Issue - decisions

Open Book Review

21/06/2013 - Open Book Review


a)    the Open Book Review approach that has been used, including evaluation of the alternative options and methodology for evolving the Herefordshire model be noted;

b)    the proposed Maximum Usual Price (MUP) (as set out in paragraph 11.2, table 1 of the report) for older people’s residential and nursing care purchased by the council, be approved as the preferred option for further consultation with providers and the involvement of the Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and

c)    delegated authority be given to the director for people’s services, in consultation with the cabinet member Health & Wellbeing, having due regard to the outcome of the further consultation, to finalise the MUP and undertake a formal procurement exercise.  This procurement exercise shall include the introduction of a new outcome based contract and framework approach, and an annual indexing process, with a view to implementation of this MUP, effective from January 1st 2014, and a further review scheduled for 2017.