Issue - decisions

Workforce Strategy

06/04/2009 - Workforce Strategy for 2009-12

THAT the Workforce Strategy for 2009-12 be endorsed.


04/04/2009 - Workforce Strategy

The Cabinet Member Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources introduced the report which outlined the joint workforce strategy for Herefordshire Council and NHS Herefordshire for 2009-12.


The Assistant Chief Executive HR and OD outlined key points of emphasis from within the report including the five objectives of the Workforce Strategy for 2009-12; (i) Recruitment; (ii) Talent Management; (iii) Retention; (iv) Training and Development and (v) Workforce Planning, all of which were underpinned by a series of deliverables and indicators of achievement.  Members were advised that the NHS Herefordshire Board had considered the Strategy at their meeting of 25 March and had, subject to the inclusion of reference to older people, endorsed the Strategy.


Members welcomed the Workforce Strategy for 2009-12 and emphasised its importance to underline the success of both organisation’s future.


During discussion the following issues were raised and responded to:


  • Assurance was sought and provided with relation to the provision of support from the local authority for looked after children in providing assistance in areas such as filling in application forms, accompanying letters etc.  Members were additionally informed that support was provided to school pupils.


  • Whilst it was stated that retention levels would be expected to improve due in large part to the current economic climate, it was recognised that the authority faced a challenge (as with other local authorities) in recruiting to Children’s Services posts due to the negativity surrounding recent events.  This situation was an organisational risk which would need to be addressed through a number of activities.


  • Good communication and decent opportunities would be important to encourage young people to return to the County.


  • Members were advised that, in general terms, most employees of organisations would leave due to career development or job change.  Further work would be undertaken on the current exit questionnaires to assist in providing a greater level of detail as to reasons for leaving.



                        That the Workforce Strategy for 2009-12 be endorsed