Issue - decisions

Appointment of contractor for new permanent accommodation at Marlbrook Primary School

27/09/2018 - Appointment of contractor for new permanent accommodation at Marlbrook Primary School

To award a contract to Morgan Sindall for the design and construction of the new permanent accommodation and additional on-site car parking at an initial cost of £208,537 plus associated framework, contingency, professional and statutory fees. A total cost up to the value of £250,000.

This will allow all survey work to be undertaken, the design to be completed in detail and the full works to be agreed. This process will be carried out under an open book process and a full audit trail provided. The full cost of the scheme will be signed off at a later date once the design has been completed. Initial estimates suggest the project can be delivered well within the £4.688m budget set by council. A further officer decision under the delegated powers granted to the director for children and families by cabinet will be required to sign off the full contract.

The design consultants selected and engaged by Morgan Sindall are Quattro Design Architects, who were architects for the recently completed Colwall Primary School new build.