

19/12/2019 - Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy ref: 6513    Recommendations Approved


To approve the council's strategy to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) Rough Sleeping Strategy, published August 2018, requires all local authorities to update their existing strategies to homelessness and rough sleeping strategies. By 31st December 2019 housing authorities are required to:

§ make available their strategies online and submit them to MHCLG and;

§ publish annual action plans.


The MHCLG Rough Sleeping Strategy 2018, requires local authorities to develop and publish an annual improvement plan for the strategy.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 19/12/2019

Effective from: 31/12/2019




(a) the Strategy for the Prevention of Homelessness and Rough Sleeping at appendix 1 be approved, with the additional inclusion of reference to migrants and pets.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Hayley Crane

06/08/2019 - Development of three traveller site pitches ref: 6172    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval to begin works to develop three additional traveller pitches following the awarded capital bid funding.


The pitches consist of two at the Bromyard Site and one at the Grafton Site.  Both sites are owned and managed by Herefordshire Council.


The development of the new pitches will attract an annual income of £11,700 and there is a waiting list of potential residents to take up tenancies for all these pitches.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 06/08/2019

Effective from: 13/08/2019



(a)         the development of two traveller site pitches at Bromyard and one at Grafton traveller sites be approved at a cost of £420,000.


Lead officer: Claire Corfield

10/04/2019 - One Public Estate - Wave 7 Funding ref: 5878    Recommendations Approved

To approve the receipt of One Public Estate (OPE) funds of £335k which have been awarded to Herefordshire Council as the accountable body following a bid to the Cabinet Office for OPE Phase 7 central government monies in respect of funding to bring forward the following projects: Urban Village Development, to undertake masterplanning and feasibility work to release land for key worker housing, etc; Refurbishment of the Lionel Green Building, Hereford Hospital, to enable the relocation of services and release other premises for redevelopment and to provide funding for a One Public Estate Programme Manager.


Herefordshire Council will receive the funds as the lead authority in respect of One Herefordshire   group of public sector organisations further to the original award under OPE Wave 5, which was subject to an earlier decision dated 27 July 2017. The funding award is split between direct grant (non-repayable - £135k) and sustainable grant (repayable - £200k). Approval to receive the funds will enable the S.151 Officer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to enable the transfer of funds to the council.



Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 10/04/2019

Effective from: 17/04/2019



(a)        further to a successful bid  to the cabinet office the council accepts receipt of OPE Phase 7 funding of £335k as the accountable body on behalf of the One Herefordshire group of public sector organisations.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Husband

28/02/2019 - Corporate delivery plan 2019/20 ref: 5753    Recommendations Approved

To agree the activities within the corporate delivery plan 2019/20.


The delivery plan has been reviewed and updated to include new initiatives and projects for 2019/20 which will support achievement of the council’s corporate plan priorities.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision published: 28/02/2019

Effective from: 07/03/2019



a) the draft corporate delivery plan 2019/20 at Appendix 1 be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Harris

21/02/2019 - Variation to public realm annual plan 2018/19 – LTP funding allocation ref: 5756    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 22/02/2019

Effective from: 21/02/2019


To allocate up to £1,000,000 of the LTP funding remaining within the ‘End to End Network Improvement service’ of public realm annual plan 2018/19 to South Wye Transport Package (SWTP).

Lead officer: Clive Hall

21/02/2019 - Modernisation of existing Council owned/managed Gypsy Traveller sites    Abandoned

Seeks approval to commence modernization of 53 pitches and 6 traveler sites

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision due date: 15/03/2019

Lead officer: Claire Corfield

Notice of decision: 21/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/02/2019 - Development and regeneration programme Edgar Street stadium project approval    Abandoned

To approve the Stage 1 submission for the refurbishment of Edgar Street stadium and authorise progression into Stage 2

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/06/2019

Wards affected: Widemarsh;

Lead officer: Robert Ewing

Notice of decision: 21/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/02/2019 - Herefordshire's co-ordinated admissions arrangements for 2020/21 ref: 5704    Recommendations Approved

To approve Herefordshire Council’s proposed admissions arrangements for 2020/21.


The proposed arrangements comply with the current School Admissions Code which came into force on 19 December 2014. The recommendation applies to admission arrangements determined in 2019 for admission in school year 2020/21 for those schools in Herefordshire for whom the council is the admissions authority.


Following a consultation process held in the autumn of 2018 the following changes were made in accordance with Minister of State guidance, priority is now given to Looked after children and children who were looked after outside England as well as those in England:

Priority 1 - Looked after children and children who were looked after in England, but ceased to be due to being adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order

Priority 2 - Looked after children and children who were looked after outside of England, but ceased to be due to being adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order  

Decision Maker: Cabinet member children and families

Decision published: 21/02/2019

Effective from: 28/02/2019



(a)          The proposed admission arrangements for 2020/21, as at appendix A, are approved.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Louise Tanner

20/02/2019 - To take up the 12 months block contract extension in relation to the residential services in Leominster and Hereford ref: 5748    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of adults and communities (Historic)

Decision published: 20/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


To take up the contract extension option of 12 months from the 31 July to 30 July 2020. The annual cost is £1,469,551 this includes day care activities.* denotes subject to an annual inflationary award in April 2019.

Lead officer: Laura Tyler

20/02/2019 - To take up the 12 month contract extension in relation to the supported living services provided by Aspire at Ivy Close and South bank road ref: 5747    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of adults and communities (Historic)

Decision published: 20/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


To take up the contract extension option of 12 months from the 31 July 2019 to 30 July 2020

Lead officer: Laura Tyler

04/02/2019 - Award of SEN Transport Contracts – January 2019 (Ref 0119) ref: 5744    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 04/02/2019


The decision has been taken to:

1. Award SEN Transport contract numbers BM964S, BF934S, LON781S, BM781S and JG482S as follows:

Contract BM964S – Blackmarston School. Awarded to Blue Line Taxis for a 6 month term commencing 28th January 2019 at a total value of £17,440. 1 Compliant bid was received. This is an additional contract required to provide statutory transport for an SEN student who is unable to use shared transport.

Contract BF934S – Brookfield School. Awarded to Blue Line Taxis for a 3 month term commencing 14th January 2019 at a total value of £2,028. 2 Compliant bids were received. This contract replaces contract a Brookfield School operated service.

Contract LON781S – Brookfield School. Awarded to CM Davies for a 6 week term commencing 9th January 2019 at a total value of £838. 2 Compliant bids were received. This is an additional contract required to provide statutory transport for an SEN student.

Contract BM781S – Blackmarston School. Awarded to Blue Line Taxis for a 6 month term commencing 14th January 2019 at a total value of £3,051 1 Compliant bid was received. This is an additional contract required to provide statutory transport for an SEN student who is accessing a reduced timetable.

Contract JG482S – Joys Green School. Awarded to Blue Line Taxis for a 6 month term commencing 21st January 2019 at a total value of £6,180. 1 Compliant bid was received. This is an additional contract required to provide statutory transport for an SEN student who is attending a school not currently served by SEN transport.

The net effect of tendering these contracts is an increase in SEN transport contracting costs of £21,951 in the current financial year.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

11/02/2019 - C1267 from C1266 to Rock Farm, Ballingham, Herefordshire- Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5743    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 11/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the C1267 from C1266 to Rock Farm, Ballingham, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 6th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

11/02/2019 - U66014 Moorend Wychend Road, Much Cowarne, Herefordshire- Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5741    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 11/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U66014 Moorend Wychend Road, Much Cowarne, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 4th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 2 weeks.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

12/02/2019 - U66402, The Common, Wellington Heath, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 5740    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 12/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the U66402, The Common, Wellington Heath, at Squires Mount, planned to be effective for a period of 3 days commencing on the 17th of April 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

11/02/2019 - U66402 Horse Road, Wellington Heath, Herefordshire- Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5739    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 11/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U66402 Horse Road, Wellington Heath, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 11th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 5 days.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

11/02/2019 - U75402 Vowchurch Common Road, Vowchurch, Herefordshire- Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5738    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 11/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U75402 Vowchurch Common Road, Vowchurch, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 13th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

11/02/2019 - C1093 High Street, Weobley, Herefordshire- Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5737    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 11/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the C1093 High Street, Weobley, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 14th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 1 night.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

11/02/2019 - Section 38 Agreement for Land off Traherne Close, Lugwardine – Sweetman Developments ref: 5736    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 11/02/2019


For the above to be signed and sealed by an authorised officer on behalf of Herefordshire Council to complete an Agreement under Section 38 Agreement Highways Act 1980.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

07/02/2019 - RESURFACING WORKS (MARCH PART B), ref: 5734    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Lane Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the roads shown in Article 1 Schedule 1 of the Order as attached. The Order shall come into effect on the 18th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 2 weeks, with each road being closed for the planned duration show in Article 1, attached.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

07/02/2019 - A40, Lea, Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 5733    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the A40, Lea, outside lea House and Brook House, planned to be effective for a period of 2 Nights from 7pm to 6am commencing on the 25th of March 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

07/02/2019 - C1131, Ocle Pychard Herefordshire Temporary Road Closure Order 2019 ref: 5732    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Road Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure on the C1131, Ocle Pychard from outside Brick House to outside Moonfield, planned to be effective for a period of 1 week commencing on the 1st April 2019.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

06/02/2019 - PUBLIC FOOTPATH ZK11, ROSS URBAN (TEMPORARY CLOSURE) 2019 ref: 5731    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 06/02/2019


That Public Footpath GF3 Grafton is temporarily closed while footpath repairs take place. 5 days from 18 February.

Lead officer: Clive Hall

05/02/2019 - C1110 From Risbury Mill To Pencombe Via Risbury, Risbury, Herefordshire Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5730    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 05/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the C1110 From Risbury Mill To Pencombe Via Risbury, Risbury, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 26th February 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

07/02/2019 - Brook Lane, Yarpole, Herefordshire. ref: 5729    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U92608 Brook Lane, Yarpole, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 11th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

05/02/2019 - temporary closure of the U94202, Bache Lane, Kimbolton, Herefordshire Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5728    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 05/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U94202, Bache Lane, Kimbolton, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 12th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

05/02/2019 - Moor Farm Lane, Hereford, Herefordshire. ref: 5727    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 05/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U81120, Moor Farm Lane, Hereford, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 18th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 12 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

05/02/2019 - Temporary closure of the C1298 From B4224 To Sapness House, Sollers Hope, Herefordshire. Preparation of a Temporary Closure Order made under section 14(1) of the Road traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended) ref: 5726    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 05/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the C1298 From B4224 To Sapness House, Sollers Hope, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 11th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

07/02/2019 - Shelwick Lane, Shelwick, Herefordshire. ref: 5725    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U72413, Shelwick Lane, Shelwick, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 5th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

07/02/2019 - Portfield Street, Hereford, Herefordshire ref: 5724    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U80100 Portfield Street, Hereford, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 4th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 10 weeks.

Lead officer: Jane Little

07/02/2019 - C1033 Broome Lane From C1035 To Broome Farm, Eardisland, Herefordshire ref: 5723    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the C1033 Broome Lane From C1035 To Broome Farm, Eardisland, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 26th February 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

07/02/2019 - Sellack Boat, Kings Caple, Herefordshire ref: 5722    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Acting Assistant Director for Highways and Transport

Decision published: 19/02/2019

Effective from: 07/02/2019


To authorise the making of a Temporary Closure Order served under section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to require a temporary closure of the U71005, Sellack Boat, Kings Caple, Herefordshire. The Order shall come into effect on the 18th March 2019 and is planned to be in effect for 3 days.

Lead officer: Jane Little

19/02/2019 - DRP Housing Strategy    Abandoned

To approve some key standards that may be specified on housing developments and establish the criteria under which the council may invest in land or property for delivery through the DRP.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/06/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Trea Connon

Notice of decision: 19/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

18/02/2019 - Task and Finish Group - Court judgements relating to children and families    Recommendations Approved

To report the outcomes and recommendations of the Court judgements relating to children and families task and finish group to the children and young people scrutiny committee. The committee will consider and approve the outcomes from the task and finish group and decide if the recommendations should be reported to cabinet.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 04/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jenny Preece

Notice of decision: 18/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

18/02/2019 - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Dementia Strategy 2019-2024    Recommendations Approved

To review Herefordshire and Worcestershire dementia strategy and endorse the high level actions set out for 2019-2024.

Decision Maker: Health and Wellbeing Board

Decision due date: 05/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ben Baugh

Notice of decision: 18/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

18/02/2019 - Strategic acquisition of development opportunity site ref: 5702    Recommendations Approved

To approve the strategic purchase of the southern campus of the Royal National College for the Blind (RNCB), Venn’s Lane, Hereford within a defined budget of £6.25 million and to authorise officers, following appropriate consultation and due diligence, to proceed with the purchase of the property.


The proposed purchase will be a strategic acquisition which would support the council’s policies in respect of economic growth and ensure that a key education site within Hereford is retained and enhanced.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision published: 18/02/2019

Effective from: 23/02/2019



(a)  the purchase of the southern campus of the Royal National College for the Blind, Venns Lane, Hereford as set out in the redline plan at Appendix 1 (“the Site”) be approved within a maximum budget of £6.25 million;

(b)  subject to the Chief Finance Officer being satisfied that appropriate heads of terms have been agreed, due diligence has been completed and the purchase provides value for money, the acting director economy and place, in consultation with the cabinet member contracts and assets, be authorised to complete the acquisition of the Site;

(c)  on acquisition, the Site be added into the council’s property portfolio for all asset management and maintenance purposes;

(d)  the acting director economy and place be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the above recommendations; and

(e)  a further report be brought to the executive following any acquisition, in order to determine whether the Site should be entered into the council’s development and regeneration programme.


Wards affected: College;

Lead officer: Chris Jenner

18/02/2019 - Hereford Heat Network - Detailed Project Development ref: 5701    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval to accept a successful funding application made to the Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and to commission a detailed project development (DPD) study for a heat network in Hereford City.


The funding offer from BEIS is for £151,500 which will be matched with £49,500 from existing budgets.


An additional funding bid has been submitted to the Marches LEP’s project development fund for match funding of £20,000. If successful, this report also seeks approval to accept this funding to reduce the required match from the council.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste Services (Historic)

Decision published: 18/02/2019

Effective from: 23/02/2019



(a)  Herefordshire council accept the grant funding from BEIS;

(b)  The study be commissioned as per the application form at appendix 1;

(c)  Existing budgets be used as match funding at a cost of no more than £49,500, and

(d)  That if successful, Herefordshire Council accept the grant funding from the Marches LEP’s development fund;

(e)  The Energy & Active Travel Manager be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to implement the scheme including determination of grant applications in accordance with scheme criteria

Wards affected: Widemarsh;

Lead officer: Richard Vaughan

15/02/2019 - Amendments to the Allocation Policy    Abandoned

Approval of minor amendments to the Allocation policy including team name changes, clarification of requirements and processes.

Decision Maker: Director of Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision due date: 12/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Trea Connon

Notice of decision: 15/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/02/2019 - Update on the delivery of Director of Public Health Annual Report 2017 recommendations    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to provide a update on the implementation of the recommendations of the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2018 as agreed at the October 2018 Health and Wellbeing Board.

Decision Maker: Health and Wellbeing Board

Decision due date: 05/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Karen Wright

Notice of decision: 15/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

31/01/2019 - To make Tree Preservation Order 603 Copper Beeches, Much Dewchurch ref: 5718    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 31/01/2019


To make Tree Preservation Order 603 Copper Beeches, Much Dewchurch

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

08/02/2019 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 604 Vinesend Lane, Cradley ref: 5717    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 08/02/2019


To confirm Tree Preservation Order 604 Vinesend Lane, Cradley

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

18/01/2019 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 602 Lodge Farm, Ocle Pychard ref: 5716    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 18/01/2019


To confirm Tree Preservation Order 602 Lodge Farm, Ocle Pychard

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

12/02/2019 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order 601 Hagley Park, Bartestree ref: 5715    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 12/02/2019


To confirm Tree Preservation Order 601 Hagley Park, Bartestree

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

30/11/2018 - Confirmation of TPO 597 Cross Farm, Credenhill ref: 5712    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 30/11/2018


To confirm TPO 597 Cross Farm, Credenhill

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

23/01/2019 - To confirm Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 598 Chapel Farm, Cradley ref: 5714    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 23/01/2019


To confirm Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 598 Chapel Farm, Cradley

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

15/02/2019 - Short Breaks Capital Grant – funding for adaptations ref: 5720    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Families (Historic)

Decision published: 15/02/2019

Effective from: 15/02/2019


To spend £8,000 of the capital balance of the Short Breaks Grant to support some adaptations being made to enable a foster carer to care for a disabled child in our care. £30,000 of the cost is being funded from the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG).

Lead officer: Chris Jones

04/02/2019 - To confirm TPO 592 Shuttfield Coppice, Storridge ref: 5710    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Economy and Place (Historic)

Decision published: 14/02/2019

Effective from: 04/02/2019


To confirm TPO 592 Shuttfield Coppice, Storridge without modifications

Lead officer: Juliet Wheatley

14/02/2019 - Recycling Options For Scrap Metal ref: 5711    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant director Corporate Support (Historic)

Decision published: 14/02/2019

Effective from: 14/02/2019


Approve the recycling of scrap metal relating to redundant mobile archive shelving currently in storage.

Lead officer: Natalia Silver

14/02/2019 - Contract award for works for relocation of the Children’s Centre at Ross-on-Wye ref: 5713    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant director Corporate Support (Historic)

Decision published: 14/02/2019

Effective from: 14/02/2019


To award contract to BBPL (Balfour Beatty Living Places) working with subcontract to S C Joseph Ltd for works at the Old Chapel, Ross-on-Wye and Ross-on-Wye Library to accommodate relocation of the children centre services, create a multi-agency-office and base for locality team of no more than £99,955.56.

Lead officer: Natalia Silver

13/02/2019 - PRU Referrals Task and Finish Group - recommendations and outcomes    Recommendations Approved

To report the outcomes and recommendations of the PRU referrals task and finish group to the children and young people scrutiny committee. The committee will consider and approve the outcomes from the task and finish group and decide if the recommendations should be reported to the cabinet.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 04/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Matthew Evans

Notice of decision: 13/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/02/2019 - SEND Provision Task and Finish Group - recommendations and outcomes    Recommendations Approved

To report the outcomes and recommendations of the SEND Provision task and finish group to the children and young people scrutiny committee. The committee will consider and approve the outcomes from the task and finish group and decide if the recommendations should be reported to the cabient.

Decision Maker: Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Decision due date: 04/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Matthew Evans

Notice of decision: 13/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/02/2019 - Progress report on 2018/19 internal audit plan    Recommendations Approved

To update members on the progress of internal audit work and to bring to their attention any key internal control issues arising from work recently completed. To enable the committee to monitor performance of the internal audit team against the approved plan.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 19/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Lovegrove

Notice of decision: 13/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/02/2019 - Internal Audit Plan 2019-20 and Internal Audit Charter    Recommendations Approved

To ensure the council complies with recommended best practice as set out in the PSIAS.

Decision Maker: Audit and Governance Committee

Decision due date: 19/03/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Lovegrove

Notice of decision: 13/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/02/2019 - Review of Taxi and private Hire Policy    Recommendations Approved

Decision is required for the reviewed Taxi and Private Hire Policy. The amended Policy seeks to improve public safety standards by introducing mandatory safeguarding training for all drivers. There are also a number of minor amendments for which a separate table is included to assist with the decision making process.

Decision Maker: Council

Decision due date: 12/07/2019

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Fred Spriggs

Notice of decision: 13/02/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

12/02/2019 - To approve the expenditure of up to £31k for urgent roof repairs at Peterchurch Primary School from school capital maintenance funding ref: 5707    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Officer Decision - Children and Families (Historic)

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 12/02/2019


Approval of up to £31k of maintenance at Peterchurch Primary School
Approval to fund the additional works from the existing school capital maintenance budget

Lead officer: Chris Jones

12/02/2019 - Ross Enterprise Park – Phase 1 Development ref: 5684    Recommendations Approved

To approve the budget and development arrangements of the first phase of employment land at Ross Enterprise Park including the main contractual arrangements to enable a timely commencement of development of the site.


Ross Enterprise Park – Phase 1 will release 8.5 acres of net developable serviced employment land that will be utilised by businesses and developers to undertake their own design and build. Works to create the infrastructure will include the construction of site access, internal roads, groundworks, utilities and drainage.


The Phase 1 of the park will enable the creation  of up to 250 jobs, provide space for around 20 local businesses (including some that may relocate their operations out of the county), generate a land receipt of up to £1,700,000 and a retained business rates income up to £200,000 per annum.


Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 19/02/2019



(a)  the Acting Director of Economy and Place, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, is authorised to enter into construction contracts with Engie Regeneration Limited for the development of Ross Enterprise Park, Phase 1, as defined by the appended redline plan, and subject to costs being within the maximum project cost of £7.07million, and in accordance with the council’s following requirements:

                                          i.    Delivery of an enterprise park infrastructure (to exclude construction of buildings) to provide circa 8.5 net developable acres of land that will be disposed to private sector users for employment development (offices and industrial units)

                                        ii.    A design and specification in line with normal market practice and demand, subject to the other requirements set out here;

                                       iii.    Delivery of the site access, required section 278 highways works, internal estate roads, soft and hard landscaping, drainage, utilities, remediation and other reasonable infrastructure requirements of a business park;

                                       iv.    To achieve the earliest possible completion date to allow disposal to end users;

                                         v.    Ensure compliance with all planning conditions and other regulations relating to development (including health and safety and ecological requirements) during the design and construction.

(b)  The Acting Director of Economy and Place is authorised to take all operational steps necessary to give effect to the above recommendation.


Wards affected: Ross East;

Lead officer: Gavin Stephens

04/02/2019 - Amendment to paternity leave policy and request form ref: 5706    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief executive

Decision published: 11/02/2019

Effective from: 04/02/2019


To amend the wording (as shown in the attached documents) on both the policy and the request form for paternity/special leave.

Lead officer: Harriet Yellin

11/02/2019 - Development and Regeneration Programme : Holme Lacy former School site ref: 5660    Recommendations Approved

To approve the scope and cost of the first stage of appraisal services to be provided by the council’s developer partner, Keepmoat Homes, in respect of a potential project to deliver new housing on the former education campus at Holme Lacy.


The Herefordshire Economic Vision was adopted by Council in December 2016 as the Economic Development Strategy for the county. This identifies new housing in ‘Aim 3 - A great place to live’. The council has undertaken an initial assessment of redevelopment options presented by the former education campus and considers that the site offers a sustainable location for a diverse range of new well located housing.


The council has entered into an overarching agreement with Keepmoat Homes, a developer, for a programme of development and regeneration over the next 10 years and potentially beyond. In accordance with that agreement, the developer partner will be commissioned to develop a project through the mechanism of a “New Project Request” and will progress the project in “Stages”.


The New Project Request specifies the council’s initial requirements and its criteria for the development, which can be refined as the project moves forward.


The developer partner has estimated the cost of the Stage 1 appraisal services which include the development of the outline business case and a proposed programme for delivery. These costs are required to be underwritten by the council as specified in the overarching agreement.

Decision Maker: Cabinet member contracts and assets

Decision published: 11/02/2019

Effective from: 16/02/2019



(a)       the redevelopment of the former education campus at Holme Lacy be placed into the Development and Regeneration Programme (DRP); 

(b)       a new project request to carry out a preliminary (“Stage 1”) appraisal of development options for the Holme Lacy site be issued the council’s development partner  Keepmoat Homes

(c)       , the following Council Criteria for Stage 1 of the Holme Lacy project be approved :

1.    The stage 1 submission will provide an estimate of the cost, a proposed layout and design for a scheme, together with an outline business case and programme for residential redevelopment of the Site, the proposed development will be based on a set of standard assumptions for Keepmoat Homes as to product range, tenure mix and general amenity (“the Standard Offer”). 


2.    The Standard Offer will be fully policy compliant


3.    In cooperation with the council, as a basis for comparison with Criterion 1, an outline cost, design, business case and programme for residential development of the Site which makes an enhanced contribution to the council’s social, environmental and economic objectives over and above that which would be required by relevant law or existing planning policy (“the Enhanced Offer”) in respect of:


(a)  Enhanced environmental sustainability including   energy efficiency, transport, protection/enhancement of natural habitats, and/or

(b)  Increased affordable housing, and/or

(c)  Health and wellbeing of communities and residents, and/or

(d)  Use of modular construction..


4.    In cooperation with the council  the stage 1 submission will define the evidential framework for Stage 2 to assess the project against the council’s requirement to demonstrate best value and meet all other relevant legal obligations.


(d)       a Stage 1 Development Fee of up to £30k be approved to be underwritten by the Council under the terms of its overarching agreement with Keepmoat Homes

(e)       a capital sum of £20k is approved for drawing down from the Development Partnership capital budget in order to support the council in delivering Stage 1 of the project, including the covering of staff costs and external advisers to the council.


Wards affected: Dinedor Hill;

Lead officer: Peter Clasby