Issue - decisions

Herefordshire Connects Option Appraisal

04/08/2008 - Herefordshire Connects Option Appraisal


                     (a)          Herefordshire Connects be re-focused on implementing the three updated business cases and further developing these business cases jointly with the PCT as Herefordshire Public Services partners, as defined in section 5.3 of the report attached;

(b)                   Cabinet note the critical risks to service continuity of key ICT system failures. This is due to the current large number of inadequately connected systems requiring upgrades that would not achieve the Council’s ambitions for improving customer services and satisfaction, provide poor value for money or that are no longer supported by providers due to their age;

(c)                    The Council’s ICT system application portfolio be rationalised to achieve the minimum number of integrated applications by Joint Management Team and Deloitte conducting a two month evaluation of:

a.      the four market proven system providers for an integrated back office system and associated integration tools to enable integration between Council systems and where jointly approved, Council and PCT systems, as stated in Section 6.4 of the report attached;

b.      the two market proven system providers for an integrated environment and planning system, as stated in Section 6.4 of the report attached;

c.      market proven system providers for an integrated performance management system, as stated in Section 6.4 of the report attached;

(d)                   A report on the recommendations arising from (c) above be produced for the Cabinet in October 2008;

(e)                   The Customer Relationship Management System Upgrade should proceed to secure the significant increase in system efficiency and customer service standards. Deloitte advise this upgrade is already delivering these for other Council users of this system;

(f)                     The current Finance System Upgrade should proceed; which will address imminent service continuity risks; and

(g)                   The Joint Management Team implement Connects Programme Management arrangements based on Section 8 of the report attached to provide assurance to the Council, and where relevant PCT, of compliance with the applicable Procurement Policies and best practice in the Project Management risks, costs and the realisation of benefits for customers and staff.