Issue - decisions

Special provision capital fund for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

21/03/2018 - Special provision capital fund for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities


a.     consultation be undertaken on the following priorities aligned to the schools capital investment strategy in order to determine the spending of the £500k special provision capital grant funding to improve the quality and range of provision available to SEND children and young people with education health care plans (EHCPs):

1. Improvements to the provision for children and young people in the current ‘hospital school’;

2. Improvements to provision for pupils with social emotional mental health needs;

3. Improved provision at settings for 11-16 year olds with learning difficulties and disabilities; and

4. Improvements to resourced provision for pupils with autism.


b.     it be recommended to Council that the £500k special provision capital grant be added to the capital programme; and


c.     the director for children’s wellbeing be authorised to take all operational decisions regarding the allocation of the grant fund to an appropriate projectfollowing consultation with the cabinet members for contracts and assets and young people and children’s wellbeing and having regard to the outcome of the consultation and in accordance with the schools capital investment strategy and grant scheme criteria.