Issue - decisions

Waste Collection Contract

04/08/2008 - Waste Collection Contract


                     (a)          A weekly refuse collection service is provided at the kerbside for all households in the county and that plastic sacks are used for this purpose.

(b)                   The kerbside recycling service is extended to as near 100% of the county’s homes as is practicable from the current level of c.75%.

(c)                    The recycling service should collect mixed materials from the kerbside including glass, paper, cardboard, plastic and metal cans and that the collections should be made fortnightly. The Council will provide a rigid container (a wheeled bin) for the purposes of collecting and presenting the recyclables. Householders may choose an appropriate sized bin from a number that will be offered.

(d)                   Both services (waste and recycling) will offer to anyone who has difficulty presenting waste and recycling at the kerbside (whether through old age, disability or other reasonable cause) a collection from any agreed part of their property.

(e)                   Officers, through the procurement process, explore all opportunities to add value to the new waste and recycling collection contract especially provision of additional services by contractor’s staff whilst undertaking their main duties. For example, the collection and delivery of library books from vulnerable people, reporting road defects, carrying out automated road condition surveys, the delivery and collection of community equipment such as walking frames and other aids, and any other possibilities that become apparent.