Issue - decisions

To accept and approve the gateway delivery of the Kickstart scheme, providing work experience placements to 16 to 24 year olds

04/02/2021 - To accept and approve the gateway delivery of the Kickstart scheme, providing work experience placements to 16 to 24 year olds


a)    The council accepts the grant funding offered by the Department of Work and Pensions of up to £986,124 for the implementation of the Kickstart Scheme.

b)   The cabinet member for Environment, Economy and Skills approves the approach to delivering the Kickstart scheme, with the council operating as a gateway.

c)    The Chief Finance Officer be authorised to sign on behalf of the council the funding offer letter (appendix A) from the Department for Work and Pensions, and following consultation with the cabinet member for Environment, Economy and Skills, any subsequent variations such as any increase to the number of approved placements.   

d)     To delegate to the Director for Economy and Place, following consultation with the cabinet member for Environment, Economy and Skills and the S151 Officer, the ability to make any operational decisions required to ensure the successful delivery of the scheme.