Agenda item

DCCE2006/0099/O - Royal National College for the Blind, College Road, Hereford, HR1 1EB [AGENDA ITEM 5]

Construction of halls of residence, sports and complementary therapy building, creation of floodlit outdoor sports pitch, residential development on 2.3ha and associated open spaces, landscaping, infrastructure, access roads, footpaths and cycle paths.


Construction of halls of residence, sports and complementary therapy building, creation of floodlit outdoor sports pitch, residential development on 2.3ha and associated open spaces, landscaping, infrastructure, access roads, footpaths and cycle paths.


The Principal Planning Officer reported that discussions had taken place in relation to the highways arrangements and that the Traffic Manager was now satisfied with the proposals.  It was noted that discussions were ongoing with the Strategic Housing Team regarding the type and mix of affordable housing and delegated authority was sought to resolve the matter, in consultation with the Local Ward Members and the Chairman.  It was reported that the draft Section 106 Agreement had been received from the applicant and was being assessed.  It was also reported that details of floodlighting had been received and were considered acceptable.


In response to a question from Councillor R.M. Wilson regarding the objections raised by a local resident, the Principal Planning Officer advised that some land was to be retained by the applicant in order to provide a ‘buffer zone’ between the existing and the proposed housing.  He also advised that the sports centre would be ‘acoustically balanced’ through noise attenuation measures in order to minimise disruption.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Adams spoke in support of the application.


Councillor D.B. Wilcox, a Local Ward Member, felt that the proposal was innovative and, if delicately managed, would provide marvellous facilities.  He noted the value of the site visit that had undertaken and the discussions held with the Aylestone Park Association.  He felt that the concerns regarding the loss of part of the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation would be overcome through the proposed new orchard within the Aylestone Park development.  He commented that the reduced affordable housing requirement, of 17.5%, appeared a good compromise in the circumstances and in view of the other benefits of the scheme.  He suggested that the contributions towards highways infrastructure should be more flexible to enable works to improve the College Road/Venns Lane/Old School Lane junction.  In conclusion, he felt that the opportunity to improve the campus should not be missed.


The Development Control Manager advised that the traffic management measures could be less proscriptive and further consideration given to how the funds were divided; although the overall total of contributions would remain the same.


Councillor A.L. Williams, the other Local Ward Member, felt that this was an exciting project.  He concurred that improvements were needed to the College Road/Venns Lane/Old School Lane junction.  He noted the need to address the concerns of local residents about noise.


Councillor Mrs. P.A. Andrews noted that the comments of Hereford City Council had been submitted before the negotiations had taken place in respect of affordable housing and traffic calming.


Councillor P.J. Edwards noted the efforts made by the applicant and the officers to bring this proposal to fruition.  He commented that the development of the facilities should be closely linked with the residential element to ensure that the scheme was progressed as envisaged.


Councillor J.G.S. Guthrie commented on the difficulties associated with the College Road/Venns Lane/Old School Lane junction and felt that this should be addressed as soon as possible.




1.                  That subject to the type, mix and method of delivering the affordable housing being agreed with Strategic Housing, Planning Services and the applicants in consultation with the Chairman and Local Ward Members.


2.                  The Legal Practice Manager be authorised to complete a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to incorporate points 1-6 of paragraph 6.15 of the report and any additional matters he considers appropriate.


3.         The planning obligation shall be completed and upon completion of the aforementioned planning obligation that Officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to issue planning permission subject to conditions.




As the application is a hybrid application, two different sets of conditions are required.  The wording of the conditions is still being discussed and agreed with the applicants.  However, conditions will be included to cover the following:


The halls of residence, sports developments and new pedestrian and vehicular access


Conditions regarding commencement of the development, phasing, materials, landscaping and its maintenance, tree protection, slab levels, floodlighting, opening hours, access and road construction, parking provision, foul and surface water drainage, earthworks and waste disposal, restriction on construction times, provision of public art.


Housing Development


Standard outline conditions regarding commencement and submission of the reserved matters details, phasing of the development and phasing of the construction of the affordable housing, access construction and internal road construction including traffic calming, tree and hedgerow protection, new orchard planting, foul and surface water drainage, maintenance of landscaping, footpath construction, restriction on construction times, boundary treatments, specification for the local area of play.

Supporting documents: