Issue - decisions

The Youth Service Review

15/06/2012 - The Youth Service Review



(a)          In light of the consultation and further equality impact assessment, and taking into consideration the outcome of that further consultation and assessment, Cabinet affirmed the decisions taken on 15 December 2011, namely:

·                    Targeted Youth Support Services for the most vulnerable young people in the county are prioritised for funding and are likely to be delivered in the future both directly by the Council and third sector partners:

·                    Positive activities for young people, which can be accessed by all, will be delivered through a community engagement route, with local areas having access to Council funding on a formula basis according to numbers of young people and the level of deprivation in the locality. This funding to be used in connection with other partnership resources which may be available in the locality;

·                    Outdoor Education Services as set out in paragraphs 39-37 of the report [i.e. sailing centre and canoe centre] to be subject to market testing to determine whether they are commercially viable with no public subsidy

(b)          options for future delivery of targeted youth services be explored through the phase 2 root and branch review;

(c)          should no suitable provider be found, the Director for People’s Services, be authorised to make arrangements to close the provision taking into consideration Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation that a report be submitted prior to any decision being taken;

(d)          In undertaking market testing the views of local Members, local community groups and other local authorities with experience of market testing be sought; and

(e)       As a service to the community the Council facilitate the use of its website to provide a source of integrated local knowledge about youth service provision and a forum for providers and community groups to share ideas and innovation.