Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Next Stage Integration - Commissioning of Day Opportunities

19/12/2013 - Adult Social Care Next Stage Integration - Commissioning of Day Opportunities


(a)          The Cabinet agreed to implement the approach as set out in this paper to deliver the Day Opportunities Services currently provided by the Council within the budget for 2014/15 and;

(b)          The Director for Adult Wellbeing be authorised to proceed to invitation to tender for Day Opportunities based on the following principles

1      Existing and potential service users would be assessed for eligible needs based on the Herefordshire Fair Access to Care policy

2      As a result of the assessed eligibility an indicative budget be identified for each service user and plans to meet their needs using this budget was put in place as set out in paragraph 9 of this report

3      Council funded day opportunities are part of meeting individuals eligible need and eligibility was the key criteria for access

4      Access to Day Opportunities services contracted by the council would be available to service users who do not meet the eligibility criteria or are having their needs met via another service, but the service user would have to pay for this service;

(c)          Note the specification for day opportunities would enable delivery of

1      Building/hub based activity particularly for those with complex care requirements, for whom there would need to be access to building based activities and support. The numbers of and location of these buildings would be determined after the new provider had been identified

2      Community based opportunitiesfor people that are likely to have lower level care/support requirements. This group of people are likely, if they have eligible needs, to have some or all of their needs met in ways other than in their  current Day Opportunities provision;

(d)          Note the commitment to continue to consult with Service Users, Staff and Suppliers to ensure a good level of understanding of the reasons for the council’s approach, addressing   concerns where possible and to fulfil the Council’s duty to undertake meaningful consultation;

(e)          Development of a Day Opportunities implementation plan (as part of the NSI Project activities) to include

1      Effective and efficient management of the assessments of the current 255 service users

2      Development of the appropriate Social Care Practice Guidance and support to deliver this strategy

Maintaining assurance around safe transition and any requirement for interim approaches to manage this.