Issue - decisions

Cabinet member response to general scrutiny committee recommendations on charity shop waste disposal

05/02/2018 - Cabinet member response to general scrutiny committee recommendations on charity shop waste disposal


(a)         having regard to the views of General Scrutiny Committee the original decision be confirmed as the charity shop waste disposal policy (attached at appendix 1)incorporating changes to limit the number of free deposits each charity shop organisation can make per year to between 12 and 48 in number, be approved, to be effective from 1 April 2018; and

(b)        allocated permits be issued to registered charity shops quarterly or bi-annually on a pro rata basis or annually where doing so helps reduce the council’s or the charity’s administration costs; and

(c)   The council work in partnership with charity shops to promote use of charity shop services by Herefordshire residents and to reduce the amount of waste charity shops produce.