Issue - decisions

Setting the 2020/21 budget and updating the medium term financial strategy and treasury management strategy

06/02/2020 - Setting the 2020/21 budget and updating the medium term financial strategy and treasury management strategy


(a)  the following be recommended to Council;

a.    the council tax base of 69,756.19 Band D equivalents;

b.    an increase in core council tax in 2020/21 of 1.9%;

c.    an additional precept in respect of adult social care costs of 2% applied to council tax in 2020/21 resulting in a total council tax increase of 3.9%, increasing the band D charge from £1,514.70 to £1,573.77 for Herefordshire Council in 2020/21;

d.    the balanced 2020/21 revenue budget proposal totalling £157.1m, subject to any amendments approved at the meeting, specifically the net spending limits for each directorate as at appendix 3;

e.    delegation to the section 151 officer of the power to make necessary changes to the budget arising from any variations in central government funding allocations via general reserves;

f.     the medium term financial strategy (MTFS) 2020-24 at appendix 1 be approved; and

g.    the treasury management strategy at appendix 4 be approved.

(b)  the responses to scrutiny committee’s recommendations as provided in paragraph 63 be approved;

(c)  up to £200k of the public health grant be ring fenced as the council contribution toward the provision of the Hereford City Cycle Track; and

(d)  a new earmarked reserve be created to support activities related to climate change.