

31/03/2022 - High Needs Budget 2022/23 ref: 8705    Recommendations Approved

To approve the £19.7m Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) high needs budget for 2022/23. 



Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 31/03/2022

Effective from: 07/04/2022




1.    A balanced high needs budget for 2022/23 having regard to the views of Schools Forum be approved as follows;

a.    Complex needs funding £2,285,745;

b.    Independent special schools £2,920,000;

c.     Special school commissioned places £1,743,000;

d.    Special school top-up funding

                                      i.        Base funding £3,826,000;

                                     ii.        inflation at 6% for tariffs D - F £279,560;

e.    Post-16 top-up funding £1,600,000;

f.      Mainstream school top-up funding

                                      i.         Base funding £2,863,000;

                                     ii.        inflation at 3% on tariffs A - C £135,890;

g.    Nurture provision for 5 primary and 1 secondary schools including outreach, full year costs £372,100;

h.    Autism and Language Units 56 commissioned places at £6,000 each £336,000

i.      Autism and Language units top-up funding

                                      i.        base funding £362,432;

                                     ii.        inflation at 3% £10,873;

j.      Early years top-up funding £150,000;

k.     Pupil Referral Service 50 commissioned places at £500,000;

l.      Pupil Referral Service top-up funding 40 pupils at tariff band D2 £9,338 (less income recovery from schools) net budget  £239,555;

m.   Pupil Referral Service – additional 10 outdoor places at £15,643 i.e. £156,434;

n.    H3 Home, Hospital and Hub top-up funding

                                      i.        Base funding £397,000

                                     ii.        inflation 3% £4,491;

o.    Pupil Referral Unit  additional support for

                                      i.         Phasing out TLR allowances, three years from September 2021 £35,000;

                                     ii.         Temporary split site allowance £38,000;

                                    iii.        Pupil Referral Unit support fund £50,000;

p.    SEN protection scheme for primary and secondary schools with a cap at £158 x NOR   (number of roll at Oct 2021) £517,000;

q.    Teachers Pay Grant allocations

                                      i.        Special schools and PRU 466 places at £660 per place £307,560;

                                     ii.        Central SEN Support services £52,000;

                                    iii.        NI 1.25% levy for 466 places at £100 per place £46,600;

r.     High needs contingency/contribution to reserves £0;

s.     SEN support services including 3% inflation uplift as marked *

                                      i.         Additional Needs Management* £209,863;

                                     ii.        Complex Learning Communications* £114,897;

                                    iii.        Equalities team – inclusion* £271,855;

                                   iv.        Hearing Impaired Team* £419,725;

                                     v.        Managed moves £5,000;

                                   vi.        Business support £73,000;

                                  vii.        DSG Services* £129,677;

                                 viii.        Behaviour Support Service – match schools de-delegation £37,500;


t.      Charges and income

                                      i.        Excluded pupils (AWPU)/ Hospital offset by compensating reduction in PRU top-ups £0;

                                     ii.        Local authority recoupment -£211,508;

                                    iii.        Transfer from schools block -£507,224;

                                   iv.        Transfer from Central services block -£75,000.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Malcolm Green

28/01/2022 - Schools Budget 2022/23 ref: 8494    Recommendations Approved

To approve school forum’s recommended budget proposals for school budgets, central school services and early years within the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for 2022/23.


Dedicated Schools Grant funding for the schools block in 2022/23 is £116.5m, which is an increase of £1.6m for primary pupils, £1.8m for secondary pupils, a total of £3.4m. In additional the government have announced a supplementary grant for schools valued at £3.8m (£3m for mainstream schools and £0.8m for high needs). The funding for high needs and early years block are provisional and are both subject to final adjustments for pupil numbers and commissioned places. The school funding values and formula calculations are in accordance with the national school funding formula as set by government. The £0.5m funding above that required to implement the national funding formula is to be transferred to the high needs block for 2022/23.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 28/01/2022

Effective from: 04/02/2022



The local implementation of the National Funding Formula (NFF) for 2022/23 as set out in the consultation document and recommendation 1. (a) – (n) as below, be approved  as follows;


1.     The final school funding values be agreed, subject to a minimum total funding per pupil of £4,265 for primary schools and £5,525 for secondary schools, including the Minimum Funding Guarantee at 2% as follows:

(a)   Basic entitlement per pupil Primary £3,217, basic entitlement per secondary pupil Key Stage 3 £4,536 and basic entitlement per secondary pupil Key Stage 4 £5,112

(b)  Deprivation per free school meal Primary £470 Deprivation per free school meal Secondary £470

(c)   Deprivation per ever-6 free school meal Primary £590, Deprivation per ever-6 free school meal Secondary £865

(d)  Socio-economic deprivation Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI)

(i)         Band A Primary £640 Secondary £890

(ii)        Band B Primary £490 Secondary £700

(iii)       Band C Primary £460 Secondary £650

(iv)          Band D Primary £420 Secondary £595

(v)            Band E Primary £270 Secondary £425

(vi)          Band F Primary £220 Secondary £320

(vii)         Band G Primary £0 Secondary £0

(e)   Low prior attainment per pupil Primary £1,130, per pupil Secondary £1,710

(f)    Lump Sum Primary £121,300, Secondary £121,300

(g)  Looked after Children, primary and secondary All £0

(h)  Primary sparsity, on NFF taper basis, over 2 miles and less than an average year group size of 21.4 pupils Primary £55,000 

(i)    Secondary sparsity, on NFF taper basis, over 3 miles and less than an average year group size of 120 pupils Secondary £80,000 using the updated DfE actual road distance measure

(j)    English as additional language (EAL3) per primary pupil Primary £565 English as additional language per secondary pupil Secondary £1,530

(k)   Mobility Primary £925 Mobility Secondary £1,330

(l)    PFI contract Secondary £308,138

(m)Exceptional premises factor – Eastnor rent Primary £9,332

(n)  Business rates: At the indicative cost of £1,286,112 as determined by the Education and Skills Funding Agency

2.     Additional growth funding of £179,240 for 2022/23 be approved as follows;

(a) Growth funding for basic need expansion at Kingstone High School, £134,430(summer term £55,050, autumn & spring £79,380) for the financial year 2022/23 for an additional 30 planned pupils

(b) Growth funding be finalised for basic need expansion at Fairfield High School, £44,810 (summer term £18,350, autumn & spring £26,460) for the financial year 2022/23 for an additional 10 planned pupils

3.   Transfer to high needs block to support the SEN protection scheme, £507,224 and to set the school funding cap at £160 x Number on Roll for 2022/23 subject to further consideration of the funding cap at the March meeting of Schools Forum.

4.     That prior to submission to the DfE, any minor adjustments to the schools budget up to £5k required to comply with the regulations, be made to the funding allocated to the growth fund to provide a contingency.

5.     That the Cabinet Member for Children’s and Families be advised for information, that Schools Forum approved an inflationary increase for the central support services funding for 2022/23,  as follows;

(a)   Statutory retained duties £380k

(b)  Schools Forum administration costs £19k

(c)   School admission costs £129k

(d)  National licences for schools £150k

(e)   Additional funding for statutory duties for SEN casework team £26k

(f)    transfer SACRE funding to statutory duties £6k

(g)  Transfer to the high needs block £75k

(h)  And that Schools Forum accepted the Budget Working Group’s advice regarding approval of the proposal for additional funding from SACRE to increase expenditure on activities for schools and training.

6.     That the Cabinet Member for Children’s and Families be advised for information, that local authority maintained School Forum members, approved the de-delegation of funding in 2022/23, and, as follows

(a)   trade union facilities for primary schools only be approved at £2.60 per pupil

(b)  trade union facilities for secondary schools only be provided for through a Service Level Agreement at £2.60 per pupil

(c)   school budgeting software licence at £415 per school

(d)  ethnic minority support at £1.15 per pupil plus £6.80 per Ever-6 Free school meals and £36 per English as an Additional Language three years (EAL3)

(e)   school meals entitlement assessment at £1.29 per primary pupil and £0.97 per secondary pupil (for local authority schools)

(f)    behaviour support service (option A) at £4 per pupil to provide £37,500 income and a matched contribution from the high needs budget of £37,500

(g)  the statutory education services for non-academy schools be charged at £12.25 per pupil

7.     The early years funding formula for Herefordshire providers from April 2022 be approved  as follows;

(a)    Two year olds: £5.57 per hour

(b)  Three and four year olds: £4.24 per hour + £0.36 per hour for Early Years Pupil Premium eligible children + a rurality supplement per provider of £54 per week (pro-rata for providers that deliver less than 100 hours per week) paid for 38 weeks per year

8.   That the Cabinet Member for Children’s and Families be advised for information, that Schools Forum approved that the early years central expenditure be increased by 3.9% inflation £370,598 for NEF contract payments, Early years consultants and MASH support for early years settings.

9.     The Schools Budget be approved as follows;

a.     A balanced schools budget be approved for 2022/23; and

b.    the uncommitted DSG reserves of £432,000 be carried forward to financial year 2023/24 adjusted by any under or overspend in DSG at year end.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Malcolm Green

25/11/2021 - Quarter 2 Budget & Performance Report ref: 8382    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for Quarter 2 2021/22 and the final budget outturn for the year.


To provide assurance that progress has being made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction. 


The forecast 2021/22 outturn shows a net underspend of £152k.


The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is 73%. At the end of the quarter, 66% of actions from the delivery plan are identified as complete or are progressing within planned timescales.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 25/11/2021

Effective from: 02/12/2021




a)    Cabinet, having reviewed the performance and financial forecast for year 2021/22 as set out in appendices A – F, has not identified any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

28/10/2021 - Strategic Improvement Plan for Children and Families ref: 8302    Recommendations Approved

To endorse the draft Strategic Improvement Plan at Appendix 1 and draft Operational Plan at Appendix 2.


The Strategic Improvement Plan forms part of the council’s response to the non-statutory improvement notice issued by the Department for Education on 18 May 2021.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/10/2021

Effective from: 04/11/2021



a)    Cabinet note the activity undertaken to inform and develop our Strategic and Operational Plans.

b)    Cabinet endorse the Strategic Plan accepted by the independently chaired Improvement Board on 11 October 2021 in order that it can be presented to the Department for Education, in compliance with the non-statutory improvement notice.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jean Saunders

08/10/2021 - Granting access to the Environment Agency to repair damaged flood wall at Kenwater, Leominster ref: 8277    Recommendations Approved

• Contractors employed by the Environment Agency (EA) require consent to access land to install a temporary work cabin on land adjacent to 69 Osborne Close Leominster

• The scheme to repair the floodwall at this location was frustrated and suspended earlier this year when a cable strike occurred.

• The cable strike has now been repaired and rebuilding of the floodwall at this location may now be completed.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 08/10/2021

Effective from: 08/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

08/10/2021 - Leominster Heritage Action Zone Heritage Web App ref: 8275    Recommendations Approved

A procurement process was undertaken in line with the council’s Contracts Procedures Rules for contracts under £25k. Four responses to the ITQ were received and these were assessed by Herefordshire Council and Leominster Town Council representatives.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 08/10/2021

Effective from: 08/10/2021

Lead officer: Neil Taylor

08/10/2021 - Leominster Heritage Action Zone conservation area appraisal (CAA) ref: 8276    Recommendations Approved

The CAA is identified as a project in the Leominster Heritage Action Zone programme.

The contract was procured in accordance with the council’s Contracts Procedures Rules. Border Archaeology Limited’s response to the ITQ was considered to have met the required criteria and is within the budget for the project.

Border Archaeology Limited are a local company based on Leominster Enterprise Park with the capability and experience in delivering CAAs and a deep understanding of the town of Leominster.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 08/10/2021

Effective from: 08/10/2021

Lead officer: Neil Taylor

08/10/2021 - Contracts for the provision of lift and escalator maintenance, facility management, cleaning and site security services and Christmas decorations at Maylord Orchard ref: 8274    Recommendations Approved

The Maylord Shopping Centre has been owned outright by the council since June 2020
These contracts are with the existing providers for the provision of services essential to meeting the Council’s obligations as owner and landlord and to the good management of the shopping centre. Under the terms of the sale and purchase agreement for Maylord Shopping Centre these contracts are to be novated to the council as such these are not new contracts but a formalisation of existing arrangements.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 08/10/2021

Effective from: 08/10/2021

Lead officer: Neil Taylor

07/10/2021 - To grant a short Licence to Occupy at The Hive, Venns Lane, Hereford ref: 8273    Recommendations Approved

• Herefordshire College of Arts (HCA) are taking a lease of these premises.

• HCA already occupy under a Licence to Occupy but this has expired and a new short-term licence is required to cover the intervening period before the lease is completed.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

07/10/2021 - To grant a Licence for Alterations to HCA at The Chapel, Venns Lane, Hereford ref: 8272    Recommendations Approved

• Herefordshire College of Arts (HCA) are taking a lease of these premises.

• Alterations are required to the premises to open-up a pre-existing link between existing HCA leased areas and the new space known as the Chapel.

• A separate Licence to Occupy is also to be entered into to allow early occupation before the lease is completed and this will be covered by a separate RoOD.

• The Licence for Alterations is a stand-alone document under seal that will apply to both the Licence to Occupy and the subsequent Lease.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

07/10/2021 - To grant to HCA a Licence to Occupy at The Chapel, Venns Lane, Hereford ref: 8271    Recommendations Approved

• Herefordshire College of Arts (HCA) are taking a lease of these premises.

• Occupation is to be by way of Licence to Occupy until the lease is completed as urgent occupation is required for service delivery (education)

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

07/10/2021 - Hereford City Centre Improvements (HCCI) ref: 8255    Recommendations Approved

To provide an update to HCCI project elements and associated spend profile from that outlined within the 3 December 2020 Cabinet Member decision, and to grant delegated authority to the Director of Economy and Place in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer to progress and deliver the project elements within the outlined budget.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 14/10/2021



a)    The following elements of the Hereford City Centre Improvements programme are progressed in place of these originally  set out in the cabinet report dated 3 December 2020:

a.    High Town existing enhancements

b.    High Town area minor works

c.    Market and event infrastructure

d.    CCTV enhancements

e.    Façade improvement grants / business grants

f.      Cathedral and River Wye Quarter design

g.    St Owen’s Street cycle contraflow

h.    Widemarsh Street kerb improvements

i.      Cathedral & River Wye Quarter planters

j.      City Link Road planters and Trees

k.    City Greening

l.      “City Trees”

m.  City green cycle shelters

n.    Public art/Installations

o.    Hostile Vehicle Mitigation

p.    Programme project management

b)    The Director for Economy and Place be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer to progress and deliver the programme elements within the overall programme budget outlined within paragraph 17 of the report on a programme basis across the projects; and

c)    The Chief Financial Officer be authorised to vary the grant funding agreement if acceptance of the updated project elements and spend profile outlined within this decision is received from the Marches LEP.


Wards affected: Central;

Lead officer: Mairead Lane

07/10/2021 - Licence to occupy in respect of Unit 1.03 , Shell Store, Hereford Enterprise Zone ref: 8269    Recommendations Approved

1. The Shell Store is owned by the Council, and has been developed to operate as a business incubation, development and networking Centre to stimulate business activity, with 40 units for rent.

2. The Shell Store units are envisaged as being occupied through easy in, easy out terms, through licence arrangements.

3. We want to welcome and settle the first set of tenants into the building as soon as possible to create an income and generate a positive atmosphere to stimulate further interest.

4.The terms agreed reflect on market rents and the facilities on offer to tenants.

5.The prospective tenant has cleared appropriate checks.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

07/10/2021 - Licence to occupy in respect of Unit 5.01, Shell Store, Hereford Enterprise Zone ref: 8268    Recommendations Approved

1. The Shell Store is owned by the Council, and has been developed to operate as a business incubation, development and networking Centre to stimulate business activity, with 40 units for rent.

2. The Shell Store units are envisaged as being occupied through easy in, easy out terms, through licence arrangements.

3. We want to welcome and settle the first set of tenants into the building as soon as possible to create an income and generate a positive atmosphere to stimulate further interest.

4.The terms agreed reflect on market rents and the facilities on offer to tenants.

5.The prospective tenant has cleared appropriate checks.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 07/10/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

06/10/2021 - Licence to Occupy to Ross Lions Club in respect of Wilton Road Car Park Ross on Wye ref: 8267    Recommendations Approved

• The council own Wilton Road car park and Ross Lions have requested that they be permitted to use the property on the evening of 5th November 2021 in connection with their annual fireworks display

• The event provides an enjoyable evening for the local community and raises funds for Lions Charity purposes.

• Ross Lions have many years’ experience of staging events such as this

The licence will require Ross Lions to reinstate any damage caused and to indemnify the council against any damages, claims or actions arising from the rights granted under the licence.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 06/10/2021

Effective from: 06/10/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

06/10/2021 - Capital Investment in infrastructure and Assets: Extra Ordinary Highways Maintenance, Bio Diversity Net Gain and Winter Fleet ref: 8251    Recommendations Approved

To authorise the spend/investment in the council / highway asset and infrastructure following the resolution at the Council meeting on 12 February 2021, to allocate £2.299m in Extra Ordinary Highways Maintenance, Bio Diversity Net Gain and the Winter Fleet.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member Infrastructure and transport

Decision published: 06/10/2021

Effective from: 13/10/2021



a) £2.299m to be invested in infrastructure as set out below:

· £910k C and U road investment - drainage and carriageway works.

· £250k bio diversity net gain projects across the public realm, public open spaces, council assets and working with partnering groups.

· £750k Market Town Maintenance Investment

· £200k Structures/Retaining Wall Repairs

· £50k Village Safety Initiatives

· £139k Winter Fleet.


b) Delegated authority to Director of Economy and Place (in consultation with the S151 officer) to take all operational decisions to spend the budget as set out in the recommendation (a).

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Bruce Evans

13/09/2021 - Mental Health & Awareness Scheme: Qwell Online Toolkit and Solihull Approach ref: 8266    Recommendations Approved

The global Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting measures taken to reduce the spread of the virus have had an unprecedented impact on the national and local economy and on people’s wellbeing and mental health. We have seen large increase in the numbers of people accessing their GP, and mental health crisis services, suffering with severe anxiety, stress and depression. The online service that will be provided by Qwell will provide immediate access to support people, providing a drop in chat function, 24 hour chat facility with the counselling team, the ability to book sessions with a named counsellor as well as other support, guidance and signposting for people with low level or developing mental health needs, or to support people who may be concerned about or caring for others.
Perinatal mental health problems affect up to 20% of woman during pregnancy and the first year of having a baby. Due to the pandemic and lockdown, parents with new babies have not been able to socialise or be supported by universal groups in person. Multi-agency training to encourage consistency in understanding and approach re emotional health, wellbeing and relationships across frontline staff working with families, children and young people is key. Parent/carer/ infant early healthy relationship building improves overall family health and wellbeing. The Solihull Approach is recognised and utilised in Herefordshire, particularly in relation to the under-5s: training in additional modules on mental health and wellbeing and understanding the teenage brain will extend its reach to families with teenagers, schools and the wider community.

Decision Maker: Acting director of adults and communities

Decision published: 05/10/2021

Effective from: 13/09/2021

Lead officer: Paul Smith

05/10/2021 - Air Quality Monitoring Station (AQMS) - To approve spend and delegate officer ref: 8261    Recommendations Approved

To approve expenditure on Air Quality Monitoring Station Resource Improvements to update the equipment on Victoria Street, Hereford with DEFRA approved air quality monitoring equipment and to expand the Air Quality Monitoring Station network to include a second Air Quality Monitoring Station in Leominster. to ensure that the council is able to meet its statutory obligations.


Decision Maker: Cabinet Member housing, regulatory services and community

Decision published: 05/10/2021

Effective from: 12/10/2021



a.     The council undertakes the programme of Air Quality Monitoring Station Resource Improvements as described  in the Business Plan (Appendix A) to be completed within a budget of £192,000;


b.    Delegated responsibility for the award of procurement contracts for the lifecycle of the Air Quality Monitoring  Station Resource Improvements project, informed by methodology advised by the council’s procurement team be given to the Director for Economy and Place; and


c.     Delegated authority be given to the Director of Economy and Place following consultation with the S151 officer to be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above


Wards affected: Greyfriars; Leominster East; Leominster North and Rural; Leominster South; Leominster West;

Lead officer: Tara Roche Schiavon

04/10/2021 - Housing Strategy alternative delivery model options    Abandoned

Provide an update on housing business case and seek approval to explore alternative housing delivery models

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 16/12/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Robert Barton

Notice of decision: 04/10/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open

28/09/2021 - West Mercia Energy Joint Committee - access to papers ref: 8264    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: West Mercia Energy Joint Committee

Made at meeting: 28/09/2021 - West Mercia Energy Joint Committee

Decision published: 04/10/2021

Effective from: 28/09/2021


The West Mercia Energy Joint Committee is administered by Shropshire Council. To view the decisions made at this meeting please visit the Shropshire Council website by following this link:


A summary of the decisions taken is also available: Decisions 28th-Sep-2021 11.00 West Mercia Energy Joint Committee.pdf (

20/09/2021 - To directly deliver an adult tier 2 weight management programme ref: 8263    Recommendations Approved

In July 2020 the government launched ‘Tackling obesity: Empowering adults and children to live healthier lives, this provided the government’s commitment to supporting a healthier environment to help support a healthy weight and to expand weight management services. Funding has now been allocated to local authorities via The Department of Health and social care to support the commissioning of behavioural (tier 2) weight management services for adults.
Herefordshire has been allocated £93,809.
There are conditions attached to the grant and reporting requirements, this fund is available for one year.

Decision Maker: Acting Director of Public Health

Decision published: 04/10/2021

Effective from: 20/09/2021

Lead officer: Rebecca Howell-Jones

20/09/2021 - To spend from the Schools Accessibility Works 2021/22 Budget to create a changing space at Shobdon Primary School. ref: 8260    Recommendations Approved

The proposed works will include mitigation of potential health and safety risks and will benefit all children with special educational needs or disabilities who attend the school in the future including looked after children and care leavers. The scheme fits in with the schools capital investment strategy which sets out the council’s approach to delivering the legal duty to ensure there are enough school places for the children in
its area.

The works entail the remodel of an existing cleaners store and store within the existing school to provide a Changing Room.

S C Joseph Ltd have been identified as the bidder representing best value for money following a competitive tender and assessment process in accordance with Council procurement procedures. Quotations were invited from four prospective companies and two returned valid quotation for consideration that were evaluated on a cost and quality basis.

The work to be awarded to S C Joseph Ltd at a cost of £18,442.00 and
monitored by the Capital Project Manager.

The overall budget available of £150k is to also fund a hygiene room at
St Mary's CE Primary School, Fownhope.

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 01/10/2021

Effective from: 20/09/2021

Lead officer: Andrew Husband

01/10/2021 - Recovery of debt from unpaid parking Penalty Charge Notices ref: 8259    Recommendations Approved

In order to effectively manage the councils highway network in respect of parking, occasionally a Penalty Charge Notice needs to be issued to a vehicle. Where payment is not made in respect of these the relevant legislation provides for debt to be pursued.

In order for the council to continue to exercise its public duty, and recover all associated costs with the enforcement of parking contraventions, and to ensure that the principles of enforcement are not undermined, it is appropriate to take all legal and necessary steps to obtain payment.

Notwithstanding a review of any correspondence received against any of these matters, and the councils underpinning duty to protect those that are vulnerable, the following documents have been served in accordance with legislation in the last period.

September 2021
Charge Certificate – 153
Order for Recovery – 100

In the same period 184 were warrants were executed for the councils contracted Enforcement Agency (Bailiffs) to, in accordance with the relevant legislation, make enquires and enforce the outstanding debt.

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 01/10/2021

Effective from: 01/10/2021

Lead officer: James Hughes

01/10/2021 - To accept and spend £675k of LEP funding awarded to the council to spend on infrastructure works to make land ready for development at Hereford Enterprise Zone. ref: 8234    Recommendations Approved

The council has secured an award of £675k of LEP funding to spend on infrastructure in 2021/22 to prepare land for development at Hereford Enterprise Zone. This funding is in addition to £5,432k previously awarded LEP funds and the £14,947k of capital funding already in the approved capital programme (both of which are shown as separate projects on the capital programme). The funding will enable the council to carry out additional infrastructure work and hence prepare more land for development and sale at the North Magazine of Skylon Park.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member environment and economy

Decision published: 01/10/2021

Effective from: 08/10/2021

Wards affected: Dinedor Hill;

Lead officer: Neil Batt

01/10/2021 - Preparation of a Temporary Road Closure Order made under Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 8258    Recommendations Approved

To enable the October Fair closure to take place, for which purpose the Council, as highway authority, consider the closure of the road is required due to the likelihood of danger to highway users while the said event is taking place.

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 01/10/2021

Effective from: 01/10/2021

Lead officer: Bruce Evans

01/10/2021 - Delivery of Remaining Priority Flood Repair Works ref: 8262    Recommendations Approved

Following the decision taken by Acting Deputy Chief Executive / S151 Officer on 2 July 2021, the various flood damage sites were tendered as a single package of work on the open market. Tenders have now been returned and evaluated on the basis of cost and quality. A decision to proceed with the preferred tenderer is required.
The winning tenderer on a combined basis of 60% price and 40% quality as tendered is Owen Pell Ltd. The evaluation is appended as Appendix A. This appendix is exempt from publication on the grounds that it contains commercially sensitive information in respect to all tenderers’ submissions.
A contract can then be issued to Owen Pell Ltd containing the terms and conditions and detailed services to be undertaken, as outlined within the tender documentation.
Delivery can then be mobilised and the works progressed to completion. The approved capital budget for these works is £960K.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 01/10/2021

Effective from: 01/10/2021

Lead officer: Mairead Lane

30/09/2021 - Revision of Capital Programme Budget for Priority Flood Works ref: 8239    Recommend Forward to Council

Cabinet consider recommendations from General Scrutiny Committee regarding the proposed capital programme realignment and recommend to council in year adjustments to the capital programme to allow the realignment of capital spend to priority flood projects that require the reallocation of budget.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/09/2021

Effective from: 30/09/2021


(a)  the executive response to the recommendations of the general scrutiny committee at appendix 1 be approved, with an amendment that in the response to recommendation (a) the report will be provided to the general scrutiny committee rather than to Council.

(b)  having regard to the recommendations of general scrutiny committee, cabinet recommend to council in year adjustments to the capital programme set out in paragraph 11 below to allow realignment of capital spend to flood repair projects that require the allocation of budget within the programme budget of £4.027m as follows:

Fownhope Landslip Budget reduced from £1.565m to £0.510m

Fownhope Retaining Wall Collapse budget increased from £1m to £1.15m

Unallocated budget of £905k from combined Fownhope budgets remains as contingency for remaining flood works; and

(c)  The Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport is delegated authority (in consultation with the Section 151 officer) to realign the Whitney on Wye and/or the Various Damage site budgets as costs for these works are confirmed.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Clive Hall

30/09/2021 - Update on the improvement programme within the Children and Families directorate following publication of Ofsted focused visit July 2021 ref: 8238    Recommendations Approved

To update Cabinet on the outcome of the Ofsted focus visit on 7 - 8 July 2021 and progress to date of the improvement programme.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/09/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021



a)    Cabinet note the outcome of the Ofsted focussed visit on the 7 – 8 July;

b)    Cabinet note the progress to date against the service priorities identified by Ofsted and other independent reviews undertaken


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Catherine Knowles

30/09/2021 - Q1 Budget & Performance Report ref: 8236    Recommendations Approved

To review performance for Quarter 1 2021/22 and the final budget outturn for the year.


To provide assurance that progress has being made towards delivery of the agreed revenue budget and service delivery targets, and that the reasons for major variances or potential under-performance are understood and are being addressed to the cabinet’s satisfaction. 


The forecast 2021/22 outturn shows a £65k overspend.


The proportion of performance measures showing an improvement, or remaining the same compared to the same period last year is 54%. At the end of the quarter, 60% of actions from the delivery plan are identified as complete or are progressing within planned timescales.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/09/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021



a)    Cabinet review the performance and financial forecast for year 2021/22, as set out in appendices A – F, and identifies any additional actions to be considered to achieve future improvements.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

30/09/2021 - Annual review of earmarked reserves ref: 8237    Recommendations Approved

To note and review the reserves held by the council.

Earmarked reserves are established to fund future year commitments over and above the annual budget requirement. They generally arise where funding allocations exceeds annual expenditure, usually due to the timing of receipts being ahead of incurring expenditure. As a matter of good practice a review is undertaken each year to establish the continued need for reserves held for earmarked purposes to ensure resources can be used to best effect whilst maintaining a prudent level of reserves to meet future anticipated commitments.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 30/09/2021

Effective from: 07/10/2021




(a)        The reserves position, detailed in appendix A, be noted.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove

30/09/2021 - Effective Scrutiny of Children’s Services: training and development offer    Recommendations Approved

As part of the LGA’s continuing work to support political and corporate leadership for children’s services at Herefordshire Council, we are piloting a training and development offer to support to improve and strengthen the effectiveness of the scrutiny of children’s services.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 12/10/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: John Coleman

Notice of decision: 30/09/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open

30/09/2021 - Appointment of Planning Services in relation to the Edgar Street Gird Link Road and Urban Village / Hereford City Centre Transport Package land acquisition ref: 8257    Recommendations Approved

A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and Side Roads Order (SRO) were made on the 23 August 2013, to enable the delivery of the Link Road and following a public inquiry on 23 September 2014 both the CPO and SRO were confirmed by the Secretary of State for Communities and the Local Government and the Secretary of State for Transport respectively.

It is necessary to engage professional support to provide advice in negotiating and agreeing statutory compensation due under s52 Land Compensation Act 1973 up until the 31 December 2021. Cost associated with this decision specifically relate to the one outstanding claim that relate to three property interests.

The provider represented the Council as the expert witness at the Edgar Street Grid CPO Public Inquiry in 2013 and has the ability to provide advice within a short timescale. A quotation has been sought to undertake this work and a value for money assessment has been completed against the previous rate used in 2013. Herefordshire Council’s Corporate Services were consulted regarding procurement and have confirmed compliance with contract procedure rules.

The anticipated £5,600 is to provide pre-tribunal advice. Should additional support be required then this will be the subject of a further decision.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 30/09/2021

Effective from: 30/09/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Caple

30/09/2021 - To spend from the Property Services Estates Capital Works Programme on Humidity Control Works at the MRLC ref: 8256    Recommendations Approved

The existing Hanwell humidifier/dehumidifier units are located in areas
too close to ceilings and are causing building fabric damage and
having a negative impact on the buildings environmental stability which is
vital for historic artefacts.

The works involve the relocation of the existing Hanwell units along with
Further additional units all positioned in more suitable locations.

Hoople will be utilised to relocate the existing units, reroute mains water
supplies and drainage to the new locations including new pumps at a cost
of £3,488.00.

Trend will supply and connect space temperature and humidity sensors
and further humidifier/dehumidifier units, devise a control strategy and
modify the 963 supervisor at Plough Lane at a cost of £11,547.34.

Melcon Ltd at a cost of £7,616.00 have been identified as the bidder
representing best value for money for the design, supply, delivery,
installation and commissioning of the electrical services associated with
these works following a competitive tender and assessment process in
accordance with Council procurement procedures. Quotations were
invited from three prospective companies and two returned valid
quotations for consideration.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 30/09/2021

Effective from: 30/09/2021

Lead officer: Andrew Husband

29/09/2021 - Award of contract for refurbishment works to 4 & 5 Blackfriars Street into 6 self contained flats to be used as temporary supported accommodation for Homeless people ref: 8254    Recommendations Approved

• To remove the homeless from the street, the council has a statutory duty to house those who are homeless.
• The council is keen to award the contract to enable the contractor to start on site ASAP to ensure a completion prior to 31 December 21, to house the homeless co-hort over the coldest winter months

• The use of the accommodation is part of the homelessness pathway and falls in line with the winter provision
• The contractor submitted the lowest price bid
• The contractor received the highest scoring by a panel of officers through the evaluation process
• As per the Cabinet’s request the contractor is a SME

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 29/09/2021

Effective from: 29/09/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Woodhouse

29/09/2021 - Street Link Worker extension to contract    Abandoned

Extension of street link worker contract. Contract end date 14th December 2021 proposed extension to 31st March 2022.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director All Ages Commissioning

Decision due date: 27/01/2022

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Christa Jackson

Notice of decision: 29/09/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open

29/09/2021 - Herefordshire Revive & Thrive Grant Scheme ref: 8253    Recommendations Approved

The COVID crisis has demonstrated how important it is for our businesses to be able to adapt and diversify to survive and grow. It has encouraged many businesses to think about how they might diversify in the future, both to react to difficult times, but also to capitalise on new opportunities.

Recognising the role that our high streets and local centres have in ensuring that our county flourishes and prospers, Herefordshire Council has introduced the Revive and Thrive Fund.
The Revive and Thrive Fund reflects the new pressures facing businesses following COVID and some of the lessons learned around how businesses can adapt and thrive, even in the face of great challenges. It also reflects new opportunities for businesses wanting to take their first steps into occupying commercial and retail premises without taking on large risks.
Supporting the county high streets and city centre is another outcome of the scheme. Supporting new, and diverse, businesses to take space within town centres will encourage greater footfall and diversification of the retail offer.
The Revive and Thrive Fund has three different strands. Applicants may only make one application and this must be to a single strand of the fund. The scheme will be administered by the Delegated Grants Team, who will assess applications against the scheme criteria. Those that meet the criteria will be considered by a panel of Herefordshire Council Councillors. The panel decision is final.

This project will reduce the number of vacant shops and increase the uptake of commercial premises within the county, in some cases bringing commercial premises back into economic use (where currently redundant).

The project will further support economic recovery following the pandemic, increase business birth rates and aid economic resilience by supporting businesses to diversify as well as create jobs.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 29/09/2021

Effective from: 29/09/2021

Lead officer: Sara Barnes-Wehrle

28/09/2021 - Elgar House - Granting a short-term licence to Occupy to Wye Valley Trust ref: 8252    Recommendations Approved

To formalise the occupation by WVT and the recharging of the costs of occupation

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 29/09/2021

Effective from: 28/09/2021

Lead officer: Andrew Husband

28/09/2021 - Covid Economic Recovery Plan – Shop local, love local campaign ref: 8250    Recommendations Approved

Covid 19 has had a significant impact on local businesses. The Covid 19 Recovery Plan identifies a range of measures the council will undertake in 2021/22 to support the soonest possible recovery. This includes a focus on encouraging people to buy locally, particularly in the run up to and over the Christmas period. This will support local businesses to recover, and safeguard local jobs.

Building on the ‘Love Local’ campaign implemented over the last 18 months, the next phase of the shop local/ love local campaign will engage residents through a range of communication channels (as outlined above) to encourage them to spend locally. The campaign will also promote the wide range of recovery activities available to them.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 28/09/2021

Effective from: 28/09/2021

Lead officer: Sara Barnes-Wehrle

23/09/2021 - Grant of consent for diversion of footpath over council owned public open space at Silurian Close Leominster ref: 8249    Recommendations Approved

1. The land at Silurian Close is owned by the council and is designated as public open space.

2. The owner of the adjoining land has requested that an existing public footpath over his land which has been unofficially diverted for many years be formally diverted to the route now taken by the public along an existing footpath over the council owned land.

3. The request arises out of a retrospective planning consent in respect of the applicant’s land which requires the obstructed footpath to be diverted

4. Terms have been agreed for the payment of £3,500 by way of consideration and payment of the council’s legal and estate fees in dealing with the matter

5. The deed documenting the grant of consent will be drafted by legal services to ensure that the council’s position is fully protected and any necessary advertising of the grant of consent over public open space will take place

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 28/09/2021

Effective from: 23/09/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

28/09/2021 - Herefordshire Council to take a licence to occupy one room at The Bromyard & Winslow Town Council premises for delivery of a temporary pop-up library service ref: 8248    Recommendations Approved

• Herefordshire Council’s Library service at the Bromyard Centre is inaccessible due to building repair works.

• A short-term Licence of one room at the office premises of Bromyard & Winslow Town Council is to be taken, from where a pop-up library service can be delivered to the visiting public.

Decision Maker: Delivery Director – Property Services

Decision published: 28/09/2021

Effective from: 28/09/2021

Lead officer: Sarah Jowett

23/08/2021 - Independent Advocacy contract variation ref: 8247    Recommendations Approved

To amend the contract with Onside Advocacy for the provision of advocacy services to appropriately reflect arrangements relating to ordinary residence

Decision Maker: Assistant Director All Ages Commissioning

Decision published: 27/09/2021

Effective from: 23/08/2021

Lead officer: Ewen Archibald

27/09/2021 - Audit and Governance Skills Matrix    Abandoned

To update the committee on the proposals to use a skills matrix to identify the skills and any development needs of committee members

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 27/10/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claire Ward

Notice of decision: 27/09/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open

27/09/2021 - Retender of External Audit Contracts    Recommendations Approved

For the committee to consider and recommend to full Council on whether to opt into the national arrangement for the procurement of external audit or, alternatively, independently procure external audit services.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 27/10/2021

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove

Notice of decision: 27/09/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open

16/09/2021 - Decision to continue to administer the test and trace support payments to individuals on low income and losing earnings due to being required to self-isolate ref: 8246    Recommendations Approved

Since 28 September 2020, the council has administered the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme to support people on low incomes who are unable to work from home and will lose income if they are required to self-isolate because of COVID-19.

Eligible individuals receive a £500 payment. This is to help ensure people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and their close contacts self-isolate for the required period, and to encourage individuals who have symptoms to get tested. This is important to help stop the transmission of COVID-19 and avoid further economic and societal restrictions.

The scheme end date has been extended to 31 March 2022. This decision recommends continuing with the scheme until the new end date.

To be eligible for the Test and Trace Support Payment, an individual must:
? have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace either because they’ve tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive and are not exempt from self-isolation;
? be employed or self-employed;
? be unable to work from home and will lose income as a result; and
? be currently receiving, or in the same household as someone who is receiving, Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, income-based Employment and Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Pension Credit.

To be eligible for a discretionary Test and Trace Support Payment, an individual must:
? have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace either because they’ve tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive and are not exempt from self-isolation;
? be employed or self-employed and earn up to £400 a week;
? be unable to work from home and will lose at least 50% of earned income as a result; and
? have less than £3,000 in savings.
A parent or guardian of a young person who is required to self-isolate may be eligible for a payment if they live in England and meet the following criteria (even if they are exempt from self-isolation):
• they are the parent or guardian of a young person in the same household who is self-isolating and need to take time off work to care for them;
• they are unable to work from home and will lose income;
• the young person is:
o aged 15 or under and has been told to stay at home and self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace because they have tested positive for COVID-19; or
o aged 25 or under with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan and been told to stay at home and self- isolate by NHS Test and Trace because they have tested positive for COVID-19; or
o aged 25 and under, is not exempt from self-isolation from 16 August, has an EHC Plan and has been notified as a close contact of someone with COVID-19 (by NHS Test and Trace or the NHS COVID-19 app); or
o self-isolating because there was an outbreak at their education or childcare setting, and they have been sent home by their local public health team.
• the young person normally attends an education or care setting; and
• the parent or guardian meets all the other criteria for a ‘main’ or ‘discretionary’ payment

Herefordshire Council will verify eligibility, process applications and make payments.

Decision Maker: Chief finance officer

Decision published: 27/09/2021

Effective from: 16/09/2021

Lead officer: Josie Rushgrove