Issue - decisions

Award of highway works associated with the Additional Department for Transport Highways Maintenance Funding

24/06/2024 - Award of highway works associated with the Additional Department for Transport Highways Maintenance Funding

In line with the Cabinet Member Decision Report, to award the following works via the Council’s Highways and Public Realm Schemes Framework and within the £3.477m identified works budget:

- Delivery of surface dressing schemes
To Eurovia Infrastructure the surface dressing and associated works of 30 C and U roads to the sum of £2.977m, as listed in Appendix A of the Additional Department for Transport Highways Maintenance Funding 2023/24 & 2024/25 decision. Subject to any budget remaining at the end of the proposed overall programme, to undertake surface dressing of further suitable sites, drawn from the Highway Forward Programme.

- Delivery of pre-surface dressing patching works
To Tarmac Trading Ltd to the sum of £400,000 for the pre surface dressing patching works of the C1039 - Bicton House to Basket Gate, Kingsland and to undertake patching works on any further elements of the 29 C and U roads that have deteriorated further since initial works were undertaken between November 2023 and March 2024. Subject to any budget remaining at the end of the proposed overall programme, to undertake patching works as part of a further contract award to allow surface dressing of further suitable sites, drawn from the Highway Forward Programme.