ePetition details

Herefordshire against the Western Bypass

We the undersigned petition the council to Listen to local people and what they want for their city

To my knowledge, no recent formal petition has been done to ask local residents if they want a bypass for the city, yet the council is planning to proceed to spend millions of pounds on a new road that many simply don’t want. In addition to this they will be knocking down OUR homes and disrupting OUR beautiful city and peaceful countryside to build the road.

WE live here, WE should be listened to, this is our city and the council should be working with us to be the voice of local people and many simply don’t want a new road that we feel is a waste of money.

This ePetition ran from 18/07/2018 to 20/08/2018 and has now finished.

3 people signed this ePetition.