Issue - decisions

Variation to Public Realm Annual Plan 2018/19

08/05/2018 - Variation to Public Realm Annual Plan 2018/19

Agreement to vary the annual plan 2018/19 for the:

1) Credenhill Footpath Improvements: To add an additional Pedestrian Safety Improvements Scheme, with budget, as identified in the feasibility study. Works required are to widen a section of footway within Credenhill, by the pedestrian crossing and east Cottage, on the main road. Construction is planned for July/August 2018.

2) S106 Whitehouse Drive, Kingstone: Following the development of a proposal for footpath improvements in Kingstone, draw down of 106 funds is required to support the scheme to be implemented within the village. The scheme is identified within the Annual Plan 2018/19 as a potential scheme, and has now been progressed.