Issue - decisions

Travellers’ sites development plan document

28/09/2017 - Travellers’ sites development plan document


(a)  the responses at paragraph 40 to the recommendations made by General Scrutiny Committee be agreed; and


(b)  the following be recommended to full Council:


              (i)      the draft Travellers Sites Development Plan Document 2011 2031 at appendix 1 be approved for pre-submission consultation;

             (ii)     authority be delegated to the Programme Director Housing and Growth, following consultation with the Cabinet Member Infrastructure, to make any technical amendments required to the draft Travellers Development Plan Document and supporting documents resulting from the completion of ongoing technical work before pre-submission consultation begins;

             (iii)     authority be delegated to the Programme Director Housing and Growth, following consultation with the Cabinet Member Infrastructure, to make any minor textual or graphical amendments, prior to the submission to the Secretary of State; and

             (iv)     following completion of the pre-submission publication of the Travellers Sites Development Plan Document and its supporting documents, the documents be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public.