Issue - decisions

Urban Village and CPO Link Road

15/03/2013 - Urban Village and CPO Link Road


(a)          the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to arrange for the making of the County of Herefordshire District Council (Edgar Street Grid and Link Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2013 under s226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1976 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 for the acquisition of the land/property and the acquisition of the new rights within the areas coloured pink and blue respectively shown on the plan attached at Appendix 1 (subject to any final amendments of the said plan the Director for Places and Communities considers necessary);

(b)          the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to arrange for the making of the County of Herefordshire District Council (A465(Link Road) Classified Road) (Side Roads and Other Works) Order 2013 under Sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 which provides for the stopping up and improvement of particular side roads which connect with the proposed A465 Link Road in Hereford ("the Link Road Scheme") as shown in the plan attached at Appendix 2 subject to any final amendments of the said plan the Director for Places and Communities considers necessary);

(c)          the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised,  in consultation with the Director for Places and Communities to implement the Orders, including the acquisition of all necessary land and interests and new rights, and to pay compensation including acquisitions agreed by negotiation and to carry out any other additional steps needed for the implementation of the Orders or scheme for the Link Road;

(d)          the Director for Places and Communities be authorised to procure and let the construction contract, or contracts, for the Link Road and to take all necessary steps to proceed with the scheme implementation;

(e)          in order to facilitate the delivery of the Urban Village Phase 1 changes to parking provision are agreed;

(f)           the Chief Officer Finance and Commercial be authorised to market Council-owned land within the area of Merton Meadow and to dispose of the land required to support the delivery of Phase 1 of the Urban Village, subject to achieving value for money.