works can be mobilized; or the results of those investigations confirm the need to close this section of the C1257.
2) Signage: signage to be put in place to warn of the dangers of using the road. Signs to be developed to inform all using the highway at this location of the risk.
3) Alternative access: Costings are to be made for the metalling of Ferrie Lane to provide a potential alternative, accepting that this is a narrow lane.
4) Geotechnical investigations: Timescales and costings are to be made for geotechnical investigations to understand the failure mechanism and potential solutions.
5) Site monitoring: Monitoring will continue.
6) Briefing and Communications: Cabinet Member and Local Member to be briefed regarding the situation, communications will be issued to the parish council and those properties impacted by any closure on this road at this location.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

24/05/2018 - Landscaping at the Master's House, St Katherines, Ledbury ref: 5154    Recommendations Approved

To approve the spend of section 106 public realm monies received in respect of planning application P160606/F - Land at Galebreaker House, Leadon Way, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2SS for the purposes set out in this report, together with an explanation of the considerations that have been taken into account in reaching this recommendation.

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 24/05/2018

Effective from: 01/06/2018



(a)        subject to securing planning consent, approval is given to undertake landscaping works in accordance with the landscape master plan at appendix 2, at a cost of not more than £120,000 including fees; and

(b)        the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendation.

Wards affected: Ledbury West;

Lead officer: Hannah McSherry