Issue - decisions

To enter into a lease agreement for the letting of Widemarsh Common Pavilion

04/07/2024 - To enter into a lease agreement for the letting of Widemarsh Common Pavilion

- Widemarsh Pavilion’s previous tenant vacated the building at the end of April, the property was subsequently advertised on Herefordshire Council’s ‘property to let’ page and interested parties were given the opportunity to express interest.

- It is important to find a tenant for the property to ensure that it does not fall into further disrepair and is the target for vandals.

- The Lease has been offered to the tenant that accepted the draft heads of terms without amending.

- Proposed use will be of future benefit and accessible to the youth of Herefordshire.

- The prospective tenant is committing to investing in the property to ensure that the asset is bettered.