Issue - decisions

Agreement of Section 75

17/03/2016 - Agreement of Section 75



(a)         the extension of the general section 75 agreement (at appendix one to this report) to 30 September 2016 be agreed;

(b)          the section 75 agreement for the better care fund (at appendix two to this report) for the period 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2016 be agreed;

(c)          the principle of developing a single section 75 agreement between the council and Herefordshire clinical commissioning group (from September 2016 onwards) is approved, which will be presented at a future cabinet ratified; and

(d)          authority be delegated to the director for adults and wellbeing to finalise the council’s funding contribution and detail of the better care fund delivery plans, following approval by the health and wellbeing board.