Issue - decisions

Root and Branch Reviews - Phase 1

12/10/2012 - Root and Branch Reviews - Phase 1


                     (a)          The proposals from the Phase 1 Root and Branch reviews be approved as set out in the Appendices and summarised in paragraphs 11-14 of this report;

(b)          The principles for future service delivery emerging from the Phase 1 reviews be approved as set out in paragraph 17 of the report and be built into  the refreshed Corporate Plan and future Root and Branch reviews;

(c)             The relevant Directors be authorised to jointly produce and implement the programme of Business Case development and Delivery Plans for the four Reviews and report to Cabinet as appropriate;

(d)             The potential savings opportunities as outlined in paragraph 34 of the report are approved as the basis for further financial modelling; and

(e)             A further report on progress against implementation targets for the Phase 1 Reviews is submitted to Cabinet alongside the Phase 2 Review output recommendations in April 2013.