Issue - decisions

Housing related support service - SHYPP contract (Supported Housing for Young People Project)

17/03/2016 - Housing related support service - SHYPP contract (Supported Housing for Young People Project)


(a)        the accommodation based support element of the contract is remodelled with a proportion of the service financed through exempt rents to maintain the existing service level from 1 April 2016;

(b)       a three month transitional period is allowed from 1 April to 30 June 2016 to support the financial change to the accommodation based support element;

(c)        a 12 month transitional period is allowed from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 to support the de-commissioning of the floating support element; and

(d)       funding of £78,331 be made available to support the transition periods in recommendations b) and c) above.