

27/02/2020 - Quarter 3 2019/20 corporate budget and performance report ref: 6671    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for quarter 3 2019/20 and the budget outturn.

To provide assurance that progress is being made towards achievement of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential underperformance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction.


The 2019/20 outturn is £51k overspend as at the end of December 2019. It is anticipated that this will be addressed within the directorates.


The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is 70%. This is an improvement on the same period last year.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 27/02/2020

Effective from: 05/03/2020



(a) Cabinet reviewed performance and financial outturn for quarter 3 2019/20, as set out in appendices A - G, and did not identify any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvement.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

27/11/2019 - Quarter 2 2019/20 corporate budget and performance report ref: 6454    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for quarter 2 2019/20 and the budget outturn.

To provide assurance that progress is being made towards achievement of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet's satisfaction. 


The 2019/20 outturn is £146k overspend as at the end of September 2019.It is anticipated that this will be addressed within the directorates.

The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is 63%.  This is an improvement on the same period last year

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 27/11/2019

Effective from: 04/12/2019



Cabinet reviewed performance and financial outturn for quarter 2 2019/20, as set out in appendices A - H,  and did not identify any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvement.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

29/10/2019 - Executive Response to Review of highways maintenance - pothole repairs ref: 6391    Recommendations Approved

To agree the executive response to the recommendations from the review of highways maintenance – pothole repairs.


The review was commissioned by the general scrutiny committee who appointed a task and finish group to consider the highway maintenance plan and seek to address concerns expressed within the community about the potential mismatch between policy and practice on pothole repairs.  The review made a number of recommendations.  It is proposed that all of the recommendations are accepted, with the exception of recommendations 6, 8and 14, which are partially agreed, and recommendations 11 and 13 which are recommendations that executive cannot implement or require agreed in principle. Full responses are set out in appendix 3.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 29/10/2019

Effective from: 05/11/2019



a)    the response to the general scrutiny committee’s recommendations regarding the review of highways maintenance – pothole repairs, as attached at appendix 1 is approved.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Tim Brown, Clive Hall

11/10/2019 - Adoption of the Withington Group neighbourhood plan and consequential updates to the countywide policies map ref: 6318    Recommendations Approved

To make the Withington Group neighbourhood development plan as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire and approve the consequential updates to the countywide policies maps.


To fulfil the legal duty to make /adopt the Withington Group neighbourhood development plan and update the countywide policies map as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire.


On 20 May 2016, the Council delegated authority to the cabinet member infrastructure for decisions on all further neighbourhood development plans adoptions, and consequential amendments to the countywide policies map.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 11/10/2019

Effective from: 18/10/2019



(a)        The Withington Group neighbourhood development plan is made as part of the statutory development plan for Herefordshire; and

(b)        The required consequential changes are made to the countywide policies map.


Wards affected: Hagley;

Lead officer: Samantha Banks

10/10/2019 - Short Breaks Capital Grant Scheme ref: 6314    Recommendations Approved

To approve the creation of a short breaks capital grant scheme.

Short breaks provide opportunities for disabled children and young people to have enjoyable experiences away from their primary carers, thus contributing to their social inclusion and personal and social development. They also provide the parents and carers of disabled children with a necessary and valuable break from their caring responsibilities.


Feedback from families highlighted that children wanted to access more activities alongside other children, to increase socialisation, and that support currently provided, whilst meeting a number of key outcomes, may limit opportunity for increasing levels of independence for some children. 


The grant scheme will ensure maximum benefit for children with disabilities and special educational needs across Herefordshire, approved at the council’s budget meeting on 15 February 2019 as part of the council’s capital strategy. The aim of the scheme is to improve access to universal and targeted activities across Herefordshire for children with special educational needs and disabilities by delivering capital improvements, thus creating greater opportunity for spending time with friends, and developing independence.


The maximum capital funding available for this scheme is £118,000, which is non-recurrent. It is intended that all funding will be committed by the end of March 2020. If required, further bidding rounds will be scheduled during 2020 until the budget has been fully allocated.


The funding will be used for capital projects that support the provision of regular, inclusive universal and targeted activities to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Herefordshire.


Wide publicity and awareness through existing networks will be undertaken to ensure that eligible organisations are given the opportunity to apply and demonstrate that their project will improve short breaks provision locally, achieve defined outcomes for children and young people, and will be sustainable beyond the grant intervention.  Applications received by the deadline will be assessed by an appraisal panel against the scheme criteria. Post implementation evaluation and reporting requirements will ensure that successful schemes are able to demonstrate that they maximise the benefit for children and young people with disabilities across Herefordshire.  Case studies and other monitoring information will be collated to ensure that the learning and impact from the grant scheme can be captured.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 10/10/2019

Effective from: 17/10/2019



(a)   A capital Short Breaks Grant Scheme with a non-recurring budget of £118,000 is made available for projects that will increase access to regular, inclusive universal and targeted activities to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Herefordshire;

(b)  the Director for Children and Families be authorised to determine grant awards inaccordance with the scheme criteria and having regard to the recommendations of the appraisal panel established as set out in appendix 1.



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Amanda Price

07/10/2019 - Teachers pay award 2019/20 ref: 6392    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval by the head of paid service on the proposed arrangements for an above national pay award for teachers.  The proposals aim to ensure that all teachers are treated equally and receive a cost of living increase.  For the last four years, the national pay award has only applied to the statutory bottom(minima) and  top (maxima) of all pay ranges and allowances and not the pay points in-between these points.


It is for local authorities to determine whether they accept the national proposal or develop an alternative proposal to address any concerns of inequity that the national agreement could create  Local authorities nationally have maintained the previous pay structure for teachers and therefore if the national pay award was applied, a significant number of teachers would not receive a cost of living increase because they are on the pay points in-between the top and bottom points . Providing such an award can positively affect recruitment and retention for council schools.


Allowances refer to TLRs (teaching and learning responsibilities) and SEN (special educational needs).

Decision Maker: Chief executive

Decision published: 07/10/2019

Effective from: 07/10/2019


On 7th October, the Employment panel indicated its support that the proposals below be applied:


(a)        Subject to Parliamentary approval a 2.75% increase for school leaders and teachers on all scale points within all pay ranges with effect from 1st September 2019;

(b)        Subject to Parliamentary approval a  2.75% increase on all allowances with effect from 1st September 2019;


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Baird

26/09/2019 - Youth Justice Plan 2019 - 2020 ref: 6299    Recommend Forward to Council

To review the draft Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 at appendix a, and agree for the plan to be considered by full council.

The Youth Justice Plan (the plan) forms part of the council’s budget and policy framework and is reserved to full council to approve.

The plan is prepared on an annual basis on behalf of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Worcestershire councils.  The basic plan preparation is undertaken by the West Mercia Youth Justice Service according to the deadlines and content requirements set by the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB).

The plan sets out how youth justice services across West Mercia are structured and resourced and identifies key actions to address identified risks to service delivery and improvement.

Under section 40 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, each council has a duty to produce a plan setting out how youth justice services in their area are provided and funded and how the youth offending service for the area is funded and composed, the plan is submitted to the YJB.

The plan for 2019/20 was prepared in May 2019 in line with guidance issued by the YJB. The draft plan was agreed by the West Mercia Youth Justice Service Management Board on 24th May 2019.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 26/09/2019

Effective from: 26/09/2019



The Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 (appendix a) be recommended for approval by full council.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Baird

13/09/2019 - Local Management of Schools Capital Loan to Madley Primary School ref: 6248    Recommendations Approved

To approve a loan from school balances of £50,000 to Madley Primary School to enable the upgrade and replacement of their ICT infrastructure and to refurbish their ICT suite.


The school has recently conducted an IT infrastructure review and found the current hardware and technical infrastructure to be outdated and no longer fit for purpose; their previous hardware refresh took place in 2002 with adhoc maintenance, repair and exchange to date. The school have been advised that there is an imminent risk of failure of the server which could result in a loss of data.


The project will refresh the existing desktop hardware including a migration to Windows 10 with full cloud capability and supporting infrastructure, and the migration of data to SharePoint.  As a result of this upgrade, the infrastructure lifespan will be in excess of 10 years, with the hardware lifespan between 7-9 years.


The IT suite will be refurbished with new fixtures and fittings (benches and seating) and the flooring replaced.


Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families (Historic)

Decision published: 13/09/2019

Effective from: 20/09/2019



(a)       A capital loan of £50k to Madley Primary School be approved at 0% interest, repayable from April 2020 in five instalments of £10k to enable the upgrade and replacement of their ICT infrastructure and to refurbish their ICT suite including replacing the flooring.


Wards affected: Stoney Street;

Lead officer: Karen Jones

11/09/2019 - Executive response to the Review of Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision ref: 6242    Recommendations Approved

To approve the executive response to the recommendations from the task and finish group’s review of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision.  The task and finish group assessed SEND provision in Herefordshire and made thirteen recommendations to the executive.  It is proposed that twelve of the recommendations are accepted and the responses are set out in appendix 1.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 11/09/2019

Effective from: 18/09/2019




a)    the response to the children and young people’s scrutiny committee’s recommendations regarding the review of SEND provision in Herefordshire, as attached at appendix 1 are approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Les Knight

10/09/2019 - Executive response to the review of the pupil referral unit (PRU) referrals ref: 6236    Recommendations Approved

To approve the executive response to the recommendations from the scrutiny review of the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) referrals.  The review assessed the level of referrals to the PRU in Herefordshire and made eleven recommendations to the executive; these recommendations and proposed responses are set out in appendix 1.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 10/09/2019

Effective from: 17/09/2019



(a)        the response to the children and young people’s scrutiny committee’s recommendations regarding pupil referral unit (PRU) referrals in Herefordshire, as attached at appendix 1 are approved.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Les Knight

10/09/2019 - Executive response to the Review of Court Judgements relating to Children and Families ref: 6234    For Determination

To approve the executive response to the recommendations from scrutiny review of Court judgements relating to children and families.  The review assessed the response of the council to address concerns raised in the court judgements and the recent Ofsted inspections. The Children and Young Peoples Scrutiny Committee made seven recommendations to the head of paid service and three recommendations to the executive.  It is proposed that all of the recommendations are accepted in full and responded to as set out in appendix 1; a further recommendation does not relate to an executive function. The content of training for scrutiny members is an operational matter for the statutory scrutiny officer. 

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 10/09/2019

Effective from: 17/09/2019



(a)       the response to the children and young people’s scrutiny committee’s recommendations to the executive regarding the scrutiny review of court judgements relating to children and families in Herefordshire, as attached at appendix 1 are approved.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Liz Elgar

09/08/2019 - Allocation of funding to Falls Care Navigator service 2019/20 ref: 6207    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of adults and communities (Historic)

Decision published: 09/08/2019

Effective from: 09/08/2019


The director for adults and communities agrees the spending allocation for the Falls Care Navigator service from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 at a total cost of £44,000

April – September 2019 funding is secured via the iBCF funding allocation. The remaining funding, to March 2020, has been secured via the local authority public health grant.

Lead officer: Emma Evans

09/08/2019 - Review of performance and progress against the Safeguarding and Family Support improvement plan 2019 / 2020    Recommendations Approved

To review progress against the improvement plan produced in response to the Ofsted Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services (ILACS) inspection judgement of June 2018 and the subsequent Safeguarding and Family Support division improvement plan 2019 / 2020.

The Ofsted improvement plan 2018 / 2019 was updated to the end of March 2019 at which time the process was reviewed in order to move improvement planning into the service areas for 2019-2020; the individual service plans are being reviewed and monitored through a monthly cycle with a clear indication of progress and areas of challenge.

An overall improvement plan for Safeguarding and Family Support 2019 / 2020 has been developed incorporating the outstanding actions from the Ofsted improvement plan to ensure that the continued focus on improvement is driven forward.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 16/09/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Liz Elgar

Notice of decision: 09/08/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/08/2019 - Hereford Transport Package & South Wye Transport Package ref: 6200    Implemented

To determine future actions regarding the Hereford Transport Package (HTP), which includes the Hereford bypass and associated active travel measures and South Wye Transport Package (SWTP), which includes the southern link road and local active travel measures comprising walking, cycling, bus and public realm improvements.


The original decision to pause and review the bypass and southern link road taken by the cabinet member for infrastructure and transport was taken on 9 August 2019. The decision was called in by General Scrutiny Committee. The decision was discussed at a meeting of the committee on 9 September 2019 and the committee came to the view that the decision should be referred back to the cabinet member to reconsider, giving regard to the matters set out in paragraph 34 below.


This report confirms the final decision having regard to the recommendations made by General Scrutiny Committee.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 09/08/2019

Effective from: 16/08/2019




a)    all work on the Southern Link Road be paused, a review of the project to determine next steps be undertaken, and work on the South Wye Transport Package active travel measures be continued;


b)    all work on the Hereford by-pass be paused, a review of the project to determine next steps be undertaken, and work on the Hereford Transport Package active travel measures be continued; and


c)    the acting director for economy and place be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to scope the review work for both road schemes within a budget of £50k (Southern Link Road) and £70k (Hereford By-pass) to inform a further decision in this calendar year.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mairead Lane

08/08/2019 - OBJECTIVE REPORT U92404 Stocking Lane Lucton – Consideration of reduction in existing speed limit to 30mph ref: 6205    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 08/08/2019

Effective from: 08/08/2019


The order as advertised and detailed above is made to introduce a 30mph speed limit on Stocking Lane.

AND that: the request to lower speed limit on B4362 at this location will be the subject of further consideration. Working with the parish this will seek to establish what appropriate traffic engineering measures will need to be in place to enable a effective further reduction in the existing 50mph limit over all or part of its extents; and whom might fund the introduction of these measures, having due regard to the level of local concern and the risk posed to all road users across Herefordshire.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

08/08/2019 - Quality Surveying Services for Ross Enterprise Park ref: 6202    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 08/08/2019

Effective from: 08/08/2019


To award a contract to Greenwood Projects Limited to provide quantity surveying services and the drafting of a JCT contract at a fixed cost of £6,270.00 with an option to appoint negotiation services at an addition fixed rate if required pending the cost review.

Lead officer: Nick Webster

08/08/2019 - Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Adult Education Budget and 16-19 Funding Contract for the Academic Year 2019/2020 ref: 6206    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families (Historic)

Decision published: 08/08/2019

Effective from: 08/08/2019


Acceptance of the Secretary of State for Education acting through
the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Conditions of Funding Grant 2019/2020 for the following:
- £504,480 for the delivery of adult and community learning
- £87,393 on behalf of the maintained school sixth form of Earl Mortimer College and Sixth Form Centre
- £1,502 on behalf of Westfield school for bursary support.

Lead officer: Chris Jones

07/08/2019 - TUPE transfer of employees currently seconded to Adoption Central England (ACE) to Warwickshire County Council ref: 6204    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families (Historic)

Decision published: 08/08/2019

Effective from: 07/08/2019


To commence staff consultation with a view to TUPE of staff from Herefordshire Council to Warwickshire County Council on a date to be agreed.

Lead officer: Chris Jones

06/08/2019 - Extension of Digital Multi-Media Advocacy Pilot ref: 6203    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families (Historic)

Decision published: 08/08/2019

Effective from: 06/08/2019


To extend the contract with the current provider (University of East London) to enable the pilot to continue for an additional 12 months at a cost of £15,415 from 9th September 2019 to 8th September 2020. (The total cost for total period including the one-year extension will be £42,366.) This will be funded through the SEN reform grant.

Further develop the bespoke combined toolkit that seamlessly integrates the existing Rix Wiki and Multi-me platforms for CYP with SEND and their circles of support.

Review of progress in Q1 of 2020 will be undertaken to inform future decision making with regard to the software. The success of the project will be judged on the proportion of families who report that Wiki-Me has improved:
- sharing information selectively
- person-centered planning
- the communication and achievement of the child’s/family’s needs and preferences
- the production and sharing of plans and programmes.

Lead officer: Chris Jones

08/08/2019 - Enterprise Zone Capital Interventions Phase 5 ref: 6182    Recommendations Approved

To develop further the Hereford Enterprise Zone (HEZ), establishing the critical infrastructure or site remediation required to bring remaining plots into economic use, Cabinet member approval is sought for the next phase of capital expenditure (£5.231m) at the HEZ drawing down the remaining finance from within the approved £16m capital programme. 


The HEZ is critical to the economic success of the City and wider county, enabling businesses to grow and creating new jobs and investment in the economy.  The development of a Cyber Security Centre and business incubation space will enable the county to establish a foot hold in new emerging markets, generating longer term, higher value employment opportunities.

Previous expenditure has been incurred in demolitions, site clearance, land remediation, ground raising (for flood mitigation) and infrastructure including access roads, cycleways, and all utilities at the right capacity and to enable easy connections at a plot level, including an ultrafast broadband network.


Previous approvals have not been fully spent so there is a need to close down these approvals and re-profile any remaining expenditure into this decision.  The remaining funds are required to provide the time critical infrastructure and / or clear sites to enable the plots to be developed out.


To date the HEZ has secured 20 land sales, £48m of investment and a predicted 842 new jobs will be created.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member corporate strategy and budget

Decision published: 08/08/2019

Effective from: 15/08/2019




(a)       £5.231m from the enterprise zone capital programme provision be allocated to the following infrastructure interventions at the Hereford enterprise zone:

Infrastructure Interventions

Allocation  (£000’s)

Spoil Heap removal, movement and ground raising Phase 2 delivery.


Utilities commissioning, installation and movement – gas, electricity, foul and potable water, SUD’s, broadband.


Plot specific works including investigation, preparation and readiness for sale and construction.


Access improvements, roads, cycleways, sustainable transport infrastructure.


Estate wide management, maintenance and improvement works including signage, landscape and drainage.





(b)      the acting Director for Economy and Place be authorised to implement the above interventions, including the procurement and commissioning of works packages of over £500k;


(c)       the total capital allocation of £16m for the EZ development be funded from existing capital receipts.



Wards affected: Dinedor Hill;

Lead officer: Nick Webster

07/08/2019 - Licence to allow Little Dewchurch Parish Council to manage open space known as Blackberry Lane Fieldfare Open Space ref: 6201    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Technical Services

Decision published: 07/08/2019

Effective from: 07/08/2019


Grant a licence to allow Little Dewchurch Parish Council to manage open space known as Blackberry Lane Fieldfare Open Space

Lead officer: Matthew Williams

07/08/2019 - NMiTE Growth Deal Funding Agreement ref: 6174    Recommendations Approved

To approve the underwrite of an element (£850,000) of Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Growth Deal grant funding that has been awarded to the New Model in Technology and Engineering (NMiTE) Higher Education institute.  The underwrite is required under the terms of the LEP Grant Funding Agreement. 


Following a successful application by the council to the Marches LEP, NMiTE have been allocated a capital grant totalling £2.3m.  The grant will enable NMiTE to adapt the Blackfriars Street premises and to purchase the specialist engineering equipment required to teach their first cohort of 50 students that are due to begin their studies in January 2020.  A condition of the funding agreement is that in the event of material failure of NMiTE, determined by Shropshire Council as accountable body for the LEP, the council will have 12 months to identify an alternative body to deliver an equivalent set of outputs that would be agreed with Shropshire Council at the time. If the council fails to find an alternative body, and should there be a subsequent clawback by central government of the Growth Deal funds, the council shall within 10 days pay a sum equal to the value of all grant payments which have been paid to NMiTE for the purpose of the refurbishment or improvement of the Blackfriars Street premises (up to £850,000).


The council own the freehold of the Blackfriars Street premises, and has granted a long lease to the Department for Education (125 years). The Department for Education has subsequently granted a sub-lease to NMiTE (50 years).

Decision Maker: Cabinet member corporate strategy and budget

Decision published: 07/08/2019

Effective from: 14/08/2019




(a)       Herefordshire Council underwrite up to £850,000 of Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Growth Deal grant funding allocated to the New Model in Technology and Engineering (NMiTE) Higher Education Institute.


Wards affected: Widemarsh;

Lead officer: Roger Allonby

06/08/2019 - Corporate risk register    Recommendations Approved

To consider the status of the council's corporate risk register in order to monitor the effectiveness of the performance, risk and opportunity management framework.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 19/11/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

Notice of decision: 06/08/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/08/2019 - Tracking of audit recommendations    Recommendations Approved

To review progress of the implementation of audit recommendations.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 19/11/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

Notice of decision: 06/08/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/08/2019 - Development of three traveller site pitches ref: 6172    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to begin works to develop three additional traveller pitches following the awarded capital bid funding.


The pitches consist of two at the Bromyard Site and one at the Grafton Site.  Both sites are owned and managed by Herefordshire Council.


The development of the new pitches will attract an annual income of £11,700 and there is a waiting list of potential residents to take up tenancies for all these pitches.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 06/08/2019

Effective from: 13/08/2019



(a)         the development of two traveller site pitches at Bromyard and one at Grafton traveller sites be approved at a cost of £420,000.


Lead officer: Claire Corfield

06/08/2019 - Modernisation of existing traveller sites ref: 6170    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to begin works to carry out modernisation and upgrade of the traveller sites owned/managed by the Council.


The six sites and 53 pitches require works to carry out further improvements.  

The proposed works include, improvements to fencing, doors, electric meter and supply upgrade, improved security on sites, play areas and general site repairs identified in the stock condition survey.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 06/08/2019

Effective from: 13/08/2019



(a)       the modernisation of traveller sites and pitches as detailed at Appendix 1 be approved at a cost of not more than £490,354.


Lead officer: Claire Corfield


Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 05/08/2019

Effective from: 05/08/2019


Subject to the consideration of the receipt of any objections arising from the formal notice of proposal a new Order will be introduced the effect of which will be;
No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 30 mph along the B4349 from a point 239 metres east of its junction with the U73234 Birch Hill Road to a point 359 metres east of its junction with the U73234 Birch Hill Road

Lead officer: Clive Hall

05/08/2019 - A44 Bromyard Bypass – Consideration of a speed limit reduction from 40 mph to 30 mph ref: 6194    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 05/08/2019

Effective from: 05/08/2019


The existing 40 mph speed limit on the A44 Bromyard Bypass is not reduced to 30 mph in isolation either for its whole extent or part of its extent.
That the above recommendation be reviewed if traffic engineering measures are proposed for implementation in order to introduce a change in the prevailing environment that will result in a self-enforcing reduction in the 85th percentile speeds to a level that would support a lowering of the limit to 30 mph.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

17/06/2019 - Grant of Licence to Occupy of Units 4 & 5 Foxwood Court Rotherwas ref: 6198    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Technical Services

Decision published: 05/08/2019

Effective from: 17/06/2019


Approve grant of licence to occupy 4 & 5 Foxwood Court for a period of 3 months

Lead officer: Gillian Stratford

15/07/2019 - Release of capital funds from existing approved capital allocation to undertake additional repair works at 1 - 6 Tarsmill Court Rotherwas ref: 6197    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Technical Services

Decision published: 05/08/2019

Effective from: 15/07/2019


Approve release of approved capital funds to carry out additional refurbishment at 1 - 6 Tarsmill Court to ensure they meet the requirements of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards and other defects are remedied

Lead officer: Gillian Stratford

17/06/2019 - Grant of Licence to occupy in respect of Unit 5 Great Western Court Ross on Wye ref: 6196    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Technical Services

Decision published: 05/08/2019

Effective from: 17/06/2019


Approve grant of Licence to Occupy PD Studio Ltd

Lead officer: Gillian Stratford

01/08/2019 - Switching to 100% Renewable Electricity ref: 6192    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To switch the Council’s electricity tariff to 100% renewable electricity.

Lead officer: Ben Boswell

01/08/2019 - C1230, Knolton Brook To The Old Shop, Kilpeck, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6191    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the C1230, Knolton Brook To The Old Shop, Kilpeck, from Mulbery House to kilpeck Footpath No 9, planned to be effective for a period of 9 days commencing on the 27th of August 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - U72001, Broadway Lands, Little Dewchurch, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6190    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U72001, Broadway Lands, Little Dewchurch, outside Tree Tops, planned to be effective for a period of 3 days commencing on the 16th of September 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - U94021, Gravel Lane, Bodenham, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6189    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U94021, Gravel Lane, Bodenham, outside Shamrocks, planned to be effective for a period of 5 days commencing on the 16th of September 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - U92006, Letton Lane To A4110, Adforton Leintwardine, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6188    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U92006, Letton Lane To A4110, Adforton Leintwardine, outside The Granary, planned to be effective for a period of 3 days commencing on the 11th of September 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - U94001, Hope Under Dinmore Village Road, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6187    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U94001, Hope Under Dinmore Village Road, , 20 metres either side of the railway bridge, planned to be effective for a period of 2 days commencing on the 11th of September 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - B4347 Moorhampton, Bacton, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6185    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the B4347 Moorhampton, Bacton, at the junction towards Bacton church, planned to be effective for a period of 3 days commencing on the 12th of September 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - U90009, Monnington Lane, Monnington On Wye, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6184    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U90009, Monnington Lane, Monnington On Wye, at Small House, planned to be effective for a period of 3 days commencing on the 11th of September 2019

Lead officer: Sonya Morris

01/08/2019 - Service of notice under Section 154, Highways Act 1980 – hedge growing on land adjacent to Grandison Rise/Prospect Walk, Hereford ref: 6183    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


That notice under Section 154, Highways Act 1980, is served on the occupier of land on which a hedge adjacent to footpath F82382 (Grandison Rise, Hereford) and footpath F80200 (Prospect Walk Hereford), is overhanging the footpaths to an extent so as the obstruct the free passage of pedestrians, such notice to require the occupier to cut the hedge so as to remove the obstruction within such time as specified in the notice.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

01/08/2019 - U80312, Audley Crescent, Hereford, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6186    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Technical Services

Decision published: 01/08/2019

Effective from: 01/08/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U80312, Audley Crescent, Hereford, number 46, planned to be effective for a period of 1 day commencing on the 11th of September 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

31/07/2019 - A465 At Stoke Lacy Bridge, Stoke Lacy, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 6177    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 31/07/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the A465 At Stoke Lacy Bridge, Stoke Lacy, planned to be effective for a period of 8 weeks commencing on the 12th of August 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

31/07/2019 - Youth Justice Plan 2019 - 2020    Recommendations Approved

To approve the Youth Justice Plan 2019/2020.

The Youth Justice Plan forms part of the council's budget and policy framework and is reserved to full council to approve.

The plan is produced on an annual basis on behalf of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Worcestershire councils. The basic plan preparation is undertaken by the West Mercia Youth Justice Service according to the deadlines and content requirements set by the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB).

The plan sets out how youth justice services across West Mercia are structured and resourced and identified key actions to address identified risks to service delivery and improvement.

Under section 40 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, each council has a duty to produce a plan setting out how youth justice services in their area are provided and funded and how the youth offending service for the area is funded and composed, the plan is submitted to the YJB.

The plan for 2019/20 was prepared in May 2019 in line with guidance issued by the YJB. The draft plan was agreed by the West Mercia Youth Justice Service Management Board on 24 May 2019

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 11/10/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Chris Baird

Notice of decision: 31/07/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

26/07/2019 - Officer decision to purchase plastic sacks for holiday lets ref: 6181    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 26/07/2019


To purchase rolls of plastic sacks to be used as part of a trial for use by self-contained holiday lets, up to the total value of £1,200 for the financial year 2019-20.

Lead officer: Nicola Percival

26/07/2019 - Officer decision to purchase wheeled bins ref: 6180    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 26/07/2019


Purchase of 1100 litre bins from A

Lead officer: Nicola Percival

05/07/2019 - Officer decision to enter 2 year contract for sale of scrap plastic bins ref: 6179    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 05/07/2019


To enter into a 2 year contract with Moulding Solutions Ltd for them to dismantle, recycle and make payment to the council for the removal of scrap plastic wheeled bins.

Lead officer: Nicola Percival

11/06/2019 - Officer decision to enter into 2 year contract for supply of plastic bins ref: 6178    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 11/06/2019


To enter into a 2 year contract with SSI Schafer Ltd for the provision of 2 wheeled plastic wheels bins for use at households across the county. Total contract price is estimated to be £119,958.00.

Lead officer: Nicola Percival

21/05/2019 - Refurbish metal bins ref: 6176    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 21/05/2019


Purchase of services from UK Container Maintenance (UKCM) to collect a load of metal containers, fully refurbish them, including washing the inside, return them to depot location and off load into specified location at a cost of £4165.

Lead officer: Nicola Percival

26/07/2019 - Fleet Procurement – Additional vehicle and EV pool cars ref: 6175    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 31/07/2019

Effective from: 26/07/2019


To approve the inclusion of an additional vehicle to the procurement of new corporate fleet

To change the planned purchase of a hybrid vehicle for Waste Services to a fully electric vehicle

To reallocate the planned expenditure of the five pre-approved electric pool cars to the corporate fleet review capital budget

To allocate up to £25k of existing revenue funding to support the corporate fleet review capital budget.

Lead officer: Ben Boswell

29/07/2019 - Student accommodation on Station Approach final project approval ref: 6173    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 30/07/2019

Effective from: 29/07/2019


The acting Director for Economy and Place will enter into all necessary legal agreements and/or the giving of securities or guarantees and take all operational decisions necessary to implement the project within the approved budget and using the project funding approach as advised by the Chief Finance Officer

Lead officer: Richard Ball

29/07/2019 - Sustainable Food City model    Abandoned

To agree the application to become a Sustainable Food County

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 26/03/2020

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Kristan Pritchard

Notice of decision: 29/07/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

01/07/2019 - Transport Hub & Public Realm Works, as part of the Hereford City Centre Transport Package ref: 6168    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 29/07/2019

Effective from: 01/07/2019


That the 2019/20 outline design and scoping for consultation for the Transport Hub and Public Realm be commissioned through the Public Realm contract with a value of up to £245,000.00. This commission remains within approved budget set out in the cabinet member decision referred to above

Lead officer: Mairead Lane