Issue - decisions

Next Stage Integration - Wye Valley NHS Trust

29/07/2013 - Next Stage Integration - Wye Valley NHS Trust



(a)       the achievements of the Next Stage Integration Project to date be noted;


(b)       the termination of the section 75 agreements with WVT on 13 September 2013 and with 2gether on 31 March 2014, be agreed


(c)       the proposed operational model and organisational structure for those functions currently part of the Wye Valley S75 and subsequent headcount impact set out in paragraph 8.20 of the report be agreed;


(d)       the interim commissioning arrangements for the Learning Disability Community Service set out in paragraph 8.24 of the report, be agreed;


(e)       the Director for People’s Services be authorised to implement the proposed model, organisational arrangements and undertake the commissioning of the required services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing as appropriate;


(f)        the contract award decision process be delegated to the Director for People’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing as appropriate; and


(g)       the financial implications for the 2013/14 & 2014/15 Adult Social Care Revenue Budget as set out in paragraph 11 of this report, be noted.