Issue details

Variation to Annual Plan 20/21 - Holme Lacy causeway repairs

Due to the recent storms (Bella and Christoph), there has been damage caused to Holme Lacy causeway which is currently under traffic management and requires repair to be fully reopened. Due to the edge damage caused by flood water wash out the site is currently unsafe to operate as two way traffic until repaired.

This scheme will be funded through the delaying of the C1258 Symonds Yat East, Three Ashes and Stincombe/Old Trout/C1213 full design investigations into next years annual plan. The cost for the repair works are £34,894.18

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/03/2021

Decision due: 8 March 2021 by Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Contact: John Manterfield, Commercial and Contract Manager Email:
