Issue details
Hereford Transport & South Wye Transport Packages review
This report seeks cabinet member approval to confirm the scope, outline programme and timescale for undertaking a review of Hereford and South Wye Transport packages following the decision made by cabinet 22 October 2019.
The review is essential to ensure that the council’s decision making is fully informed by the latest information and best practice. We need to ensure any major scheme has a positive impact on the county to address travel issues, such as congestion and air quality, as these schemes have a permanent impact upon the environment which last for generations to come.
The current Local Transport Plan (2016-2031) describes the vision: A transport network that supports growth enabling the provision of new jobs and houses, whilst providing the conditions for safe and active travel, which reduces congestion and increases accessibility by less polluting and healthier forms of transport than the private car. The Cabinet is keen to understand how alternative options address emerging local and national policy such as those resulting from the declared climate emergency, considering new solutions and approaches which have developed over the last twenty years and which are now being implemented in other urban areas.
It is incumbent on the council to ensure that projects are consistent with the council’s declaration of a climate emergency and will contribute to reducing the carbon output of the county whilst also addressing the transport problems of the city and supporting economic growth. Whilst the review is being carried out the council will continue to deliver agreed improvements to encourage a shift of travel mode and reduce congestion.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/12/2019
Decision due: 24 January 2020 by Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport
Lead member: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport
Lead director: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport
Department: Economy and Place (Historic)
Contact: Steve Burgess, Head of transport and access services Email: Tel: 01432260968.