Issue details

Recommissioning of a domestic abuse support service and an outline approach for a Domestic Abuse Strategy for Herefordshire



To approve the approach to recommissioning of a domestic abuse support service and the outline of a new Domestic Abuse Strategy for Herefordshire.

The commissioned domestic abuse support service provided by West Mercia Women's Aid is due to conclude in March 2019. This report details the intention to commission a redesigned domestic abuse service from April 2019 and provides an outline of the revised domestic abuse strategy for Herefordshire.

A shared strategic vision and set of priorities across agencies is required to tackle the root causes and consequences of domestic abuse, which is a complex, pan-organisational challenge. Within this, specialist services for victims and their children who seek support is vital to minimise harm and maximise positive outcomes, focussed on safety, building resilience and empowerment. A commissioned service is required which prevents the needs of victims and their children from escalating. The service will provide a single point of contact and access to experienced professionals who understand the risks and challenges faced by victims, assisting them to locate the right services and information to meet their needs.

Prevention, early intervention and co-ordination of support is key to prevent the risk and level of need from escalating and ultimately costing more to organisations across the system.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure and strategic nature / impact on communities;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/02/2018

Decision due: 18 October 2018 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet member health and wellbeing

Lead director: Director for adults and wellbeing (Historic)

Department: Adults wellbeing (Historic)

Contact: Danielle Mussell, Commissioning officer Email: Tel: 01432 260815.


Agenda items


  • Recommissioning of Domestic Abuse Support Service for Herefordshire