Issue - decisions

Awarding the contract for the development and regeneration programme

28/07/2017 - Awarding the contract for the development and regeneration programme


(a)                the highest scoring tender, Keepmoat, be appointed as the preferred bidder to work in partnership to deliver the council’s development and regeneration programme;

(b)          the director for economy, communities and corporate having consulted with the chief financial officer and cabinet member contracts and assets, and having received satisfactory confirmation of tender commitments, be authorised to complete contractual arrangements with Keepmoat for a period of 10 years;

(c)          in the event that satisfactory confirmation of tender commitments is not received from the preferred bidder, the director for economy, communities and corporate, following consultation with the chief financial officer and cabinet member for contracts and assets and having received satisfactory confirmation of tender commitments, be authorised to enter into the contract for the development and regeneration programme with the second highest bidder (‘the reserve bidder’);

(d)          following completion of contractual arrangements options appraisal and business cases for development of the former Bromyard depot and the Hereford station approach sites be brought forward for consideration as the first phase sites; and

(e)          thanks are extended to all bidders for the courteous, prompt and productive way in which they have all participated in the procurement.