Issue - decisions

Options for the Delivery of Council Owned Affordable Housing

30/11/2020 - Options for the Delivery of Council Owned Affordable Housing



a)    Having considered the options set out in the paper to deliver up to 2,500 homes in the County over the next 10 years Cabinet agree that:

i.               the council own the affordable units initially under the General Fund and then establish a HRA; and

b)    approves to spend up to £72k on the development of the housing model chosen in recommendation (a), by developing a full business case;

c)    asks Engie to develop recommendations for proceedable sites to be reviewed at Cabinet in December 2020;

d)    approves to spend up to £71k to develop recommendations for potential sites to be reviewed at Cabinet in January 2021 to agree how to progress affordable housing delivery in Herefordshire; and

e)    an independent expert be appointed within a budget of £20k to advise on ensuring that housing built through this programme is compatible with our commitment to being a net zero carbon council by 2030.