ePetition details
Save Young Carers Services
The Carers Strategy (Page 10) says that WISH could help build 'pastoral support' however not all Young Carers have access to the internet.
"I only have the internet at my Mum's and school but not at my Nan and Grandad's where I am living at the moment. Lots of websites and information are blocked on school computers and if I search 3 blocked websites in school I will get an internet ban for the rest of term."
'Young Carers have a particular right to expect that they will be recognised and supported by public services' (Page 10, Carers Strategy) - "This is technically a lie. The Council, a public service are not providing any services for Young Carers other than a Young Carers Assessment. An assessment is no good to me if there are no services to support me".
'Young Carers may need to be convinced of the benefits of identification and registration' - "What are these benefits if the only service and support we have in Herefordshire will end in September 2018."
"Herefordshire's Young Carer Forum is the only place where professionals could come and meet with Young Carers to listen to us. They never do what they say they will or come back to tell us what they've done". "We can't participate in reviewing services if we aren't approached, respected and listened to!"
"Young Carers have a particular right to expect that they will be recognised and supported by public services" Page 10, A Joint Carers Strategy for Herefordshire 2017 - 2021'.
One of the 'Shared Visions' is 'Networking and mutual support' - "Young Carers Club is the only place where I feel like I am understood. I'm not different, we all know what it's like being Young Carers."
"I never get bullied at Young Carers, there is no uniform to wear or buy, clubs are free and I get to have a break"
"I don't want to go to universal groups such as 'Brownies' because I feel like I will be different to everyone else and I won't fit in. They do more activities so you don't get the chance to have support and talk. I tired Brownies for 2 weeks and quit because I didn't like it".
"I've been going to Young Carers for 6 years and have only missed 4 clubs, 1 because of 'Options Evening'. 1 because of a school trip meeting and the other 2 I was in A&E".
This ePetition ran from 29/05/2018 to 07/08/2018 and has now finished.
132 people signed this ePetition.
Council response
Your petition requesting that Herefordshire Council allocate
money to support the young carers service currently provided by
Herefordshire Carers Support (HCS) has now closed. Thank you for
raising this matter, it has contributed to the ongoing
conversations the council have with HCS.
As you may be aware, young carers clubs provided by HCS have not
been funded by the council. HCS have successfully developed this
service by seeking and securing funding from other sources. We
understand you and other young carers value the clubs and trips and
want to keep them going. Council staff are working with HCS, and
other voluntary organisations, to support them in identifying and
bidding for funding to enable this to continue.
The response below seeks to address the other points raised in your
petition. If you would like to meet with council officers we can
arrange a convenient time and place to discuss this further with
you, please contact Richard Watson at
childrenscommissioning@herefordshire.gov.uk or call 01432
As you mention, the Joint Carers Strategy for Herefordshire 2017
– 2021 recognises unpaid carers as one of
Herefordshire’s most valuable assets. Many people helped
create the strategy including carers, volunteers and voluntary
sector organisations, council and health services. You may have met
some of the officers when they visited young carers clubs. The
government’s Carers Action Plan 2018 to 2020 strengthens the
approach in the Joint Carers Strategy, which is now being
implemented to improve the wellbeing of carers in
The council has been developing the services it offers young carers
and recently started a new Young Carers Support Service provided by
the family support team. It is important that young carers are
identified and that their needs assessed so they are able to
continue in their caring role while keeping well and achieving
their own goals and ambitions. The assessment offered by the young
carers support service considers all aspects of the young
person’s life beyond their caring role, and the needs of
their family, leading to support where needed including one to one
and whole family support. The support offered is across a
wide-range of networks, connecting and working with other
In the petition you mention young carers should be recognised and
supported by public services and described how you have not felt
able to access universal services and experienced bullying when you
tried to do so in the past. Another aspect of the council’s
Young Carers Support Service is to help improve how people and
services think about the needs of young carers. This includes
working with public services such as schools and GPs as well as
community groups, to improve their understanding young carers
needs. The intention is that in the future young carers will have a
positive experience in accessing wider services and developing
their interests.
We note your circumstances with access to the internet and to
information and advice websites such as WISH. WISH can be used by
schools to boost the pastoral support they provide by giving them a
better understanding of the pressure that young carers experience
and as a source of information to pass on to young people. The
Young Carers Support Service could help you to access information
or support you with problems at school. You can contact the
service, called the Early Help Team, on 01432 260261.
We hope that this addresses the points you have raised and you are
reassured that the council is working in line with the government
guidance to improve the experience of carers of all ages in
Herefordshire. While there is currently no specific council funding
available to replace the HCS’s charitable funding, council
staff will look at the potential for a future funding scheme to
support young carers or other groups of young people, as well as
continuing to support HCS to identify and apply for other funding
as opportunities arise.